View Full Version : Squirrel nesting on my window sill
01-27-2021, 06:29 PM
Hello. I'm new to the forum here. I thought I'd join since a fox squirrel has decided to nest on my window sill at the closest possible spot to where my head is when I sleep. She lets me take pictures and videos, so I've started a group of videos on Youtube. The most recent one is linked here (
01-27-2021, 11:17 PM
Wow, that's really special. I wonder if she was raised by someone, or just figured she'd take a shot at nesting close to the human because maybe people have fed her or whatever and she's had only good experiences with people, and you're a predator deterrent.
Just be on the lookout for her to suddenly decide to stress about being too close to you. I can't imagine that happening since she chose to be right there, but you never know. Although I guess if that should happen she'd just move them to a backup nest.
Just wook at dat widdle baby bottom, and baby tail, and baby feets . . . :Love_Icon
01-28-2021, 12:11 AM
Wow, that's really special. I wonder if she was raised by someone, or just figured she'd take a shot at nesting close to the human because maybe people have fed her or whatever and she's had only good experiences with people, and you're a predator deterrent.
Just be on the lookout for her to suddenly decide to stress about being too close to you. I can't imagine that happening since she chose to be right there, but you never know. Although I guess if that should happen she'd just move them to a backup nest.
Just wook at dat widdle baby bottom, and baby tail, and baby feets . . . :Love_Icon
For what it's worth, the window sill is on the second floor. Still, her nest is just a few inches from my head when I'm sleeping. The father (I'm assuming) had a habit of sleeping next to the window in the next room where I use the computer, with his feet on the window during the summer when the A/C was running. I figured he was trying to soak up the A/C.
Anyway, this mama squirrel originally started building a nest on the sill of the computer room, but an opossum frequently hangs out there (or at least used to), so I think she relocated in order to escape the opossum. Maybe she thinks the opossum will be afraid to get close to me. Whatever, I don't care. I am just enjoying it. :)
01-28-2021, 06:17 AM
That is so cool! And it’s a scrumptious Fox squirrel, too! It’ll be so much fun to watch the baby grow and see first hand how momma interacts with it. You’re very lucky! Thank you for sharing this experience. I hope you post regular videos so we can all witness this once in a lifetime experience. :w00t:Love_Icon
01-28-2021, 07:31 AM
What a unique way to enjoy seeing your squirrel neighbors! :dance
01-28-2021, 08:02 AM
For what it's worth, the window sill is on the second floor. Still, her nest is just a few inches from my head when I'm sleeping. The father (I'm assuming) had a habit of sleeping next to the window in the next room where I use the computer, with his feet on the window during the summer when the A/C was running. I figured he was trying to soak up the A/C.
Anyway, this mama squirrel originally started building a nest on the sill of the computer room, but an opossum frequently hangs out there (or at least used to), so I think she relocated in order to escape the opossum. Maybe she thinks the opossum will be afraid to get close to me. Whatever, I don't care. I am just enjoying it. :)
Wow! Clever boy! :cool:
That would have been a cute pic too.
Charley Chuckles
01-28-2021, 08:27 AM
This is AWESOME I just love her and her baby🥰
Does she only have one baby? Have you named them 😁
Can't wait for more pics/video 🤗
01-28-2021, 08:32 AM
So cool! Thanks for sharing! :w00t
01-28-2021, 05:32 PM
This is AWESOME I just love her and her baby🥰
Does she only have one baby? Have you named them 😁
Can't wait for more pics/video 🤗
Just one. No names yet, but I'm taking nominations (I have several on Facebook).
01-28-2021, 06:17 PM
OMG This is just the cutes, best thing ever! with such a view you could probably put together a documentary on how squirrel moms raise their babies *hint-hint ;)
01-28-2021, 08:12 PM
OMG This is just the cutes, best thing ever! with such a view you could probably put together a documentary on how squirrel moms raise their babies *hint-hint ;)
I'll be adding videos about daily to the same squirrel playlist.
BTW, I suspect the sex can be determined by the most recent video. What do you say? Boy or girl?
01-29-2021, 11:03 AM
The winning name for the mother is Noisette (French for hazelnut). No name for the baby yet.
Today, the father (I think, but maybe a neighbor squirrel) ventured out over my second floor window sill (other room), and he did something I'm wondering if people can explain. I have a Lady Banks rose climbing over the railing. He stopped every foot or two along his path to bite the plant and then rub his cheek where he bit. Is he marking territory? Donning perfume? Something else?
01-29-2021, 11:24 AM
Café is French for coffee. Call the baby Café then you have Hazelnut coffee :grin2
01-29-2021, 12:55 PM
[QUOTE=Chirps;1327694]Wow, that's really special. I wonder if she was raised by someone, or just figured she'd take a shot at nesting close to the human because maybe people have fed her or whatever and she's had only good experiences with people, and you're a predator deterrent./QUOTE]
It's so interesting she put No nest material along the glass, there has to be some level of comfort there, congrats on the instant family!
01-29-2021, 04:22 PM
[QUOTE=Chirps;1327694]Wow, that's really special. I wonder if she was raised by someone, or just figured she'd take a shot at nesting close to the human because maybe people have fed her or whatever and she's had only good experiences with people, and you're a predator deterrent./QUOTE]
It's so interesting she put No nest material along the glass, there has to be some level of comfort there, congrats on the instant family!
She rearranges the nesting materials regularly. Sometimes it's along the glass. Sometimes it's not. When it's along the glass, the photo opportunities are not as good, so I have little of that material. She does sometimes chew on the aluminum frame, though. I think the tends to go after the little bits that are sticking up and also shred large pieces into smaller ones.
01-29-2021, 04:35 PM
The winning name for the mother is Noisette (French for hazelnut). No name for the baby yet.
Today, the father (I think, but maybe a neighbor squirrel) ventured out over my second floor window sill (other room), and he did something I'm wondering if people can explain. I have a Lady Banks rose climbing over the railing. He stopped every foot or two along his path to bite the plant and then rub his cheek where he bit. Is he marking territory? Donning perfume? Something else?
Probably marking territory. I’ve watched males chew on tree limbs when they are participating in the mating chase and it sure looks like they do it out of frustration.
01-29-2021, 05:48 PM
I’m pretty techie illiterate. How do I access the new videos. The only one I’ve accessed is the one for Day 4.
01-30-2021, 12:40 AM
I’m pretty techie illiterate. How do I access the new videos. The only one I’ve accessed is the one for Day 4.
If you click on the link in Post #1 to see that video, once you're on YT you can click on the purple circle with the "V" in it next to Victor's name. That will take you to his channel, where you can subscribe and see the new videos as he posts them to his channel.
01-30-2021, 12:45 AM
I'll be adding videos about daily to the same squirrel playlist.
BTW, I suspect the sex can be determined by the most recent video. What do you say? Boy or girl?
I keep watching it, but every time the required area is about to come into view, the little stinker pushes its bottom down etc. At one point as it's burrowing down, it totally upends like a duck or a humpback whale and just as that area is coming into view it clamps its hind feet together, almost like it doesn't want us to see its private bits. I thought I saw a boy bit, but it just moves too fast to be sure. :dono
island rehabber
01-30-2021, 07:46 AM
victorengel, I truly hate to be a buzzkill but I gotta bring this up; would never forgive myself if I didn't:
Be very, very careful with that male squirrel hanging around. "Fathering" squirrels don't exist; squirrels are a mammal where the mom does everything and dad does not participate or help. EXCEPT: like in other mammal species, some dominant males will actually kill a female's babies in order to be able to impregnate her with HIS sperm. Yep, nasty it is, and truthful as well. That bruiser may be hanging around for just this reason and I pray he doesn't get a chance.
Just keep an eye on him. :get_em
01-30-2021, 08:16 AM
victorengel, I truly hate to be a buzzkill but I gotta bring this up; would never forgive myself if I didn't:
Be very, very careful with that male squirrel hanging around. "Fathering" squirrels don't exist; squirrels are a mammal where the mom does everything and dad does not participate or help. EXCEPT: like in other mammal species, some dominant males will actually kill a female's babies in order to be able to impregnate her with HIS sperm. Yep, nasty it is, and truthful as well. That bruiser may be hanging around for just this reason and I pray he doesn't get a chance.
Just keep an eye on him. :get_em
Witnessed this several times - males killing females babies. One male killed 2 babies right in front of me, he just kept going in the nest pulling babies out and killing them one at a time. Even with me trying to chase him away, he would not leave as he was not afraid of me. He also dropped 2 more babies to the ground, one was alive and in good shape the other was barely alive, bloodied up and dying in my hands from the males attack. I agree with IR - just keep an eye on him.
01-30-2021, 09:31 PM
victorengel, I truly hate to be a buzzkill but I gotta bring this up; would never forgive myself if I didn't:
Be very, very careful with that male squirrel hanging around. "Fathering" squirrels don't exist; squirrels are a mammal where the mom does everything and dad does not participate or help. EXCEPT: like in other mammal species, some dominant males will actually kill a female's babies in order to be able to impregnate her with HIS sperm. Yep, nasty it is, and truthful as well. That bruiser may be hanging around for just this reason and I pray he doesn't get a chance.
Just keep an eye on him. :get_em
Well, I have no control about that. She seems to do pretty well defending the nest. I watched them when they mated. She was very accommodating to him. However, when she's not receptive, she gives him what-for. This morning (or maybe it was yesterday morning), he ventured too close to the nest, and she chased him off with vigor. Then she came back to the nest and snuggled with the baby some more.
Day 6 apparently was uploaded successfully this morning from my iPad. It seemed unsuccessful, but when I tried uploading it again just now, it was already there. The sex is clearest in the day 6 video, I think. Day 7 ( is just uploaded and consists mostly of nest maintenance.
Thanks for explaining how to access the other videos. This is the first time I've linked videos together on youtube.
01-30-2021, 09:33 PM
P.S. Comments are not allowed on the youtube videos because I'm making them for kids, and youtube doesn't allow comments on those videos.
01-30-2021, 10:07 PM
victorengel, I truly hate to be a buzzkill but I gotta bring this up; would never forgive myself if I didn't:
Be very, very careful with that male squirrel hanging around. "Fathering" squirrels don't exist; squirrels are a mammal where the mom does everything and dad does not participate or help. EXCEPT: like in other mammal species, some dominant males will actually kill a female's babies in order to be able to impregnate her with HIS sperm. Yep, nasty it is, and truthful as well. That bruiser may be hanging around for just this reason and I pray he doesn't get a chance.
Just keep an eye on him. :get_em
Hmmm - I thought I already replied to this, but I don't see it. The mother is very good at defending her nest. She will chase off any other squirrels who venture too close. I don't think there's anything I can do other than watch.
Edit: Oh, I see. The comment started a second page.
island rehabber
01-30-2021, 11:49 PM
if you are sure he is the original baby daddy, he might be ok.
01-31-2021, 11:24 AM
if you are sure he is the original baby daddy, he might be ok. ��
... and if I'm not sure, there's nothing I can do (or should do, in my opinion).
02-01-2021, 07:14 PM
... and if I'm not sure, there's nothing I can do (or should do, in my opinion).
I think I’d have to disagree. I certainly wouldn’t be able to sit by with a vantage view....and access.....and watch a male squirrel kill an innocent baby. :eek:eek. I’d intervene in a heartbeat!
02-09-2021, 07:23 PM
[QUOTE=Chirps;1327694]Wow, that's really special. I wonder if she was raised by someone, or just figured she'd take a shot at nesting close to the human because maybe people have fed her or whatever and she's had only good experiences with people, and you're a predator deterrent./QUOTE]
It's so interesting she put No nest material along the glass, there has to be some level of comfort there, congrats on the instant family!
This update is especially for you.
02-10-2021, 12:08 PM
This update is especially for you.
02-19-2021, 01:34 PM
02-20-2021, 01:06 PM
Awe da baby :serene Are those plastic gloves in her nest ugg from people who can not be bothered to throw them in a trash can...sad!
Thank you for sharing this baby love it!
02-20-2021, 08:52 PM
Awe da baby :serene Are those plastic gloves in her nest ugg from people who can not be bothered to throw them in a trash can...sad!
Thank you for sharing this baby love it!
Not plastic gloves. I think they're either plastic vegetable bags or possibly some frost cloth from covering my plants for the cold. This neighborhood is pretty clean. Any plastic lying around probably accidentally fell out of a garbage bin while being emptied into the truck. Actually, come to think of it, a couple houses north of me is a house under renovation. They have one of those large dumpsters there. There was some plastic that blew out of that dumpster. I gathered up what I saw (some tangled in my roses) and threw them away, then contacted the people doing the renovation, telling them of the issue. They responded by making sure the plastic was better secured in the dumpster.
02-26-2021, 10:43 AM
Finally saw video that clearly identifies him as male. What a cutie!
02-26-2021, 05:01 PM
Finally saw video that clearly identifies him as male. What a cutie!
Clearest video yet - day 33.
02-26-2021, 07:18 PM
Awww how adorable! :klunk:Love_Icon. He must have been nursing at the beginning of the video. He looks very healthy so mom is doing a really good job. :Love_Icon
02-27-2021, 12:15 AM
Clearest video yet - day 33.
Yep, that's the one. I subscribed to your channel so the videos are USUALLY in my YT feed.
Heh, he looks like a gerbil now with that smooth haired tail.
03-16-2021, 11:55 AM
Yep, that's the one. I subscribed to your channel so the videos are USUALLY in my YT feed.
Heh, he looks like a gerbil now with that smooth haired tail.
First photo of the baby taken from outside.
03-16-2021, 11:57 AM
Here's a wider shot showing the nest. The plants covering the window sill are brown from the February freeze.
03-16-2021, 12:37 PM
:bliss :blowkiss
03-16-2021, 01:04 PM
Earlier in the thread someone commented about watching out for male squirrels. Today a male was at the other window marking the area with his facial scent glands. I saw him move toward the window with the nest, so I moved to that room and watched to see what would happen. When he got within 2-3 feet of the nest, the baby squirrel (the mother is off somewhere), who had been poking out the back door of the nest, scared off the adult male. He did this by making some quick motion which made a noise. He immediately dashed into the nest and proceeded to make the alarm noise that squirrels make - not the barking noise, but the other one. After a minute or two, he poked his head out the back door again.
Re: back door - there is a main entrance to the nest, which I call the front door. On the opposite end is a much smaller entrance, which I call the back door. The back door wasn't ever used until after the baby opened his eyes and was moving around. The first time I saw the back door being used was when another squirrel approached too close, and she burst out the back door at full speed to chase the squirrel away.
03-16-2021, 01:06 PM
03-16-2021, 02:19 PM
He’s such a cutie! :Love_Icon:klunk
03-28-2021, 03:55 PM
Wow that is so cool.
04-08-2021, 02:38 PM
Weaning is in full force now. Mama lies down on a railing to prevent access to her milk. The young squirrel tries to get access but is foiled. His most effective technique, which gets mama to stand up is to bite her heels. Needless to say, she's none too pleased with this behavior. Meanwhile, the little one snacks on my roses and bird food I've put out for the squirrels.
04-09-2021, 07:33 AM
You might try providing some Henrys blocks which can be purchased online at Henrys Pet. The picky blocks are well liked and are solid nutrition for baby and momma. Avocado (no skin or pit) and fresh coconut chunks, fresh corn on the cob, sweet potato and butternut squash chunks are all healthy for them and will provide some options beyond bird food.
04-16-2021, 01:26 PM
Weaning is in full force now. Mama lies down on a railing to prevent access to her milk. The young squirrel tries to get access but is foiled. His most effective technique, which gets mama to stand up is to bite her heels. Needless to say, she's none too pleased with this behavior. Meanwhile, the little one snacks on my roses and bird food I've put out for the squirrels.
Last night there was a raccoon. Surprisingly (to me), there was no barking of the squirrels. They just made themselves scarce. When the raccoon approached the nest, I was going to chase it off by opening the window. When I reached for the window, the raccoon stepped back a step, so I just made menacing motions from my side of the window without opening it, and the raccoon went away. The squirrels returned a couple minutes later.
04-16-2021, 09:27 PM
It’s good that you were there. Raccoons will definitely kill a squirrel if they can get ahold of it. I worry that it will be back at night now that it knows the momma and baby are there.
04-17-2021, 09:16 AM
Is there anything that would keep raccoons or possums away? I see some raccoons occasionally in our neighborhood too. :(
04-17-2021, 06:14 PM
It’s good that you were there. Raccoons will definitely kill a squirrel if they can get ahold of it. I worry that it will be back at night now that it knows the momma and baby are there.
Well, the squirrels were not in the nest when the raccoon showed up. I was really just saving the squirrels from having to rebuild. The safety concerns were solved by the squirrels.
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