View Full Version : Tuff man!!!

01-19-2021, 02:26 PM
317326317327317328On October 28th 2020 I had just let Jojo and Sienna outside to potty before bed. We had bad weather, drastic drop in temp and lots of wind and rain. I sat down waiting on them to finish. I heard this screaming coming from the yard..at first I thought maybe they had caught a rabbit. I grabbed a flash light and ran to the yard. There on the ground were these two pink looking things. One screaming one not. I pushed the dogs away and scooped them up. When I got inside the little girl had passed away already. The little boy was still screaming very loudly. I grabbed a kitchen towel wrapped him up, frantically made a couple phone calls. I named him Tuff because from what I could tell he fell about 45 feet out of a nest that got damaged in the wind. I bought formula (wrong kind of course) and began the process of trying to keep this little dude alive. Y’all there was a lot of sleepless nights in this process. If I wasn’t awake just making sure he was breathing to waking up to feed him. Pinkies are no joke, but I’ve never done anything more fulfilling. I watched him grow one day at a time. I was standing there when he opened his eyes for the first time. When he finally started walking without wobbling around. From 1/2cc to 30cc’s I have 4 cages for him. One was a baby cage, one was a carry cage for back and forth to work, then a bird cage, now a three level 4 foot cage. We call it the penthouse. I’ve cried over this little guy a lot. I laughed a lot also. I still don’t know if I’m doing everything right by him, but I am giving it my best shot. He is my first rescue/rehab/release when it is time.

Rock Monkey
01-19-2021, 05:37 PM
He's cute. He's lucky to have someone that cares so much.

They will definitely give you some grey hairs. You definitely have to work hard to stay ahead of their ever expanding realm of exploring and naughty tricks and dubious choices, whether that making a crazy leap or trying everything to see what might be edible.

01-19-2021, 06:53 PM
He's cute. He's lucky to have someone that cares so much.

They will definitely give you some grey hairs. You definitely have to work hard to stay ahead of their ever expanding realm of exploring and naughty tricks and dubious choices, whether that making a crazy leap or trying everything to see what might be edible.

You aren’t telling me nothing..lord today I had 4 heart attacks alone. I think sometimes he just puts his trust in me and the good lord and goes for it. I was sitting in the recliner with him today, he went for the picture frames on the wall, I gave him a 10 cause he stuck the landing, but you could tell he was like crap...so I stuck my arm out and he was like whew ok. I had to tell him 12 times today the Mountain Dew can was not for him..🤦🏻*♀️ But man I love this little guy!!!

01-20-2021, 12:22 AM

01-20-2021, 07:13 AM
You did good! :great He’s cute as a button and looks like he’s full of mischief. You’ve definitely been touched by squirrel magic. It’s a special feeling and you’ll never be the same. Welcome to the Nut House! :Love_Icon

Charley Chuckles
01-20-2021, 07:33 AM
Adorable sweet boy 🥰 and yes once touched by a squirrel there is no going back! Then again no one ever wants to go back before squirrel love :blowkiss
Great job! :w00t

Snicker Bar
01-20-2021, 10:00 PM
For a first baby you’re doing an amazing job! :)


Rock Monkey
01-21-2021, 02:45 PM
You aren’t telling me nothing..lord today I had 4 heart attacks alone. I think sometimes he just puts his trust in me and the good lord and goes for it. I was sitting in the recliner with him today, he went for the picture frames on the wall, I gave him a 10 cause he stuck the landing, but you could tell he was like crap...so I stuck my arm out and he was like whew ok. I had to tell him 12 times today the Mountain Dew can was not for him..����*♀️ But man I love this little guy!!!

They are fearless. "Go for it!" is their motto. I quickly learned that there is pretty much no place in the room they won't try to get to and eventually they will be able to get there. She has leapt off my shoulder onto the top of the door as I was beginning to pass through it. Fortunately, I stopped closing the door.

First time she hit the ground as a little thing, I was like "Oh Crap." She got up and tried the 18" leap again so I put a pad down because I realized that she wasn't going to stop trying.

Slowly over time more and more objects have stowed away somewhere. There hasn't been a container or bottle that she hasn't tried to get into. Child proof cap, no problem.

They will take negative attention if they can't get positive attention. They have a list of all of the things that they aren't supposed to do. They are very observant and know what sounds correspond to what.

They can be noisy rambunctious, but they also possess a stealth mode and are perfectly capable of moving about in the dark. They will climb into the fridge, they know where the food is, be sure to stack things in a sturdy way.

If an object that they landed on starts falling, they accelerate and keep leaping until things stop falling down.

I have learned to walk slow so as not to be a moving target. Otherwise, you might get a squirrel in the face.

01-21-2021, 04:29 PM
They are fearless. "Go for it!" is their motto. I quickly learned that there is pretty much no place in the room they won't try to get to and eventually they will be able to get there. She has leapt off my shoulder onto the top of the door as I was beginning to pass through it. Fortunately, I stopped closing the door.

First time she hit the ground as a little thing, I was like "Oh Crap." She got up and tried the 18" leap again so I put a pad down because I realized that she wasn't going to stop trying.

Slowly over time more and more objects have stowed away somewhere. There hasn't been a container or bottle that she hasn't tried to get into. Child proof cap, no problem.

They will take negative attention if they can't get positive attention. They have a list of all of the things that they aren't supposed to do. They are very observant and know what sounds correspond to what.

They can be noisy rambunctious, but they also possess a stealth mode and are perfectly capable of moving about in the dark. They will climb into the fridge, they know where the food is, be sure to stack things in a sturdy way.

If an object that they landed on starts falling, they accelerate and keep leaping until things stop falling down.

I have learned to walk slow so as not to be a moving target. Otherwise, you might get a squirrel in the face.

Omg I get the squirrel in the chest all the time, also the one in the back. I do not pass by him unless I want a hitchhiker. He gave 13 heart attacks this morning before work..🤦🏻*♀️ He seemed to be overly curious about by female shih tuz this morning. He ran up in her face and reached his arms out like he was wanting to hug her..I died three times right there. Sienna was like huh what??? As he realized she didn’t know what to do, he kept wanting to touch her???? I kept intervening, Tuff is gonna make me die a lot sooner than I had hoped. Walked in the kitchen yesterday, he was hanging from the curtain rod up side down swinging?? Looked at me and kept swing but the swings got bigger!!!! I just stuck out my arm and bam he nailed the landing. He is very attached to me cause he panics if I leave the room. He still doesn’t make any noises except the humming, but the humming has started to get a little louder so to speak. But still no barking or anything like that, should I be concerned? He’s 13 weeks I believe. But anyways yes I am in for the ride of my life with this little guy.

Rock Monkey
01-21-2021, 05:23 PM
I have figured out and resolved a great many behavioral issues by reminding myself repeatedly, "Think like a Squirrel."

You may find it helpful to read some books about squirrels so you get a better idea of their life in the wild. The way these behavioral needs translate in captive settings can real give you so many things to think about. They are hardwired by their genetics.

01-21-2021, 05:49 PM
For a first baby you’re doing an amazing job! :)


Only with you help!!!! I can’t thank you enough!!!!

Snicker Bar
01-21-2021, 07:33 PM
I’m still learning and don’t know all the answers , but you will find amazing support here . The rehabbers and members here have been the best teachers :)

Rock Monkey
01-22-2021, 12:27 PM
Squirrels sort of understand the difference between bare skin and an area covered by clothing. They are capable of walking on a level surface without deploying their claws. However, when they get moving fast, either because they are super happy or because they are anxious/afraid, they deploy claws. Speed requires friction, friction requires claws. So when they are in high speed mode they sort of forget about the different between the vulnerability between bare skin and clothed areas. Be sure to say "Oh" if something he does hurts.

They do learn. They can be trained to a certain degree. Say "No" if they chew on something they are not supposed to. Be firm, but try not to yell, that puts them in primal, self preservation mode and constructive learning and association will not occur. They likely become more resistant, more persistent. Be persistent with "No", also be consistent. Praise them when they stop the unwanted activity, positive reinforcement, like with your dogs. So, I suspect this will come naturally to you.

01-22-2021, 02:06 PM
Tuff man is sooo cute!! :Love_Icon