View Full Version : New squirrel in the neighbourhood

10-21-2020, 09:30 AM
Good Day Everyone. I have been in my house for 12 years now and this month is the first time I have seen a squirrel in our back yard area. There used to be a lot of open area up behind me but it is all houses now so not much wildlife anymore. I heard a squirrel chirping a couple of weeks ago and ran out - sure enough there was one in my neigbour's tree. I have a small dog (Tia) and the squirrel was not too happy to see her, however, we have a cat in the area that loves to hide in my cedars and hunt birds. I have been getting Tia to chase the cat out of the yard so she is protecting the squirrel as well. I did go and buy some unsalted peanuts and it only took about a day for this squirrel to realize that we meant him no harm. He doesn't chirp and me, or Tia, anymore and has even came down from the tree when Tia was right there. She was pretty good about it and did not chase him - she is a min pin and loves to chase anything so I was pretty amazed at her. I joined this forum to find out a bit more of what I should be putting out for this squirrel. I think it is native red squirrel and not too old - its tail is pretty thin and I was told that was a sign of a younger squirrel. I love watching this little guy scurry back and forth as he grabs some food and goes and buries it in my spruce tree. Not sure of where his nest is but it is close. I am looking for some advise as to what NOT to feed him and will be searching the forum for info!

Thanks for letting me join...D&T

10-21-2020, 09:56 AM
Hi and welcome. Unsalted Peanuts are a tasty treat but not very nutritious, sort of like junk food for squirrels. Unsalted almonds and pecans are much healthier for a yard squirrel and can be helpful during the long winter months when naturally occurring food gets scarce. Don't leave food lying around overnight as that can attract raccoons, possoms etc. Your dog could well harm or kill this squirrel if she catches it. It is not that your dog is being bad or anything, it is just your dog's natural instincts to chase and bite small things that run away. So try to keep her away from the squirrel to some degree. The cat is probably a greater threat to this squirrel so your dog helping to keep the yard cat free is a good thing. You can also put out a small bowl of water. Try to change it daily or every other day to keep the water fresh and clean. Glad to hear that squirrels are making a comeback in your yard.

Good Day Everyone. I have been in my house for 12 years now and this month is the first time I have seen a squirrel in our back yard area. There used to be a lot of open area up behind me but it is all houses now so not much wildlife anymore. I heard a squirrel chirping a couple of weeks ago and ran out - sure enough there was one in my neigbour's tree. I have a small dog (Tia) and the squirrel was not too happy to see her, however, we have a cat in the area that loves to hide in my cedars and hunt birds. I have been getting Tia to chase the cat out of the yard so she is protecting the squirrel as well. I did go and buy some unsalted peanuts and it only took about a day for this squirrel to realize that we meant him no harm. He doesn't chirp and me, or Tia, anymore and has even came down from the tree when Tia was right there. She was pretty good about it and did not chase him - she is a min pin and loves to chase anything so I was pretty amazed at her. I joined this forum to find out a bit more of what I should be putting out for this squirrel. I think it is native red squirrel and not too old - its tail is pretty thin and I was told that was a sign of a younger squirrel. I love watching this little guy scurry back and forth as he grabs some food and goes and buries it in my spruce tree. Not sure of where his nest is but it is close. I am looking for some advise as to what NOT to feed him and will be searching the forum for info!

Thanks for letting me join...D&T

10-21-2020, 10:03 AM
Thanks...I had started to look up what to feed wild squirrels and saw that nuts alone are not good. I did put out some sliced carrots and apples and after one taste of the carrot the little brat spit it out. He did carry off the apples though. I am going to get some rat/rodent food and put it out. There is a lot of mention of Henry's blocks on this site but they are not available to me. I think this squirrel is ok as I have watched him nibble on the seeds from the tree but I would love to be able to help him/her get a good stash for the winter. We are just starting to get snow, and although we don't have a super long winter, it can still get to some pretty frigid temperatures. I am also not sure if wild squirrels go into a complete hibernation or if they do wander out on nicer days....if they do then I would love to be able to leave some healthier food out for him.

10-21-2020, 10:08 AM
My crude feeder I quickly set up yesterday...covered in snow today

10-21-2020, 10:51 AM
Very cute little guy :Love_Icon. I feed my yard squirrels boo balls which I make from ground rodent block, ground nuts, baby food and coconut oil. There’s recipes in the squirrel nutrition section. I supplement the boo balls with avocado chunks (no skin or pit), fresh coconut chunks and occasionally some fresh corn chunks. You can also try blueberries, strawberries, butternut or acorn squash with seeds, pumpkin with seeds, sugar snap peas and green beans. It’s a crap shoot what they’ll eat and what they won’t, but all these things can be eaten. The seeds are not particularly nutritious, but in moderation they’re fine.

10-21-2020, 11:20 AM
I am just starting to read up on what to feed or, at least offer to them. I was thinking of getting a small pumpkin and chopping it up and leaving that out for him...he seems to be a bit picky though, lol

One thing I was wondering about... I have an unprocessed fleece...is it wise to leave out some wool for them? Do they take it and make nests with something like that? I don't really know where this little has a nest but he seems to be pretty close to my back yard. So far I have only seen/heard him in the adjacent back yards to mine.

10-21-2020, 01:01 PM
My squirrels love pumpkin, mostly the seeds inside. You could leave some fleece out and see if takes it but honestly, good old leaves make a great, weather resistant nest and are easily replaced when needed.

I am just starting to read up on what to feed or, at least offer to them. I was thinking of getting a small pumpkin and chopping it up and leaving that out for him...he seems to be a bit picky though, lol

One thing I was wondering about... I have an unprocessed fleece...is it wise to leave out some wool for them? Do they take it and make nests with something like that? I don't really know where this little has a nest but he seems to be pretty close to my back yard. So far I have only seen/heard him in the adjacent back yards to mine.

10-21-2020, 04:47 PM
I have been searching online at all the local stores and cannot find almonds or pecans, in the shell...is it ok to feed roasted, unsalted almonds that have been shelled? I know that they would not last as long as in the shell but that is all I can find. Also, are walnuts ok? They are a bit easier to find still in the shell.

10-21-2020, 05:23 PM
Yes, both those are fine. You have to be very careful about nuts with a NR squirrel but wilds get a varied diet so it is not nearly as critical.

I have been searching online at all the local stores and cannot find almonds or pecans, in the shell...is it ok to feed roasted, unsalted almonds that have been shelled? I know that they would not last as long as in the shell but that is all I can find. Also, are walnuts ok? They are a bit easier to find still in the shell.

10-21-2020, 08:35 PM
I have been searching online at all the local stores and cannot find almonds or pecans, in the shell...is it ok to feed roasted, unsalted almonds that have been shelled? I know that they would not last as long as in the shell but that is all I can find. Also, are walnuts ok? They are a bit easier to find still in the shell.

You can order nuts in the shell online at nuts.com.

10-22-2020, 12:29 PM
You can order nuts in the shell online at nuts.com.

I am in Canada so the exchange rate would be way too much to get nuts shipped in (I deal with buying US money at work every day)...I looked for a Canadian site but haven't had much luck yet. Prices way too high and have to buy very large amounts. If this was a tame squirrel I would not hesitate but he is just a little outdoor buddy. I think as we get closer to November the stores will start to get some bulk in and I will get some then. For now, he will have to make do with what I put out and forage on his own.