View Full Version : Baby squirrel shivering uncontrollably.

11-15-2020, 05:49 AM
Hia squirrel lovers! Please help to save my baby boy. he’s shivering uncontrollably and he won’t stop shivering. he has been shivering for around an hour at least as far as I know.

Some background on my squirrel. My baby squirrel is an Indian Palms squirrel- two months old. He is the baby of my baby girl squirrel who has grown up with me since five weeks old. Two weeks ago he has lost 1/3 of his tail. These two months he seems like a healthy squirrel with a shiny coat and quite active. I did not handle him enough so he is quite terrified of me. Very very terrified I would say. There were a few instances when I really scared the hell out of him by accident. I also assumed he might be at risk with MBD. Because their diet is mainly consist of fruits nuts seeds and also puppy milk which I assumed had enough calcium. But his mom seems fine and she is nearly 1 year old. (Considering Indian palm squirrels live for 5 years at most) Or he could also get electrocuted because he he might have been chewing a wire. But I don’t know. I am just assuming.

Just an hour ago I heard him crying up on their nest and I wanted to check on him and when I got him I found him shaking uncontrollably. His leg was also twitching for sometime. Please help my baby squirrel please help me to save him.

What should I do should I hold him until he stops shaking or should I put him in a box in a warm place? Also how do I cure him and if it is NBD how do I give him calcium?

For a few days I have been searching for calcium carbonate powder. But here in India none of the six pharmacies I have been to have pure calcium carbonate. They only have calcium carbonate with D3. Is it safe to give a squirrel calcium with 3-D on a regular basis? If I have no other options. I did also find calcium without D3 but with magnesium and zinc. Which one is better? Or maybe chalk for small animals can be used instead of calcium carbonate?

Please help!!

11-15-2020, 06:56 AM
I am not clear what is going on but the shivering could be a pain reaction, he could be cold, he could have fallen and have some type of neurological issue and/or he could be having a seizure. If he was electrocuted, you may be able to see a burn injury.

I would place him in a warm, dark container, in a quiet room and place some molasses on his lips.

You do not want to give him too much vit D3. In the short term, you could take an egg shell, boil the shell pieces to sterilize, crush up to a fine powder and use that as a calcium supplement.

11-15-2020, 07:58 AM
Here is the MBD protocol for treatment. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?32122-MBD-Treatment I would suggest beginning it. If this is not MBD the extra calcium won’t hurt him and could save his life.

Here is how you make calcium powder from egg shells. https://www.peteandgerrys.com/blog/diy-eggshell-calcium-powder

In America we have a product called Tums. It is an antacid for people to treat for heartburn. The product is calcium carbonate with some flavorings. You can crush or dissolve the tablet in some water and give it by syringe. Maybe you have something similar in India. https://www.tums.com/about/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwMP9BRCzARIsAPWTJ_Gahc8vmlpNtZ7eWEg SHyjcnEvz3YUZkJQ3oF2KmXJcxljbWn14LTcaAvoKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

11-16-2020, 07:36 AM
How’s your baby doing?

Rock Monkey
11-16-2020, 10:29 AM
Is your squirrel still shivering?

Sometimes they can get really scared and it can take them hours to calm down.