I just wrote a detailed description and this thing froze and I lost everything. I'm going to summarize. My squirrel bud can run free or come home whenever he wants. He's 1.3 years old..The food he got from home over the last 3 or so weeks is Henry's healthy blocks, sugar snap peas,, grapes and the occasion prune he would steal. He doesn't stay gone more than 3 days usually. He come home the night before last ate and went to bed. The next morning he stayed in bed until later in the day before he got up got a snack/drink and went back to sleep. Late in the evening I noticed he doesn't look good. I picked him up carried him to the bed and he was wobbly when walking. We noticed a patch of hair missing but no puncture wound we could see unless its older and healed. His hair covers the bald spot so could be older. I got on rehab Facebook group im in and read the MBD article and thought he might have that so I followed instructions with the calcium I already had on standby from henry healthy pets. He got a does late last night and early this morning. Later in the morning I was getting responses to my post from rehabber in the group, she didn't think it was MBD because of feeding him the blocks from Henry's. She gave me the recipe for pedialyte and told me to flush him. I got him to take around 23ML. He's still very weak and just wants to sleep. Just looking for advice. Its gonna destroy me if he dies. I'm going to try to figure out how to post a video. Thanks.
11-30-2020, 05:43 PM
Video and or pictures would be helpful to assess his condition, please include the bald spot.
Have you been able to view how his poops appear?
11-30-2020, 05:50 PM
It likely isn't MBD due to his diet but adding some additional calcium for a bit isn't going to hurt, either. I agree with the hydration too. There is a saying: "The solution to pollution is dilution" and it is true in an aquarium, an ocean, or a body. He may have eaten something that made him ill so the more it is diluted in the body the less problems it can cause and the faster it will exit the body as urine. Furthermore, once they begin to feel ill, particularly if it is stomach related, they can stop drinking, with disastrous results. We have seen many times where that was the only actual problem. So hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - you can add a splash of fruit juice or honey or sugar to it if he starts to reject it.
Have you seen him poop?
Rock Monkey
11-30-2020, 07:17 PM
Are saying he spends time outside amongst the trees and inside with you?
If so he may have been attacked by a cat. Cat saliva is toxic to squirrels. If he was attacked by a cat he needs to be treated with antibiotics.
Thanks for the replies. So i gave him some more homemade pedialyte after I posted this, he didn't take as much as the first time but took a decent amount. He's gotten up twice and went pee for a long time. He also ate a little bit on his own a few times. When he got up to pee he seemed like he was getting around a little better and not quite so wobbly so im hopeful that hydrating him is working. I think he might got into something he shouldn't haveve To answer a question yes he can come into the house or go outside as he pleases. I built a cage with a tun nel going into my bedroom window, the cage door is left open.
12-01-2020, 07:32 AM
If you think he consumed something he shouldn’t have then continue to give him hydration to flush/dilute whatever substance it might be.
I’d also confine him to indoors only till you see he is doing ok. If he can’t maneuver well he’d be easy prey.
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