01-08-2021, 10:05 AM
My shipment of pecans arrived yesterday. Luckily I was home so they didn’t sit on the doorstep long otherwise I’m sure they’d have been vandalized! :tap It must have been a bumper year for the pecan crop. These are HUGE pecans! I order from Ellis Brothers pecans in GA. They sell a 30# box of what they call “squirrel food” for roughly $63 delivered. No shipping charges! I bag them up in 2 gallon size ziploc bags and freeze them. This many pecans lasts me roughly 4 months and is only a portion of what my wilds get. They also get in shell hazelnuts and peanuts and shelled pecans, almonds and walnuts. Some of my guys are so picky they refuse anything but the nuts in a shell. :tap