11-15-2020, 07:57 AM
I became a first time rehaber/life time squirrel "nut" when the neighbors cut down a tree and gave me two baby squirrels - two weeks old - and the local wild life reahab center was not open due to Covid. I transferred them into to their pre-lease cage around 12 weeks but unfortunately a few days in, the boy decided to release himself. :( I released the little girl at 14 weeks and she has a nesting box in my side yard, I see her everyday, she climbs on me and trusts me, etc. The past couple days I have seen a squirrel out there I thought was her but when I went out, it would run away but not like the wilds, not totally "I'm out of here' but rather just a few branches up the tree. A little more "hesitant" than the wilds. Not totally panicked to get away from me but wants his distance. This squirrel is about the size of mine and I am wondering if this may be my little boy! I think I will put up another box. Hopefully this guy (gal?) will claim it, whether it is or is not my boy. :)