View Full Version : What's a good sweetener alternative

02-02-2021, 08:48 AM
I have a picky eater she will eat her HHB but no veggies or fruit. I need to get vitamin c in her and more fiber. I am going back to making her veggie balls I put veggies in the food processor and grind them up and put honey and peanut butter in them and make balls and freeze them and she likes that but I have to use a lot of honey. She is a fatty cake and I need to cut back on her sugar. What's a good alternative I can use instead of honey?

Charley Chuckles
02-02-2021, 09:15 AM
I like your idea, I may have to try that as I have one that's very picky.
So even if you put sweet peas in the mix that won't be sweet enough? Or just some almond butter?
Hum, that one I would have to think about🤔

02-02-2021, 09:38 AM
I make boo balls using unsweetened, organic applesauce as the binder. That might be better than honey. Also, cut out or reduce the peanut butter.

My boo balls are Teklad or Henrys block ground up, almonds ground up, applesauce binder. You can adjust the ratio of block to nut to make it more healthy or more tasty.

02-02-2021, 09:41 AM
I have struggled for 5 years with winnie. She is so picky !!! I made the veggies balls when she was 2 to 3 then she got picky about them too. I think with some of the picky eaters you really have to change things up so often lol . I love any advice and tips you all have.

Charley Chuckles
02-02-2021, 01:25 PM
Ok I tried chopping up the veggies by hand, added a small amount of almond butter, I didn't want to use enough to make a ball I just put it all in bowl and it got gobbled up😁 my only issue was how much was in giving, hard to judge. I will next time put the veggies in bowl like normal ( most is spring mix) them I'll chop it so I know the amount of food I'm giving 👍
I think I may use just a tiny bit of avocado instead of almond butter.
Mine do eat the boo balls too, I use the Teklad as well, ground up with either unsweetened apple sauce or baby yogurt. I roll then put in freezer or serve as is👍
Occasionally I grind a small amount of nuts to add to mix.

Thanks for this idea, I get so tired of the same ol, and I know my kids really get tired of it too 🙄

02-02-2021, 02:24 PM
Thank you for the idea too,
Picky eaters are so hard to please .
Like little toddlers that are very naughty LOL