View Full Version : Things beginners might need to know!!

10-15-2020, 07:26 AM
Ok, so some of you who have been here longer might think this is a little weird but I recently joined and OH MY GOODNESS! I literally spent 30 minutes trying to find how to post, mostly spent on this forum. Anyway, if you want to post a brand new thread, click on forum (The forum button is located by the What's New?), then when you find what your post is most likely about, you click on it, and there should be a button at the top and/or bottom with a +Thread, you click on that and begin writing! To post replies to someones post, press the reply which should be located on top and/or bottom of that thread. PLEASE, if you have anything to add, add it! Thanks! Have an amazing day!

10-15-2020, 08:03 AM
Thank you Buddy The Squirrel! :Love_Icon

10-15-2020, 08:41 AM
Ok, so some of you who have been here longer might think this is a little weird but I recently joined and OH MY GOODNESS! I literally spent 30 minutes trying to find how to post, mostly spent on this forum. Anyway, if you want to post a brand new thread, click on forum (The forum button is located by the What's New?), then when you find what your post is most likely about, you click on it, and there should be a button at the top and/or bottom with a +Thread, you click on that and begin writing! To post replies to someones post, press the reply which should be located on top and/or bottom of that thread. PLEASE, if you have anything to add, add it! Thanks! Have an amazing day!

I totally get your frustration about posting. When I joined many years ago I was confused on how to navigate a forum. I’m computer illiterate anyway. :embar

Your step by step info is partially correct. If someone has an issue that they need help with they should go to the proper section ie. Emergency, non-emergency, nutrition, etc. and click on the button that says START A NEW THREAD. Then give your thread a title which pertains to your question and fill in the box with background info and what you need help with. Some of existing threads in each section are very old and many of the members are no longer active, so asking someone in the thread for help about a specific need could result in no reply from the inactive member. This is why creating a new thread for the help you need is imperative. However, the old threads are there for folks to read and glean information that may or may not be helpful for their situation.

I hope I’m not confusing you further. :grin3