View Full Version : Big Thanks to TSB
10-23-2020, 02:41 PM
Just wanted to give a big General Thank You for this forum. It's been nice to just look stuff up and get answers to my curiosities...thankfully, we've had no health issues after finding her dehydrated and underweight and have a happy and healthy girl but that wouldn't have been possible without this forum.
I posted new pics...we changed her name in the 2nd week to Chiquita (like the Banana brand) not because she eats bananas but because she started out so small. I'm thankful to have had this forum as a resource during this very unique adventure!:blowkiss
10-23-2020, 02:57 PM
Awww... Such a pretty little girl! :Love_Icon
10-23-2020, 10:50 PM
Chiquita is beautiful. I think I might see a little mischief :icon_devil in those eyes. :grin2
I’m glad you took the time to research her needs.
10-24-2020, 08:51 AM
Chiquita is beautiful. I think I might see a little mischief :icon_devil in those eyes. :grin2
I’m glad you took the time to research her needs.
She is quite mischievous but, to my surprise, she listens and understands words like "no-no," "ow," "what are you doing?" ... we have a bit of an exercise routine here. She starts it...light nibbling and flipping herself over my hand...then I run my hands around and chase and flip her and "box" a little...she also chases a rubber ball down the hall...and we play "dodge." lol
just when I think she's worn out (bc I usually am), she'll pause for a few moments then provoke me again to do it!
She goes outside with me when I garden, usually stays pretty close by. Yesterday she went WAY up a tree which scared the c**p out of me but she enjoyed exploring outside for about two hours, supervised and never far from me. She didn't come down when I called her to but did when I started to walk toward the house. She's only 10 weeks and not yet adult size so I know it's not release time.
I planned on doing pre-release soon and release at 5 months? she's in her pre-release cage and spends a few hours in it outside, the rest in our garage where it's cooler and quiet, when she's not chillin with us in the house or screened porch.
The biggest question/issue I have just discovered is (and I kind of already know the answer...) she goes to everyone. I didn't know that until my neighbor came in unexpectedly with my husband last week while she was out in the house with me. She ran over and jumped onto his shoulder. Two days later, same happened with my daughter, her husband and my grandkids (we put an oversized hoodie on them just in case so they wouldn't get scratched). She explored everyone, gave ear nibbles etc. She does still have fear of sounds, quick movements etc. but seems to have lost her fear of humans? She let them pet her and everything. I told my husband at that point that I'm pretty sure we can't release her later - which would be fine with us...I just wanted to do what's best for her. Any suggestions regarding this topic would be greatly appreciated.
I will post pics of her with my son-in-law and daughter so you can see...she gave and received so much love!:blowkiss316763316762316760316761
island rehabber
10-24-2020, 09:15 AM
mamaardilla, your Chiquita and your family are adorable. You've done a great job raising this squirrel, but I have to be "Debbie Downer" right now because it is a matter, literally, of life and death:
Chiquita at 10 weeks old is way too young to be out and about in the trees, even if only in your yard. Her real squirrel mamma would not allow her to be more than several feet from the nest for another 2-4 weeks or so, which is why rehabbers typically start the release process at 14 weeks at the least. If she got spooked by something (a circling hawk, a barking dog, etc) she could run off and not be old enough to survive out there.
As for her friendliness, not a good thing. People are ignorant about squirrels and a friendly squirrel can be regarded as RABID, because people have been told that rabid wildlife will appear "overly friendly" ! Squirrels have been kicked into walls because they innocently jumped onto people's legs or shoulders....
Chiquita's wildness has not kicked in yet -- generally this occurs at 12 weeks old or later. At that point, your loving girl may turn into a nippy, bitey little hellion overnight. Seriously. There are so many threads on TSB here, from bewildered members, who have that exact thing happen. One day sleeping on their shoulder in front of the TV, the next day biting them in the face. They are wild creatures, and 99% of the time, the Wild wins out.
Begin her release process and distance yourself from her as much as possible. It will kill you, but she will understand and want to begin this new phase of her wild life. It's what she was born for, what God intended. Sorry if I upset you :grouphug.
NOTE: Just noticed you are in Florida. If she decides she does not want to be wild, and wants to stay with you, the good news is that it's legal in Florida!
10-24-2020, 05:41 PM
Dear Island Rehabber - First, and foremost, THANK YOU for starting the response with a compliment :) She really is a lover and we love her so much! I am answering each of your sections within the quoted reply.
mamaardilla, your Chiquita and your family are adorable. You've done a great job raising this squirrel, but I have to be "Debbie Downer" right now because it is a matter, literally, of life and death:
Chiquita at 10 weeks old is way too young to be out and about in the trees, even if only in your yard. Her real squirrel mamma would not allow her to be more than several feet from the nest for another 2-4 weeks or so, which is why rehabbers typically start the release process at 14 weeks at the least. If she got spooked by something (a circling hawk, a barking dog, etc) she could run off and not be old enough to survive out there.
*** Thank you for this information. I was unaware and would NEVER want her to be scared or run off. I will keep her from doing so for a few more weeks. Thank you. ***
As for her friendliness, not a good thing. People are ignorant about squirrels and a friendly squirrel can be regarded as RABID, because people have been told that rabid wildlife will appear "overly friendly" ! Squirrels have been kicked into walls because they innocently jumped onto people's legs or shoulders....
Chiquita's wildness has not kicked in yet -- generally this occurs at 12 weeks old or later. At that point, your loving girl may turn into a nippy, bitey little hellion overnight. Seriously. There are so many threads on TSB here, from bewildered members, who have that exact thing happen. One day sleeping on their shoulder in front of the TV, the next day biting them in the face. They are wild creatures, and 99% of the time, the Wild wins out.
**** Also didn't know this or see the threads. That would be awful, especially for the little ones ****
Begin her release process and distance yourself from her as much as possible. It will kill you, but she will understand and want to begin this new phase of her wild life. It's what she was born for, what God intended. Sorry if I upset you :grouphug.
**** Thinking about not having her in my daily life does upset me BUT I have always kept the mindset of loving her wholeheartedly knowing I'd soon have to let her go (If she's healthy and willing to do so). I'm an animal lover, in general, and would love to keep her but I would free bad if she was a pet against her will. We have discussed it many times...It's like that old saying...If you love something, set it free (using proper guidelines). If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was. That's what I've focused on this whole time. That and we joke about her finding a boyfriend lol Before meeting/finding her, I had name some of the squirrels in our yard - Michael is the biggest, fattest squirrel around her and easy to distinguish. Lefty had an open wound on his left shoulder (escaped a hawk I imagine) that healed but left a scar. Stuff like that...we discuss daily releasing her so as to prepare ourselves as much as her. She's brought such joy to our lives during a difficult time. :Love_Icon
NOTE: Just noticed you are in Florida. If she decides she does not want to be wild, and wants to stay with you, the good news is that it's legal in Florida!
Thank you, I had researched that myself as well.
I will take your advice and start distancing myself. So, my other concern has been release, by my calculations, in like January...should I overwinter her? Or is that not such an issue here in Florida?
Thanks again. This forum truly has been AWEEEEEEESOME and so very helpful. It would have been impossible without you guys! :hug:grouphug
10-24-2020, 06:30 PM
It depends where you live in Florida. The temps in the northern part of the state can get pretty nippy compared to the southern part of the state. Also, some Florida folks may have a lot of trees that lose their leaves so therefore there’d be no tree cover. Other areas of the state have palm trees. :grin3
If she is not pacing and anxious to be free then I’d err on the side of letting her be older when released. I think older squirrels are better prepared.
10-24-2020, 06:58 PM
It depends where you live in Florida. The temps in the northern part of the state can get pretty nippy compared to the southern part of the state. Also, some Florida folks may have a lot of trees that lose their leaves so therefore there’d be no tree cover. Other areas of the state have palm trees. :grin3
*** We just moved here last December. There were some leaves left on the trees but it appears the squirrels make their nests in the spanish moss. There were some cold nights (we live in Dunnellon, near the Ocala line). I believe we covered our pool filter and well twice because the overnight temp approached freezing but, from what I'm told, that was rare.
If she is not pacing and anxious to be free then I’d err on the side of letting her be older when released. I think older squirrels are better prepared.
I haven't seen her "pacing" ever but, quite frankly, she's out a lot. She roams the house 2-3 hours in the morning (that's when we have playtime) and again in the evening before bed. When she's in her cage, she runs around it, jumps from side to side, buries herself under the covers, climbs up the tree limb and lays on it all sprawled out. I imagine I'll see a difference in "pacing" should it occur.
She's still asking for milk replacer and I give it to her but she's not drinking as much as she was. I think it's more habit than anything else at this point. By asking, I mean she goes to the refrigerator or, if I've washed the little tupperware square I keep it in and it's in the dish strainer, she jumps on the dish strainer and gets it out. Noboby believes me when I tell them how smart these animals are. It's has a green lid. She never gets the wrong one. Do they even see in color? Or maybe it's the shape. Anyway, I give her milk replacer in the a.m. and the p.m. before bed. In between she eats a variety of all the things suggested here on the forum and I just read the precaution yesterday about acorns...again, thanks TSB!
Again, thanks so much. I will plan on playing release by ear as far as weather goes and also watch for signals from her. Sounds like a plan!
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