View Full Version : My 1st baby grey squirrel
09-08-2007, 10:19 AM
Hi all,
I am new to this forum and kinda new to baby squirrel care. We just adopted a baby grey 2 weeks ago. She is now 3 1/2 weeks old. The reason we got her is that the person who found her abandoned, was feeding it whole milk for the first week of its life and almost killed it that way. Our friend called us and wanted us to try to save her. We are experienced raising a baby chipmunk and 3 flying squirrels, so we knew we could help.
We checked out several websites and found the puppy replacement to be the way to go. We stimulate her bowels, keep her warm and love to spend time with her. She is mildly dehydrated, so we are now alternating each formula feeding with the pedialite stuff. At 3 1/2 weeks, she can already walk around, but not with the best dexterity:).
She appears to be doing well, but I have a concern. Her eyes are already starting to open, but this is at least 2 weeks early!!! Is there any concerns for the eyes to open prematurely???? I know she is a bit advanced in walking, but could the same be true for the eyes?? I have not heard of this happening so early, so I just want to be sure things are okay.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
09-08-2007, 10:52 AM
I think GB is probably right. If the baby was without its mom for a while it was probably already a little scrawny and then feeding the little tyke cows milk probably made him even scrawnier. So, he is probably more like 5 weeks old but looks like he is 3 weeks old. It is just a guess. Either way, the baby should be fine if it is now on the right formula and feeding schedule and is gaining weight.
09-08-2007, 11:11 AM
Hi again, and thanks for the welcome!!!!!!!!!!
We do know that she is exactly 3 1/2 weeks old. We also suspected she was older than that, but the person verified that they were still in their sacks on the 16th of Aug, so must have been born the day before.
I am excited that "Roxie" is opening her eyes, but concerned as it appears way to early. She is very playful, when we pick her up, she gallops around in our hands, nudging her nose in between our fingers and starts licking us, making little cute chirping sounds. She is truely happy when we pick her up.
My girlfriend and I take turns feeding her, every 3 1/2 hours, like clockwork.
My girlfriend is very dedicated to all our pets and she really got me involved in the caring process for Roxie and I must say, I look forward to my turn to help nurture her!!! She is a sweetheart and we consider her our own little baby at this point!!
Any other ideas about her "early eyes"? Maybe I am just being a overly protective daddy, but I want to be sure all is well. I have attached some pics of all our little ones.
talk soon
09-08-2007, 11:27 AM
Sorry about the poor res on the squirrel pics, but you get the idea from them.
I agree that she doesn't look fully the age of some others her age, but as you both said, her first week of being unknowingly malnutrished, has hindered her physical development a bit.
What really surprises me is how strong she has become in the 2 weeks we have cared for her. She sometimes digs her paw into the palm of my hand, and I jump a bit, almost feels like she bit me!!!
We just started weighing Roxie on a gram scale. She was 23 grams as of 2 days ago. I will continue to monitor her weight every 2 days now.
Anyway, I know to keep her out of direct sunlight, even moreso now. But I like to take her for walks outside, gently gripping her in the palm of my hand. She gets a big reception from our neighbors when we walk by!!!!
Whoops, time for her next feeding, talk soon all,
Roxie is a red squirrel, not a gray squirrel. She is approx 5-6 weeks old in the picture.
09-08-2007, 12:24 PM
The picture of her asleep in her white blanket with the pretty pink blanket stitch around it is adorable! BUT.......that blanket stitch is an accident waiting to happen! It would be all too easy for her nail or foot or leg to get caught in it and do some serious damage. So I would advise either keeping that blanket just for pictures, or removing the blanket stitch around it. (I know, it always tugs at my heart a little to remove the pretty edging, too. But just grit your teeth and rip it off!) If you cut the right thread, you should be able to just pull it and it will unravel all around the blanket. Just keep trying threads until you find the right one.:jump
09-08-2007, 12:49 PM
Thanks, GB for the compliments!!!
Roxie was dehydrated, as I mentioned previously. Her skin was tenting when pinched for about 5 seconds before going flat again. I had to start a regiment of the Pedialite, for several feedings, then another of formula. In one day, she appears almost normal. The skin flattens out in less than 1 second. The body has a lot less wrinkles too. I will now do 2-3 formula and one rehydrater feeding if needed to maintain her moisture content. (If I sound knowedgeable, it's because of all the good sites on the internet for upbringing of the little devils).
I just finished her last feeding and was amazed to see her looking at me!!!!
I know she probably saw nothing to maybe a shadow at most, but it was wicked cool!!!!
Here's a few more pics of the crew.
09-08-2007, 12:52 PM
Sorry guys, I know I need to resize my pics before uploading, didn't think of it.
As for the stitching, I would have never thought about that. I will get GF to do the seamstress stuff.
09-08-2007, 12:53 PM
Is roxie the little squirrel that doesn't have her eyes open in the pictures? The one laying on her side? If she is a foxer or grey squirrel and is opening her eyes at 23 grams, there is a SERIOUS problem. She looks very scrawny and dehydrated in the picture. If that is her, she needs to get to a rehabber ASAP.
Sorry, just looked again and I thought the first picture you posted was of Roxie. Roxie is the one that is lying on her side. She is severely starved if she weighs only 23 grams. She should be closer to 100 gms when her eyes open. Do you have a rehabber that would be willing to help save her? She needs help immediately.
09-08-2007, 03:16 PM
Yes, that is Roxie, but don't worry, I have taken care of the dehydration problem. That pic was 3 days ago. She is eating every 3 1/2 hours, taking
2.5 ml of puppy replacement. She was on Pedialite, for 2.5 days, for dehydration. The skin was tenting, for 5 secs. before going flat, showing mod dehydration. As of now, the clasping of skin, goes flat in 1 sec. indicating a normal hydration. She is very strong, can hang 10 on my finger and pull her whole body up and over instantly. I have done a lot of research and we have had 4 little critters, which we raised from a bottle. Roxie is a little small. This is because someone tried caring for her for 8 days after birth with whole milk, almost killed her. We are doing the right thing. Please read previous threads.
Thanks for your concern.
09-08-2007, 03:19 PM
I should have mentioned that she is only 3.5 weeks old.
I also weighed her an hour ago, she is now 30gms. She is gaining weight each day and is very active and can climb my shirt.
09-08-2007, 03:20 PM
i'm going to give my opinion based solely on the hope that roxie will survive and grow to be happy, ok?
i really don't see this as a good situation for roxie- it's better than most folks that you've raised some other critters, but roxie looks and sounds like she might have some problems that need to be addressed.
her belly appears distended, and her anus looks swollen. as gabe mentioned, she's severely underweight and the fact that her eyes are opening early isn't great either.
i think everyone who loves squirrels should have the chance to help a baby squirrel. it's a wonderful experience. but right now, for roxie, i think the best way to help her is to give her to someone experienced. if she seemed like a completely healthy case, i would encourage you to raise/release her. but she needs help. please consider the options best for her survival. :peace :Love_Icon
09-08-2007, 09:30 PM
About the pictures, they are 10 days old, not three days. Someone seems to have not read the earlier postings, to note critical facts, or how they were handled before coming to a conclusion. They also failed to ask any questions about jack sh&&&t either. Are you a scientist? If you are educated, there should be about 50-100 questions you should be asking me about the status of Roxie and a lot of variables to each one. If I had a video cam, I would show everyone how happy and lively she is. "It always takes one A$$ to tick someone off on a nice website, thanks"!!
I don't have to justify myself to anyone, come to think of it. I won't ever write here again. Thanks thunderasssquirrel for your comments. I bet people around your house don't like you either, just like me. Stop being a dominating jerk.
Tell him thanks guys......
09-08-2007, 09:38 PM
Chipper your babies are all beautiful and dont let one persons opinion scare you out of here.....We really are a loving group who are very passionate about the best quality care a baby can get. ANd thats the bottom line.
Now you just stay right here and dont leave us!:thankyou for sharring your babies with us you are doing a wonderful job.
By the way that chippie is about as sweet as sweet can be!
Thank you for saving the baby squirrel.
09-08-2007, 09:56 PM
09-08-2007, 10:06 PM
Please do not leave! Thundersquirrel only wants what is best for the squirrel. For your info. she is only 18 and has already dedicated her life to saving these precious creatures. How many 18 year olds do you know that spend almost all their time raising baby squirrels. Her and her mom have even run a hotline for wildlife calls. That takes dedication. So, please do not jump to conclusions yourself based on one post by someone. She is very concerned about Roxie as I and many other people on this board are. We do not mean in any way that you are not doing a good job with her or anything, it is just that she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo small for her age and looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo weak. She may very well have a parasite or infection or who knows what that we do not know about by the pictures. A rehabber would be able to treat her for these things. Also, with a rehabber, Roxie could have other squirrely friends her own age to grow up with and be released with.
Even at 30 grams and only being 3 and a half weeks old, Roxie is still VERY small for her age. She should be at least 65-70 grams at her age. I have 3 foxer babies that are 4 weeks old (eyes still closed) that are all right around 90 grams. So, Roxie is extremely small for her age. I understand that it is NOT your fault and that the person that had her before you fed her cows milk which is very bad for squirrels and probably explains a lot of the problem. That does not mean that she is just fine now that she has switched formulas. It seems like there is more going on than just the formula that was fed to her. So, PLEASE consider taking her to a rehabber or at least getting ahold of a rehabber and talking to them about Roxie.
09-09-2007, 01:12 AM
Hi Chipper99,
Hoping you take at least one more look at this thread.
Your post at 1:16 mentions that the pic is three days old, while your post at 7:30 says that it is 10 days. I'm sure you're aware that at this point in the kit's life, a lot can happen within hours, nevermind days.... for better or for worse. If there was a misunderstanding, it was based upon the information as posted.
You did ask for feedback in your first post- and you got it, free for the taking, from committed and caring individuals who take rehabbing seriously. Maybe it wasn't what you wanted to hear, but let's face it. That little one's life is entirely in your hands, and you'll do whatever you feel is best, regardless of what gets posted here.
If you're willing, it could only help this little one to see an actual rehabber for a checkup. That individual will not confiscate the squirrel, and might tell you a few things you weren't aware of that may become critical later on in the squirrel's development.
I believe you want to help this little one, and like yourself, I hope she grows up strong and healthy. She deserves every chance.
09-09-2007, 01:52 AM
chipper, i'm really sorry if i offended you!
i just didn't want to lie to you! of course i'm not a scientist, but when it comes to squirrels, everyone here cares most for the health of the squirrel. like SRBT said, i may be eighteen, but i've seen a lot of squirrels in my time and, based on the pictures, your baby did not look healthy.
if what you say is true, and those are old pictures, could you post fresh pictures on here? it's very confusing to be told one thing and shown another.
please don't leave the board; if you won't give this baby to a rehabber, then getting advice from us is the next best thing. and even if you've written me off forever, you shouldn't deny roxie the wisdom of the board. :dono
how about i stop posting on this thread? i don't mind- i can just focus on others if that will make you stay! :peace
09-09-2007, 10:38 AM
To Thundersquirrel
As I said in my private messages to you, You need to follow up, ask the right questions, analyze the facts, then draw a conclusion.
I never said any pics were current, you never asked me that either.
If you read every thread from my post, I would have expected 20 questions from you, at which point I would have answered. If this happened, you would probably be saying that I am getting things under control with her health.
From what I understand right now, you are a young girl and probably don't have enough life experience at this point. But you now need to take my advise and listen to my wisdom. Get all the facts before drawing any conclusion.
I have joined previous forums, one right after adopting my chipmunk and one right after adopting my flying squirrels. I had people like you, stating they were going to die, I am not doing the right thing, give them to someone who knows what to do. Well, 2 years later, gee, they are thriving and happy. This is the 3rd time someon like you bulls there way in with these comments, gets me all frantic about my baby. This is why I am so ticked off. You young lady are the straw that broke the camels back. My track record proves I can rear very young animals to adulthood.
I just hope you take my advise, because others have had issues with you on this forum before and it doesn't have to be that way. You are being counterproductive to what this forum stands for, and I don't think you see that. But once you realize it, this will be a better place for all that seek support and share their stories of their beloved little pets.
good day
09-09-2007, 10:51 AM
I just hope you take my advise, because others have had issues with you on this forum before and it doesn't have to be that way. You are being counterproductive to what this forum stands for, and I don't think you see that. But once you realize it, this will be a better place for all that seek support and share their stories of their beloved little pets.
Well thanks for getting us straightened out Bill, I'm sure the board will be a much better place now...
09-09-2007, 11:10 AM
Well, that said, I will drop the issue now. My point is made and I will not have any hard feelings. Have a good day all.
09-09-2007, 11:13 AM
Chipper, I am glad you have decided not to leave.
09-09-2007, 11:21 AM
Glad you are back. How is the little tyke doing today? What is her weight today? How much are you feeding her at each feeding (you may have already said, can't remember if you did don't answer and I will look back over the post, there are just so many baby squirrels on here it is hard to remember what we know about each one)? Can you get a current picture of her to post? Sorry for so many questions, but we want to get everything sorted out with the little girl and see where we are at with her recovery.
09-09-2007, 11:24 AM
Yes we are here to help in any way we can.
:wave123 Bill! :Welcome
I'm raising a baby grey squirrel also. I've had her for 32 days. The day I got Rosie she only weighed 10 grams. Today she is up to 70 grams. :) She is still small for her age, but doing well. Rosie opened her eyes a little early also. She was around 28 days old.
I also have a five year old pet squirrel named Roxy. :Love_Icon
I'm glad that you decided not to leave TSB. You'll get valuable info here to help you raise Roxie. :) I'm not a rehabber, but I'll be glad to help you with Roxie anyway that I can.
09-09-2007, 11:44 AM
:thankyou for relaying the info GB! Sounds like she is improving.
09-09-2007, 11:50 AM
Almost game time, but bad news, the camera has new batteries, but still don't work. It's broken and unfortunately, I am out of work at this time and can't afford one. I have to find another way to get pics. I don't want the time to pass without pics showing the journey. I will be busy for a while, I will check in with y'all when I can.
09-09-2007, 11:57 AM
I just wanted to say:Welcome Can't wait to see pictures when you can get them!
09-12-2007, 08:27 AM
How is the little tyke doing Chipper? Is she still gaining weight? Have you been able to get your camera working again, I would love to see pictures of the little tyke?
09-13-2007, 02:29 AM
:wave123 Chipper99
Any news on the baby? How is she doing?
09-13-2007, 09:46 AM
HI all,
Roxie is doing pretty good. She is gaining weight each day. Her eyes which started to open, are occasionally staying half open during feeding or when she is walking around. After talking to our friend that gave her to us, It appears that she was mistaken about the date she got her. She will be a month old on Saturday. She is a bit behind as far a physical appearance, as she was not cared for correctly the first week. Plus the dehydration she had, might not have allowed full absorbtion of nutrients. She looks like a 3 week old baby at 4 weeks. But her strength and ability to gallop around, shows she might be a bit ahead as far as physical ability goes. Feedings are still every 3 hours. We fortified the formula with a little whipping cream. She eats more eagerly with it and she is fully expelling all waste on her own. Tons of little poops in her receiving blanket daily and she tends to pee on me while climbing up and down my shirt. But that is what you have to put up with, having a baby, no biggy. Still stimulating her to expel, just in case, but she will poop up a storm even while feeding.
I can't seem find anyone with a digital camera right now and don't have a scanner, so pics will have to wait.
I am actively looking for work and usually don't spend any time on any forums during the week as busy with other things in life. I will update y'all sometime in the near future.
:wave123 Bill! Glad to hear that Roxie is doing good. Please keep us updated...we care about her. :Love_Icon
09-13-2007, 10:03 AM
Glad to hear that she is doing good. Definetely keep us updated. I was sooooooooooo worried when you didn't post for several days. Glad she is continuing to improve. How much does she weigh now?
09-13-2007, 11:05 AM
........she tends to pee on me while climbing up and down my shirt. ....
:D peeing on dad!!! -- it's a sign of squirrely love :Love_Icon (there's just nothing like a shirt full of warm pee! :rotfl )
So glad she's doing so well!! And good luck with your search. :thumbsup
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
island rehabber
09-13-2007, 12:36 PM
I just hope you take my advise, because others have had issues with you on this forum before and it doesn't have to be that way.
Um, hold on a minute here. I have been too busy feediing baby squirrels to be up-to-date on this thread, but on what basis or experience does chipper99, a "new" member, state that "others have had issues with" thundersquirrel on this forum?
Somethng don't smell right here.......
And TS, I've got your back.
09-13-2007, 04:13 PM
Hello IR,
You know the CCR song, Heard it through the grapevine, well there you go.
But with a reliable source. Checked my sources, gathered all the facts, analyzed the facts, redundant eye-witness testimony too. But we are once again drifting from the point here. So I will try to keep you focused on the issue at hand, which is "My 1st baby grey squirrel".
Sometimes a large glass of O.J. in the morning can help to keep you focused.
Have a good day. ;)
09-13-2007, 06:05 PM
Hello IR,
... I will try to keep you focused on the issue at hand, which is "My 1st baby grey squirrel".
Sometimes a large glass of O.J. in the morning can help to keep you focused.
Have a good day. ;)
BillDamn, you're one funny guy Bill. :rotflOnly 14 posts old and already taking on one of the boards Administrators. My money says you won't make it to 20...
island rehabber
09-13-2007, 06:13 PM
Damn, you're one funny guy Bill. :rotflOnly 14 posts old and already taking on one of the boards Administrators. My money says you won't make it to 20...
Bill, my fuse is verrrrrry lo-o-o-o-ng. But when it finally blows you don't want to be telling me about juice in the morning, sweetheart. :get_em
Mrs. Jack
09-13-2007, 06:45 PM
So I will try to keep you focused on the issue at hand, which is "My 1st baby grey squirrel".
this has nothing to do with orange juice. I love that you love squirrels, and I love that you are saving one. So you stay focused on that too. Leave the orange juice out of it, because there are lots of us who aren't interested in breakfast drinks, just squirrels squirrels squirrels and want ot hear every detail including pics if you got them :D like your thunderstorm thread, I found different people's experiences with their squirrels and weather to be interesting... how come you never went back to the discussion?
09-13-2007, 07:11 PM
I have to chip in here folks.......For an 18 year old TS has a very wise head on her shoulders. She appears to have upset Chipper for whatever reason but rather than stay and argue she has retired gracefully so he can continue to get advice. I for one admire her for that!!!!
09-14-2007, 11:34 AM
Look people, I really don't want to start any arguments with anyone. I feel like I am fighting with my ex on this site.
My original concern was this. Is there any reason to be concerned that Roxies eyes are opening early. Well I have no concern over this issue now as she has her eyes open. She can see us, reacts to our movements. Sure she waddles around a bit, but very mobile and does not bump into things much anymore as I guess she can see where she is going. GF and I are having a great time spending time with her. Originally I thought these 3 hour feeding were going to be a burden and a chore. But within days, I started looking forward to the feedings!!
Roxie is fine and I'm fine. I wish everyone else could be too. So can we all get along and please stop this senseless bickering???? Writing back and forth on forums all the time is really not my cup of tea anyway. I could take it or leave it. So for the few whose feathers are ruffled a bit, I would just like to say, I might have been a bit offended over a few things said recently. I am not generally hotheaded, but have had some of the same negative experiences in the past regarding previous small pets that I have raised. So this is why my buttons appeared to be pushed quite easily. But in fact, this is the 3rd time that I have had to deal with this. So now you know a bit of my history regarding these forums and can hopefully see why it appears I get upset so easily. I am actually very easy-going and want to stay that way.
Sound good folks????
09-14-2007, 12:30 PM
I have been working hard on trying to get a camera. I found a loaner.
I know several of you guys have been waiting for some pics. I have gone through pics that I have had and added one from yesterday with the loaner camera. I have attached 3 of them. The first one is in her 1st week of life. The second, 2nd week of life and the 3rd, her third week of life, of course. ;)
Now first off. I am going to explain this carefully. Roxie was almost dead when we got her. She was on whole milk from the previous caregiver, or caretaker depending on how you want to look at it. She was also very dehydrated and it took several days to get that fixed. She is smaller and looks less developed than an average baby her age for these reasons. But she is very strong and gaining weight. I just want to state this now. She is doing very well!!! I will not post another message on this forum again if I get any comments about how bad or sick or poor she is doing. I know people are concerned about the well being of these babies. I also know that some can be quick to say "get her to a rehabber, she is dying". And I know these people are just looking out for her welfare. But I can assure all of those people, we see Roxie on a daily basis, we see her improve daily. She is not acting in any way that shows concern. Her eating, pooping, peeing and playing are all monitored daily by us and all is normal. Here are the long awaited pics. Hopefully I got the resolution problem taken care of.
09-14-2007, 01:05 PM
Great job....:thumbsup :jump
09-14-2007, 01:06 PM
Between us, we work around the clock to care for Roxie. It can be hard work, or I should say tiring work, from losing sleep. But it will all be worth it in the end.
The thing that amazes me so much if the fact that she can see right now!!! I feel we have a better bond now that she has sight. To me it's a milestone, kinda like when your kid walks for the first time.
Our neighbors and friends just melt when they see her as of lately. Comments like "Wow, she's starting to really look like a cute baby squirrel", or, "Oh my god, how cute". But these were the people who, when they first got her, said that she looked like a fetus or something. Most friends never saw a baby one. To some it can look a bit gross, for the lack of a better word.
09-14-2007, 01:34 PM
As she grows, our love for her grows too. It's truely a unique experience to be able to care for something like this.
Unfortunately, our other critters have to take the back seat for a while. They are still well cared for, but the time we spend with them has decreased due to the extra time we must attend to Roxie. Once shes bigger, we will spend more time with the others, but Roxie is still helpless and the others eat from a dish and drink from a water dispenser, so we know our priorities.
Oh yeah, she just got a new nickname, "Foxy Roxie". I like the sound of that!!!
09-14-2007, 02:00 PM
They certainly are a lot of work, huh? But it's worth it to watch them grow. :)
She looks like she's improved leaps and bounds since that first pic was taken.
Keep up the good work!
Mrs. Jack
09-14-2007, 02:05 PM
Look people, I really don't want to start any arguments with anyone. I feel like I am fighting with my ex on this site.
LOL. wouldn't it be funny if you were? Okay not really funny, but funny. :D
Let's toast to all the Foxy Roxies. :Pals
09-14-2007, 02:21 PM
She's certainly growing up :) They are so adorable when they open their eyes and look around. And so cute you can hardly even stand it :Love_Icon :Love_Icon -- I know exactly what you mean when you say she melts your heart. :Love_Icon (makes the lack of sleep worth it :D )
Such a difference from her first pictures -- WOW! You clearly are doing well in your care for Roxie. :thumbsup It is hard to keep such a young one alive, even for trained rehabbers, let alone when they arrive after a bad start like Roxie did. I hope she continues to get bigger and better!
09-14-2007, 02:30 PM
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words!! It sure goes a long way.
09-14-2007, 02:43 PM
One more good sign for Roxie. 2 days ago we decided to shut off the
heating pad to see if she can retain her own heat. So far so good. Of course we have been checking her every 1.5 hours to make sure she doesn't get cold. She had a case of dry skin, some flaking, thought it might be caused from the heat of the pad. The dryness has been deminishing since. I heard that a little baby oil rubbed on her is good for a little dryness. What do y'all think?
09-14-2007, 02:46 PM
I would keep her on the heat until she spends most of her time off of it on her own. That's what I do, anyway.
I also use Aveeno Baby cream or lotion (either one is fine, but get the Baby kind so it's non-toxic) for dry skin. If you give her a lot of blankets to snuggle in (my favs are the $5 fleece baby blankets and receiving blankets they sell at Wal-Mart :thumbsup ) that will also help with the dry skin.
Oh, and use scent/dye free detergent and no fabric softener, that can give them bad skin, too.
hope that helps. :)
09-14-2007, 03:29 PM
Yeah, I guess we will keep the heat on. Better to be safe than sorry.
I will try the Aveeno Baby cream too. When GF wanted to try shutting off the heat, I was thinking about the cooler weather setting in. So I was thinking that it might need to go on again. Living in New England, summer does seem to come to an abrupt end around now.
Mrs. Jack
09-14-2007, 03:33 PM
The heat might not be the problem so much as lack of humidity.. I know as summer starts turning to fall I always get the dry itchies. And Aveeno is good stuff. Just imagining smoothing it onto a lil bit of a squirrel makes me feel all ahhhhhhhhooohhhhhh. :D lucky.
09-14-2007, 04:06 PM
Thanks for posting the pics. She looks good. :thumbsup
09-14-2007, 05:19 PM
Thanks Bravo,
The pics really don't do her full justice. If I had a camcorder I would post her on youtube.
She can crawl up the bottom of my shirt to my shoulder in less than 3 seconds. Thats pretty good considering she has Mount Saint Belly to contend with!!;)
I lay her on the bed, point my finger downward but near her, I can move my finger around the bed, she follows my finger movement. I laugh histerically and GF says, "cut it out you bully". I say, "hey, I am just playing and giving her some exercise". She knows I'm right and just smurks. ...Kinda funny
09-14-2007, 05:23 PM
She looks so much better. You are doing a great job nursing her back to health.
09-14-2007, 06:00 PM
Thanks again,
We are totally committed to getting Roxie back to full health. In case I didn’t mention it, Roxie was one of a litter of 3 babies. 3 different people took one. Our friend that we met just this summer was one of them. They all wanted to raise a baby squirrel and have the honor and privilege of doing it, and the loyal ness of the animal that follows. 2 of the 3 people who had a baby, had the unfortunate experience of the poor thing dying because they didn’t know what to do. Also, our friend, didn’t contact us until she was almost dead.
Our friend saw our other critters and knew that we would be better suited to help Roxie. We were a bit mad, saying, “ why did you wait so long before contacting us”? Well her response was of a selfish reason. She said, “I wanted to own a little squirrel that would love me”. I said, “You never own anything like that, they just stay around because they know the love you give them”.
I might get a bit sidetracked with another example of an animals love, but here is the story of my chipmunk. We got him young but not a baby, did the parent thing. All was great. Well one day when he got out of the cage, he hid real well. We couldn’t find him that day. We went to bed, awoke in
the morning and he was not around. I knew the only escape point was a screen. I found one that was bitten through and pushed outward. Our Chippy is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
We were very sad and distraught for the next day. The second day I heard a scratching sound in the kitchen. I walked in and saw our Chipper!!!!!! “Holy $h*t”, I said. It took me a minute to figure out what is going on here. I checked the window and the screen had a bulge facing inward. Chipper came home!!!!!!!!! He had to climb 8 feet on the cable wire, jump 18 inches to the screen and make it back in the hole he made!!!!!!!! That is reason my name is Chipper!!!!
We could also assume that the “Chipper” found out that the grass is not always greener on the other side???? ;) You be the judge!!!
09-14-2007, 07:18 PM
I feel that when I write some of my compassionate feelings for the angels we care for, everyone can understand how we feel because most of you have done it yourself.
Being a father of a 17 year old boy, I wish I had a support group like this, for HIM!!;) But that is for another forum;) ( …Just takes me back a bit, watery eyes, need a hanky!) YEAH, SOMETIMES GOD MAKES THINGS SO CUTE, SO THAT HE MAKES SURE EVERYONE WILL CARE FOR THEM AND LOVE THEM.
That is my theory in a sense. If it's right, it works!!!!
09-14-2007, 08:21 PM
I just had to tell all about how it became. Sorry, I know it's a sad thing, but all was not lost. Yeah, just my sentimental side coming out. But that is who I am.
I have a bonfire to that I was invited to attend. Beer and some barby stuff you know. So take care all.
09-14-2007, 08:25 PM
Well, after your booze and bbq, feel free to frequent the Feeling Nutty (or Off Topic) section of the board...where most of us blather on about our lives outside our squirrels. :D
Have a good and SAFE time. :wave123
09-15-2007, 06:38 AM
:thankyou for the pics of Roxie, she's lookin' good...:alright.gif That was an awesome story @ your chippy coming "home".
Hope you enjoyed your bonfire and barbyQ. :)
09-15-2007, 07:00 AM
Good job, keep it up!:thumbsup
09-15-2007, 10:38 AM
Your little baby has come leaps and bounds! Great work. She's so petite that she looks like a little red squirrel in that last pic. But very plump and healthy looking. :bowdown
09-16-2007, 06:27 PM
Roxie is getting such a personality! She sees us, gallops around, so playful like a puppy, then trots away, then comes back. She then acts too cute, hoping we will pick her up and pamper her, it works!!!!
Roxie is not the little baby that you just feed and then "burp", then put back to sleep. She wants to hang out with us ! Now that the cool weather is here, she likes to climb into your sleeves and hang out there. If you happen to have shoulder length hair or longer, you are in for a treat. She will climb to your shoulder, and spin a little nest with your hair and just hang out with you right there. She never gets tangled, we watch for that. She purrs and chirps to us!! THE BOND IS THERE!
These are the days of our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-17-2007, 12:03 PM
We have been feeding Roxie every 3-3 1/2 hours with a break at night of about 6 hours now. The only reason she is not eating for the 6 hours at night, is that she really does not want to get up in the middle of the night and won't take more than .33 ml. But she makes up for it at her 6am feeding.
I have read a few other posts recommending 4-5 feedings a day once the eyes open. So I am thinking I should move the feedings to every 4 hours now. I have also been using the whipping cream in the puppy milk for the last 2 weeks. So is 4 hours good, or 4.5, or stay at 3.5????
A friend knows someone with a 6 week old baby. The person is feeding it every 2 hours, way to much in my opinion. But I assume the baby is probably eating half the amount it would eat if it was every 4 hours. So they are making to much work for themselves. Might be stressing out the baby with so many interuptions???
island rehabber
09-17-2007, 12:37 PM
A friend knows someone with a 6 week old baby. The person is feeding it every 2 hours, way to much in my opinion. But I assume the baby is probably eating half the amount it would eat if it was every 4 hours. So they are making to much work for themselves. Might be stressing out the baby with so many interuptions???
That person feeding a 6-wk old baby every two hours is on the right track to killing that squirrel. A six week old squirrel should be on 3-4 feedings per day, every 5 hours or so, along with beginning solid foods. What they are doing to this animal is loading its system with food which it has NO time to digest before loading it up again, and GI issues -- possibly even bloat -- are inevitable with this scenario. If your friend has any influence at all with these people, please get them to stop.
09-17-2007, 12:43 PM
Well I did tell her to tell him every 5 hours should do it. But what do you suggest for Roxie? Should I increase to 4 hours?
09-17-2007, 01:58 PM
i think every four hours would be alright. how much does she weigh today?
09-18-2007, 12:44 PM
Back to the discussion of what type of squirrel Roxie is...(From the Training Topic)
She is also smaller than most greys her age. I assumed her rough start in life attributed to that. Her fur is taking on a reddish tint. But I was looking at weekly pics of baby squirrels on Mary's guide, "Raising Infant Tree Squirrels",
The baby was grey until the 4th week, then for the next week or two, the baby looked reddish brown. Then turned grey again. So I was assuming she is a grey as she is following that sequence of pics.
I am disappointed to hear that reds don't make as good pets as greys. But if we continue to treat her so well, hopefully she will be more loyal.
But if chances are she will have a very wild outdoor type instinct, I wonder if we need to change the way we care for her because we will have to let her go. I understand letting a tame one go can lead to it dying for lack of survival skills, or being too friendly to predators.
Now I am confused and don't know what to do????????
We must positively indentify what she is first I guess, the go from there.
A few more pics will follow. They are 5 days old or so.
Can anyone tell for sure what she is from these pics below????
09-18-2007, 12:53 PM
She looks like a red squirrel to me. How much does she weigh? I think that might explain the extremely small size of the little tyke that got everyone screaming rehabber. If she had been a grey she would have been dying at that small weight and opening her eyes, if she were a red squirrel, she would have been skinny but not dying. I am thinking she is a red squirrel. I have never raised the grey version of the grey squirrel though, only the black version and fox squirrels, so I could be wrong. What color was the first fur on her tail? That would tell for sure. If it was grey or white she is a grey squirrel, if it was orangish she is a red squirrel.
Here is a picture of one of the red squirrels I raised. You can see he is a lot redder than your guy, but he was 7-8 weeks old when I got him. The face looks similar to your little tykes face to me.
09-18-2007, 01:01 PM
Here's a better picture, showing the nose:
I don't think greys have those two pink spots on the sides of their nose.
09-18-2007, 01:01 PM
definitly looks like a red in the face. The baby is thin though, how much is she eating?
Chipper, Roxie's long legs look alot like my 6 week old grey squirrel, Rosie.
The white around Roxie's eyes and her size looks like a red squirrel. :thinking
:thinking My 5 year old grey squirrel has alot of red coloring in her coat.
Here's a picture of Rosie that you can compare to Roxie's pictures. (My baby is small for her age. She only weighs 100 grams.)
09-18-2007, 01:16 PM
I didn't see the above pics when I replied on the other thread.
I definitely think it's a red. I've never rehabbed one, but I'd bet money on it. It would also explain a LOT about her development so far.
And it's not to say it's impossible for a red to be a pet, but if you let her decide, she'll probably be wild as wild can be! LOL! :)
09-18-2007, 01:20 PM
Boy if I were a bettin' girl I'd bet red on this one.
I'm thinking red also...Roxie's ears look different than Rosie's...they look more like SR&BT's reds.
09-18-2007, 01:23 PM
The first peach fuss fur on her tail was grey, I believe. But right now it's red/brown. She has a small black strip of fur bordering where the belly and back meet on her side. I noticed some red squirrel pics also have that black strip, so I am leaning toward a red. Nice pics of the red ones BTW!!!
She was fully grey when we got her as the posting title says. I didn't think reds lived in MA, or thought they were very rare. I have only seen a handful in my time.
She is about 55 grams now. Once again, I know shes light, had a rough start. She is eating from 2-3.5 ml per feeding. She lets us know when she had enough also. The pics are almost a week old, she has filled out a bit.
09-18-2007, 01:30 PM
Awesome pics all!!!
Now I might ask if there is anything you do different when caring for a red vs. a grey??
I am a bit bummed out. Seems a red will get wilder as time goes by. I guess as previously said, wait and see, time will tell.
09-18-2007, 01:31 PM
She is a sweetheart!
Awesome pics all!!!
Now I might ask if there is anything you do different when caring for a red vs. a grey??
I am a bit bummed out. Seems a red will get wilder as time goes by. I guess as previously said, wait and see, time will tell.
Chipper, I bet Roxie will decided come spring time. :D Just enjoy her now, but help prepare her in case she decides she wants to be free.
09-18-2007, 01:58 PM
We are just gonna do our best to raise her and love her. GF does not appear to be worried at all. Of course with the care she gives her pets, she can have an alligator eatin out of her hand in no time! ;) Time will tell as said.
The most important thing is the joy we have with her right now. I bet she will eventually be sleeping in bed with us too. We always tend to spoil our pets. They all appreciate it!!!
09-18-2007, 02:02 PM
She has the black stripe on the middle of the nose with pink on both sides as the above pics show. She must be a red. The greys don't have that, correct??
09-18-2007, 03:04 PM
Correct! I am almost positive your baby is a red. I wonder why her fur on her body isn't really red like the pictures of my guys. Maybe in a couple weeks it will get to be more red. I think it is safe to say if she were a grey squirrel she would be in critical condition with her eyes having been opened for quite some time and only weighing 55 grams. It makes more sense that she is a red squirrel.
Chances are she will choose to be wild. Although some people keep chipmunks as pets. I don't see how they do it, they are so quick and everything. Red squirrels remind me of chipmunks with their speed and size. The ones I had got so wild that I couldn't even touch them in the outside cage. Usually I continue to weigh them after they move outside and they don't like it, but they allow me to grab them (with gloves on of course!). The reds were just soooooooooooooooo quick and sooooooooooooooooooooo wild though that there was no way. So, I would start thinking about what you will do if Roxie chooses the wild path. Not to say she will for sure, but you want to be prepared.
She has the black stripe on the middle of the nose with pink on both sides as the above pics show. She must be a red. The greys don't have that, correct??
Chipper, this is my 5 year old grey, Roxy. Her stripe on her nose is not a definite as a red squirrel's stripe.
09-19-2007, 06:10 AM
Bill, Reds are awesome!!! Here's a link to 5 baby reds I helped to raise...
Looks like we need to change the thread name...:D
09-19-2007, 10:07 AM
Does anyone know of a weight/age chart for a red? She still might be a little light for a red, but she would not even be on the chart for a grey!!
I don't have a chart, but I found some weights in my wildlife book.
Birth- around 7 grams
2 weeks-about 20 grams
5 weeks- 40-50 grams
6 to 8 weeks- 50-80 grams
8 to 10 weeks-120-150 grams
09-19-2007, 10:28 AM
Thanks for the chart!!!
Roxie is about 5 weeks and she is about 55 grams. When referring to this chart, she is actually above the upper range!! I knew there was something wrong when I checked the chart at The chart if for a grey I believe. She was in the range of a baby grey of 2 weeks old!!!
I thought, "how can she be alive at this weight?" Something is wrong with this chart?????
Well wrong chart, all makes sense now!!!!
09-19-2007, 10:44 AM
Now I am a bit more at ease with Roxies weight and health. But have a few more questions of course.
What age can you start introducing foods to a red squirrel?
What type of foods are first introduced?
What types of foods are given as she grows and at what time frames?
Should I disregard info for greys and research reds for all future needs?
09-19-2007, 11:03 AM
Generally speaking, reds need abit more protein...Lots of info here, just check the nursery threads, foods about the same for both species...My reds loved mealworms and pinecones (my grays wouldn't touch either)'ll need a good quality Rodent block, start the weaning ( around 5 to 8 weeks) with that and fruits, veggies...Have you thought about FS light? When Roxie is off formula (that won't be for abit yet) she will need the calcium, that's when the diet gets really tricky. She will need direct sunlight or Full Spectrum light for her body to properly metabolize once off the formula.
09-19-2007, 11:35 AM
Could I start her on gerber baby food fruit before moving to fresh fruit.
It sounds like you are saying that Roxie can start on food this week, true????
09-19-2007, 11:41 AM
I think Roxie is doing much better than when you got her, but is not out of the woods yet. She still looks very small for her age and the fact that it is hard to determine which species she is is troubling. I think you are doing a good job with her, but she was sooooooooooooooooo far behind schedule when you got her. In the first pictures she looks like she is at lest 2-3 weeks old, so I think you are off on her age. I would say she is more like 6-7 weeks old. I know you are quite sure, but how do you know the squirrel was only a week and a half old when you got her. It looks like she had fur when you got her. If she had fur on her body she was at least 2 and a half weeks old, probably three. It was quite obvious she was small for her age when you got her and if you check the weights, she would line up perfectly if she was the age you say she was. So, I think she is older than you think. I think at this point she should be 70-80 grams. She is improving though, so that is good. Just keep in mind that she isn't at a good weight yet, she still has a ways to go.
09-19-2007, 11:47 AM
Yes, she can have baby food. If you give it to her in a bowl, be very careful to wipe her off really good when she is done eating. They tend to get all messy and go in the bowl and everything, so be careful. If you don't keep her clean, she can loose fur in those areas and they will be very sore. So, just be careful and keep her clean, which I know you will! I feed my squirrels the baby food through the syringe, just like I give them the milk. Then they get the taste of the fruits and veggies but don't get it all over her. You could do that, but you have to be extremely careful that she doesn't aspirate on it, because it is very hard for them to get the baby food out of their lungs. So be careful either way. Feeding through the syringe has worked well for me. I usually start them 2-3 days after their eyes open. I take out one milk feeding and give them baby food instead. So they get 3 milk feedings and one babyfood feeding. Then after one week on that I give them 2 baby food and 2 milk feedings. The following week I cut out one feeding so they get 2 baby food feedings and one milk feeding. Then the next week they go down to two feedings: one milk feeding and one baby food feeding. They stay on that for a week and then go down to either 1 or 2 baby food feedings and no more milk. They can stay on baby food as long as they like, but usually are off it after that week. Good luck, I hope this helps!
09-19-2007, 12:04 PM
I appreciate your concern. I have to stress that fact that I know she is 5 weeks old. I spoke to the person again, who Roxie was given to before she gave her to us and also found out the real story. It is very sad, but must be mentioned to prove the age.
Some other jerk found the nest, monitored the nest daily with no signs of babies. Then found babies the following day, which there was none the day before. The jerk took the nest down, kept the babies and destroyed the nest!!! WHY SOMEONE WOULD DO THIS, I WILL NEVER KNOW. The date the jerk found the babies was Aug. 14th.
Our friend didn't want to upset us and give us these details. I don't even want to think about that ever again. The fact is from checking the calendar,
we know she is at 5 weeks old. With that said, she is in range in the reds chart.
Does anyone else have any advise about what and when to start her on for solids? I don't want to rush anything mind you but when we hold her in our hands for a while and she starts suckling, she will also bite a bit on occassion, seems the teeth are doing very well.
Sorry about the sad ordeal here, I felt I had to state it to prove her age to the skeptics.
chipper, I'm not a rehabber, but you know that I am raising a baby grey. I wanted to put a little extra weight on Rosie and give her a taste of food at the same time. I mix her Esbilac just like always and started adding a little baby food bananas. I bought the first stage. I make sure to mix it well, and Rosie drinks it through a syringe. She loves it, and I can already see a weight gain.
09-19-2007, 12:39 PM
My thinking on starting solid food is this, and please correct me if I'm wrong.
Any baby that is eating only formula, might have a tough time moving to any solid fruit, lets say a piece of apple. I would use a strained apple baby food first. It is like a very thick liquid, but with the nutrients of a solid food. The transition would be from formula to thick pudding like solids, then when comfortable with that for a while, move on to small pieces of the real fruit.
The baby is transitioning in steps, less work on the digestive system and less hazard of choking. I have a kid and it worked that way before.
So can this method work for our little redhead?
09-19-2007, 01:48 PM
wow! this really explains roxie's behavior- whenever you said she was "galloping around", i thought it was a bit high-energy for a grey.
her fur seems a bit thin- or is it just grey? could you post more pics? it's so strange...i've never seen that much grey on a red squirrel before, and i've raised probably around twenty of the little buggers!
i think roxie can handle nibbling on apple wedges. some folks use applesauce, but i don't, so you'll have to ask those who do. maybe look for a soft, very ripe brand of apple- if you're not sure which kind is like this, buy one of each and try them yourself. :)
as a transition food, you could start mixing baby rice cereal with her formula- maybe 1 part cereal to 4 parts formula at first, and see how she likes it.
also, you can offer cheerios. they're a great source of nutrients and babies love 'em. walnuts are also a good baby starter (but they must be NO SMALLER than half a walnut to prevent choking).
finally, my mom and i put soft whole wheat bread in a shallow disk and pour formula on it until it's saturated- but i'm not sure if roxie is ready for this. offer it to her but WATCH- if she starts to aspirate herself, yank it out of there; it's too soon.
i'm sorry we didn't catch the species difference earlier- it's usually pretty easy! check this out- this is a FOX SQUIRREL that is white! we thought it was a grey for a very long time!
09-19-2007, 02:02 PM
TS, that squirrel is GORGEOUS! I've never seen anything like it!
Chipper, I would start with plain old rodent block if I were you. Fruit can upset the digestive system in some squirrels, so you're safer if you start off with more bland foods. Rodent block can be purchased at a pet store under the brand name Kaytee Forti-Diet. Another option would be baby carrots or 1" chunks of raw sweet potato. Just my .02. :D
09-19-2007, 02:04 PM
Cheerios are good too. :)
09-19-2007, 02:08 PM
Would I just hand her a cheerio and let her eat? No choking hazards here??
Just cautious when starting the transition...
09-19-2007, 02:11 PM
No, no real choking hazard with the cheerios. Mine choke on the fruit because they try to suck on it. Cheerios...must be the crunchiness of them that makes them chew 'em. Hold Roxie in your hand and offer it to her with your other hand...hold it for her and when she puts her paws on your fingers, slip them onto the cheerio and put her down in her blankets so she can lay on her belly and eat it. It won't take long after doing this a few times that she'll learn to hold it while sitting up. :) :thumbsup
09-19-2007, 02:13 PM
TS that foxer is amazing! Gosh I could get addicted to these different squirrel varieties.
Scooby started playing with solids a couple of weeks ago, maybe not quite that long. I started with cheerios cause I had them. Then got her rodent block and monkey chow in the mail. I added peeled grapes, apple slices, baby carrots and just today some avacado. Ohh yeah and a walnut half plus some acorns her daddy collected.
I think she mostly just gnaws this stuff and drops the pieces. She may be taking tiny swallows of stuff but not much. I find an awful lot of crumbs in her cage. She sure does have fun with it all.
I want to introduce some leafy greens but the ecoli thing has me nervous!
09-19-2007, 02:15 PM
TS that foxer is amazing! Gosh I could get addicted to these different squirrel varieties.
Scooby started playing with solids a couple of weeks ago, maybe not quite that long. I started with cheerios cause I had them. Then got her rodent block and monkey chow in the mail. I added peeled grapes, apple slices, baby carrots and just today some avacado. Ohh yeah and a walnut half plus some acorns her daddy collected.
I think she mostly just gnaws this stuff and drops the pieces. She may be taking tiny swallows of stuff but not much. I find an awful lot of crumbs in her cage. She sure does have fun with it all.
I want to introduce some leafy greens but the ecoli thing has me nervous!
Pick the fresh bundles of kale as a starter green. It's very easy to wash and they really like shredding it. :thumbsup
Careful with the grapes, that's what mine choke on when under about 8 weeks old...they choke because they suck on them for the juice. (can't blame 'em! LOL!)
09-19-2007, 02:18 PM
Leafy greens should be okay as long as they are not processed or prepackaged. It's the bagged stuff that has been having the problems.
09-19-2007, 02:26 PM
Pick the fresh bundles of kale as a starter green. It's very easy to wash and they really like shredding it. :thumbsup
Careful with the grapes, that's what mine choke on when under about 8 weeks old...they choke because they suck on them for the juice. (can't blame 'em! LOL!)
She only gets grapes when I hold her. That way I have control over the sucking <LOL>.
I'll tell hubby we need kale for Scooby. Anything for Scooby!
Those reds are REALLY cute. We don't have those in Florida do we?
09-19-2007, 02:30 PM
It's a warm day today. Anyone see a reason I shouldn't take Roxie out and let her romp around on the lawn for a while?
09-19-2007, 02:33 PM gotta be the judge of that.
from what you tell me, she's pretty rambunctious. if i were you, i'd be terrified of her getting away.....along with other animals around.
is there a way to close off a part of your yard? even then, though, you'd have to watch her like a hawk so that she doesn't get eaten by a hawk....hehe....
09-19-2007, 02:34 PM
I personally would advise against it. All it takes is one scare and she's up a tree farther than you can get her... we've seen it happen many times here.
If you want to take her out, I would take her in a carrier or cage.
09-19-2007, 03:45 PM
We have a lawn that is about 100 feet wide, no trees. I got 3 people here that could be "spotters". No cats around, I was just worried about fleas or mites actually. No holes in the ground either. No hawks in the air.
I would surely do it the smart way. I pondered all the possible things that could happen and the risk is minimal. I even have 2 butterfly nets, but I doubt she is gonna outrun me right now to where I have to snag her in it;)
09-19-2007, 03:48 PM
Another thought...
We have small animal harnesses that we use for the flying variety. She is a bit petite now, but she will grow into it in the next week or so.
09-19-2007, 05:42 PM
I sometimes take mine out and let them play in the outside cage. Do you have any way of taking her cage outside so she can play in that or something. Then she can get some fresh air and sun while being safe. You have to be careful she doesn't get too hot too.
Sorry to hear her storry :shakehead . I just thought maybe she could be older than you thought. Guess not.
I was looking over my records and my red squirrels were only 51 grams when I got them, but looked much older and chunkier than you little guys. They were scrawny when I got them, but not too bad. Are you sure your scale isn't off a bit? Here is the picture of when I first got my red squirrels so you can see how big they were.
09-19-2007, 08:19 PM
A harness would be great! :thumbsup I have a ferret one for Baby, but she NEVER wants to go out. :(
I'm glad to hear that a harness will work. I bought one the other day and I'm excited to use it but was going to ask first.
09-19-2007, 08:56 PM
I doubt she is gonna outrun me right now to where I have to snag her in it;)
Wanna bet? :D Our Sammy out ran us and went straight up 40 feet into a tree and stayed frozen for 16 hours until he finally came down at sunlight the next morning. When squirrel get really scared, they freeze and don't move anything... not even blink.
09-20-2007, 08:38 AM
Wanna bet? :D Our Sammy out ran us and went straight up 40 feet into a tree and stayed frozen for 16 hours until he finally came down at sunlight the next morning. When squirrel get really scared, they freeze and don't move anything... not even blink.
Yep, and I would never trust a harness. We ARE talking about a SQUIRREL after all...they can get out of most anything if they REALLY want to. Sometimes, just like magic...and I'm not kidding. :)
09-20-2007, 09:29 AM
I took Roxie out in the yard yesterday. The grass was a bit taller than her. She hopped around real casually like a bunny, so cute. She stayed within 6 feet from me at all times. If she wondered, I just make a clicking noise, she comes right back. I always make a clicking noise as I give her the formula, she is learning to come when I do it!! NICE
pamela lee
09-20-2007, 10:25 AM
Please be very careful. A baby that age and size (for any kind of squirrel) wouldn't even be allowed out of the nest yet. You don't need to start getting her used to being outside until a few weeks before her release, not even on a harness.
09-20-2007, 10:47 AM
Generally when taken outside, we hold her in our hand or let her go in our sleeve and poke her head out. I just wanted to see her jump in the grass, not a daily ritual, I assure you all.
But I don't want her to get an urge to roam from being out, so I might limit that more. I will probably wait until the harness fits her well and take her out that way with the other end attached to my belt. She will have no choice but to stay on me or GF.
We do like taking our pets out with us when we go visiting, one species at a time, of course. We feel Roxie is still a bit small for that. When bigger, she will have the harness on and get out of the house with us. If she doesn't like it, or shows signs of stress, aggression, or anything unusual, we will stop it.
She's doing well, but the fur is starting to "tent" a bit when pinched, so we will give her pedialite for the next feeding or 2 and monitor her dryness. It's not bad, but seems once a week and a half she shows a little dehydration.
A few feedings of hydrator and she is back to normal quickly.
We are going to start with some baby cereal in the formula soon. We couldn't get her to eat a cheerio, but it was offered after the formula feeding, so we will give her 1/3 the feeding amount, then try the cheerio again when fully hydrated.
all for now...
09-20-2007, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I would gave the harness I real good test run in the house.
I said she seems to get a bit dry within a week and 1/2 or 11 days. She was very dehydrated at first. This is only the 2nd time she needs it. I am not worried about it. The weight is good too. I was frantic about everything at first, but seeing the improvement in her, I am finally relaxed. Gotta get her up for some playtime before her feeding. Later....
09-20-2007, 11:05 AM
the dehydration seems unusual. what ratio of formula are you using? how much do you feed her per feeding?
also, could you weigh her again and tell us what it is? it's good to keep tabs on that.
good thinking with the pedialyte. and as gamma's said, practice with the harness. you might want to have her in it, and in a different room (out of sight) have GF knock two pans together. only do it once or twice (so roxie doesn't get used to it) but see if and how she reacts.
09-20-2007, 11:21 AM
Feedings are 1 part puppy formula to 2 parts water. I am not going to constantly weigh her and check in and answer to TS. As I said a few postings ago, she is 55 grams. We pinch her skin daily and it snaps back right away. If there is a delay of a sec or two, we give 1 or 2 feedings with the hydrating fluid and she is fine. We have only had to do this twice. Shes very active and likes it very warm in her box/cage, stays under the warmer half of the blanket where the pad is. I see this as a reason her body is using more water. It's not an issue at this time. If and when I see an issue developing with her that needs to be addressed, I will ask about it.
09-20-2007, 11:25 AM
How much are you feeding her per feeding and how often do you feed her?
That is the correct formula (as long as it is Esbilac) and water to powder ratio, good job! :thumbsup
09-20-2007, 11:26 AM
Yes and GB I know she is not out of the woods yet. I am not letting my guard down. I have raised kids and cared for very sick ones too. I know they need monitoring more often than if healthy. The Roxie is no exception. I have things under control right now. I have a date with a redhead right now!! ;)
09-20-2007, 12:21 PM
GB, I know that, don't have any issues, know all are trying to help. I am not copping an attitude, though it may sound it slightly. I am taking all advise. I have things to do now, will write later.
09-21-2007, 12:25 PM
We gave Roxie her first taste of solid food yesterday. She had a cheerio with each feeding. She grabbed it, was kinda laying on it as she nibbled. She then started to stand up on her back legs and was almost attaining the classic pose while they eat. She fell over a few times, so funny. She just needs a bit more practice getting the balance down, but it was great watching her progress from bottle to eating on her own!!!!!!!!
I have heard about rodent block, which is needed in her diet. Can someone tell me when she should start having it? How do you prepare it? How often?
Also I want to start putting baby rice cereal in her formula. I can follow the directions on the box. But do I prepare it the way the box says, then add to the already made formula? If so, what ratio do I use???
thanks again all.....
09-21-2007, 12:31 PM
chipper there is no need to add baby cereal to her formula.
It just makes a mess and the rodent block is much better for them.
She should have the rodent block or monkey biscuit right now.:thumbsup
09-21-2007, 12:38 PM
Okay, I will go with the rodent block, but how do I prepare it and present it to her?? I know nothing about rodent block. Does she eat it in between sips from the syringe? Or instead of the formula? Or can she have any other liquids while eating the block??/
09-21-2007, 01:27 PM
Leave the rodent block in the cage all the time she will eat it when she wants.
There is nothing to cook.
Continue giving the formula.
09-21-2007, 02:04 PM
Okay, put rodent block in a small dish in her cage. Show it to her. She will eat it when she wants, but keep doing the formula thing the same way.
09-21-2007, 02:17 PM
I checked with PetSmart. They carry something called pet block for hamsters and gerbils. Is that OK to use, or should I get the rodent block online???
Do a quick check of what is in it. You don't want pork fat. If you see anything you would not feed a squirrel I would look at another brand. :)
09-21-2007, 03:26 PM
I ordered the rodent block online from the squirrel store. She is doing well with the cheerios too. When I get her up for a feeding, I give her a few sips formula, let her nibble on a cheerio, then more formula.
BTW - As most of you know, I have 3 flying squirrels too. I don't know if i mentioned the female has 2 huge bulges in her pouch. I think the new babies will be making an appearance within a week or two. luckily mom and pop will be doing all the nursing and care for them. Thank god, 3 babies at once would be too much right now!!!!
09-21-2007, 11:19 PM
BTW - As most of you know, I have 3 flying squirrels too. I don't know if i mentioned the female has 2 huge bulges in her pouch. I think the new babies will be making an appearance within a week or two. luckily mom and pop will be doing all the nursing and care for them. Thank god, 3 babies at once would be too much right now!!!!
I'm sorry, and I apologise in advance, but this is driving me crazy. Chipper, you DO NOT have flying squirrels - you have sugar gliders. Flying squirrels are found in almost every continent except Australia. Flying squirrels are rodents, and they do not have a pouch. Sugar gliders are found ONLY in Australia, and they are marsupials.......they DO have a pouch. Their closest, and only, relative here would be a possum. (By the way, Australia does not have any squirrels at all!) Both flyers and suggies are cute, small, furry and can glide, but that is as far as the similarity goes. When you see them side by side, they don't even look alike. Here is a great site on flyers and suggies, put together by a gal that has both.
Again, I don't say this to be mean, but just to give you a little information on the two. I've owned both, but went strictly with flyers, because I prefer them, but my daughter prefers suggies. (How did I raise such a turncoat???)
09-22-2007, 09:59 AM
Well MS, you appear to know everything.You truely are the wise man on the hill!!!!! Did you ever stop to think for a minute that I might know what the hell they are????
I call them my squirrels, without even adding the "flying". They are mine and I will call them what I want!! Just because I am freakin stupid with squirrels, doesn't mean I am ignorant with every other animal I own. I may have done extensive research into my "flying squirrels" when I got them. I am sure I know more than you about them.
What is a Mar-Soup-E-All??? doy doy doy (finger pressing deeply into cheek while eyes are crossed)
Some people are so clueless!!!!
09-22-2007, 10:26 AM
<<Is it impossible for you to reply to anything said, in a "friendly" way?>>
Yes, I have never taken one post as advise and fought everything that was said from the very start, to the very end.
<<You calling your sugar gliders, flying squirrels, is very confusing to all of us.>>
Yes, I agree, all of you seem very confused, poor things!!
(yes, I am not even using your quote system correctly)
I think I might go join some other group where the people are not so pushy and also are not so dang literal.
Momma Squirrel
09-22-2007, 11:01 AM
I think I might go join some other group where the people are not so pushy and also are not so dang literal.
That is the smartest thing you have said since you came to TSB, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I do apologize to our members who have worked so hard with this human to help him but as we can clearly see he is beyond help. I just can't sit here any longer without saying something and he sure opened the door for me to express my opinion.
09-22-2007, 11:07 AM
Who asked for your opinion.
Yes, I do need help, need to go help myself to a nice hot bowl of squirrel soup!!!
09-22-2007, 11:12 AM
09-22-2007, 11:31 AM
We are always thrilled to see new members here....some when they come, some when they leave.
muffinsquirrel, aka The Wise Man On The Hill
island rehabber
09-22-2007, 12:39 PM
:D Jeez I'm happy to make my last post to this thread.
For the record, I'm STILL pissed off about that orange juice remark Chipper99 sniped at me, and since he neither needed my advice nor -- obviously -- anyone else's, I stayed away until now. All I can say is, SEE YA!
pamela lee
09-22-2007, 01:26 PM
Who asked for your opinion.
Yes, I do need help, need to go help myself to a nice hot bowl of squirrel soup!!!
That was totally unnecessary and out of line. And says everything we need to know about you.
09-22-2007, 02:15 PM
:wahoo SEE YOU NEVER! May as well have squirrel soup, Roxie probably won't survive more than about a week anyways, thanks to you!
Who asked for your opinion.
Yes, I do need help, need to go help myself to a nice hot bowl of squirrel soup!!!
Goodbye,Chipper that opinion came from Momma Squirrel. She is the reason there is a squirrel board for someone like you to come and get advice for squirrels. When you insult her, you insult everyone that has been trying their best to help you help Roxie. Don't you see that many people cared about your squirrel?
09-22-2007, 03:41 PM
We can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped...
:thankyou for leaving, chipper99... being chased out by the "angry mob"):jump
Please God, help Roxie :squirrel1
09-22-2007, 03:42 PM
Amen Abacat!
island rehabber
09-22-2007, 04:17 PM
I've permanently banned Chipper99. I commend all of you who had the patience to keep trying to help Roxie the squirrel even though Chipper99 the human was absolute poison. I gave him a warning before I banned him, and he responded with an expletive-laden rant that truly showed his true a lowlife. Good riddance. And please, pray for Roxie.
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