View Full Version : Severe thunderstorm, scared squirrel!!
09-09-2007, 11:08 AM
Hi all,
Well last night I awoke to a terrible thunderstorm, shook the house!!!!
My first thought was "poor Roxie must be terrified". I ran over to her box, picked her up and cuddled her. She was shaking a bit, poor thing. I held her in my hand for the duration, a 90 minute Tstorm!!! I fed her after that, held her for another hour. She feel asleep in my hand at that point. What a night.
Come to think of it, I didn't even comfort the other little ones. But Roxie is the smallest and most helpless, so we have been concentrating our energies with her. Not saying we are neglecting the others, just she comes first right now.
Well, getting ready to watch the first game of the season. Still gotta coordinate a feeding. Watching the game with my squirrel by my side, life don't get any better than this!!!
Later all,
09-09-2007, 11:25 AM
That is odd that your little girl was afraid during the storm. My little guys are always really calm and just sleep right through it. Sometimes they get a little worked up during the first storm when they are in the outside cage, but not usually when they are that little. It reminds me of Tiny Spot, my little wild bunny that is afraid of storms and the outside and is just a little snuggle bunny. He shakes like a little leaf when it rains, even though he is inside in his cage where it is safe. When he was outside and it rained, he hopped out of his dry hiding place and just sat under the drip from the roof. Poor guy had that look on his face like he was going to freak out and die on me. He was fine once he got back to my room though. I am not sure why he is so afraid of the storms. It is weird how some babies get so frightened and others act like there is nothing up.
Mrs. Jack
09-09-2007, 11:26 AM
so sweet. She'll get used to them though.. I've been through more than one thunderstorm where my wilds are knocking on the door "hey YOU, stop cowering in there and break out the almonds!" Squirrels seem to be the mailmen of critters "neither sleet nor rain..." and expect me to be too :p
09-09-2007, 06:12 PM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
09-09-2007, 06:15 PM
My little ones hear the wind blow and they flip!!
09-09-2007, 06:35 PM
My wildies HATE thunder and lightening. They don't mind rain though--as long as there are treats to be had. And they certainly don't mind digging in the wet dirt (and leaving muddy little pawprints all over my patio furniture!) :D
09-09-2007, 06:56 PM
My wilds also they HATE wind but if its just rain they dont mind a bit..
Mrs. Jack
09-09-2007, 06:58 PM
*nods* Mine don't like strong wind either. And I hate watching them cling to a tree trunk when a gust hits. :(
09-14-2007, 11:53 AM
We had another thunder boomer and went to pick up Roxie to comfort her. Well this time she was calm and it seems the noise didn't phase her a bit. I might assume that these little tikes can adjust to their surrounding quite easily. She might have remembered the previous storm and knew we would be there and that no harm would come to her.
Could Roxie have actually had this thought process at such a young age??
Any ideas or comments????
09-14-2007, 12:27 PM
Awwww. Cute. I suspect more goes on in their little brains than we might think. She maybe feels safe now, where before she was more newly away from MOM and that just felt scary all by itself. :dono Or she's older now.... Or .....? :dono They are sort of hard-wired to know that windy storms are good only for hiding until they are over. :)
Mrs. Jack
09-14-2007, 02:07 PM
At this juncture I wouldn't put anything past a squirrel as far as thought processes etc. One can never ever get bored of them because they are continually fascinating.
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