01-28-2021, 08:24 AM
Hi I have a 7 month old male easteren grey.
He is on the Jersey healthy pets diet sheet, picky blocks 2 per day
Still eats formula fox valley 20/50 10 cc in the am , 5 cc at 2 pm and amd 10 cc at6 pm if he wants it.
I have looked for a diet sheet for that age but cant find 1.
According to my scale today he is 366 grams. Is that too small?
He has free roam with 24 hour supervision when out. Only is in cage for me to clean, shop, and dr visits for me.
He runs everywhere plays all the time.
Still sleeps in my hands and robe at 2 pm amd falls asleep around 7 30 pm every day.
He couldn't be soft released till this spring in 2021 due to his poor start in life.
Hoping he wields up slowly this spring so we cam see if he still has no fear of cats dogs and birds.
If he isnt fearful of them he will live out his life here with the supervision of his vet. This is pipet for those that knew him. My dad passed last year so I kinda been keeping 2 myself playing with pip.
Nancy, snickers papa bear are a few that knew him
I have never had 1 so active.
Attached are pictures317373317374
He is on the Jersey healthy pets diet sheet, picky blocks 2 per day
Still eats formula fox valley 20/50 10 cc in the am , 5 cc at 2 pm and amd 10 cc at6 pm if he wants it.
I have looked for a diet sheet for that age but cant find 1.
According to my scale today he is 366 grams. Is that too small?
He has free roam with 24 hour supervision when out. Only is in cage for me to clean, shop, and dr visits for me.
He runs everywhere plays all the time.
Still sleeps in my hands and robe at 2 pm amd falls asleep around 7 30 pm every day.
He couldn't be soft released till this spring in 2021 due to his poor start in life.
Hoping he wields up slowly this spring so we cam see if he still has no fear of cats dogs and birds.
If he isnt fearful of them he will live out his life here with the supervision of his vet. This is pipet for those that knew him. My dad passed last year so I kinda been keeping 2 myself playing with pip.
Nancy, snickers papa bear are a few that knew him
I have never had 1 so active.
Attached are pictures317373317374