View Full Version : Emergency!
09-08-2007, 09:25 AM
Just found an adult squirrel that is in a lot of pain. Can't climb. Walking with severe trouble, but saw him go about 10 feet, so he can move around. Fed him some grapes and unsalted nuts. I'm not a rehaber, but am very familiar with squirrels. Should I try and catch him and get him to a rehaber or a vet? The place he's at is going to get very busy with people walking dogs. Help!
09-08-2007, 09:39 AM
yes, catch him. if i were you, i would attempt to cover him with a laundry basket and put a weight on it, and then call
1) a rehabber, and (if the rehabber thinks so)
2) animal control.
most humane societies have some kind of animal control vehicle, and they aren't the kind to put a squirrel down without rehabber input.
adult squirrels are difficult to handle. if you can't contact a rehabber, you'll need a cage, medium sized towel, and tough gloves (i don't like THICK gloves though, because it decreases handling efficiency).
if it comes down to you (quickly) throwing a towel down on him and holding him through the towel, be prepared to hold tight. he is injured, yes, but squirrels can take a decent amount of pressure- if he's not very injured, it'll feel like holding a squirming ball of muscle. you'd want to hold him with one hand behind his head (kind of holding the back of the neck in place) and the other hand on his rump (above the hind legs).
and i highly, HIGHLY suggest that, if you decide for a self-capture, get a friend to help you, and be quiet (i.e. you don't yell instructions to each other while the squirrels terrified out of his mind).
good luck, let us know how this goes.
09-08-2007, 11:36 AM
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for the help and the fast advise!
Good news, everything worked out okay. I went back ready to try and catch him, but he seemed a bit better. My fiance and I feed the squirrels and he was one of our regulars. He let me get within feet of him, so I sat with him for an hour and peeled grapes for him, and told the dog walkers to steer clear. He was still a little shaky and slow but it was a huge relief when he started burring the shelled almonds, and jumping from fence to tree!
Quite a recovery from not being able climb, sit up, and barely crawl, to charging up the trees when the trash truck came.
Thanks again!
Momma Squirrel
09-08-2007, 12:14 PM
What a great ending, it is super to hear of people helping and taking time from their busy life to help with a hurt or sick animal. Gamma is probably right, might have taken a fall and just been stunned for a bit and now has worked it out and is back to normal.
Is this a place you go regularly, maybe you can keep an eye out the next couple of days just to make sure everything is still OK.
Please let us know if you do see him again and that all is well. :thankyou for being a special person.:thankyou
09-08-2007, 02:24 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup That's great news! You are wonderful to have stayed with him and tried to figure out how to help him -- but it's nicer to hear that he might not need help. Still, as suggested, keep an eye out for him. If possible, you might also try to leave him some food and water in case he can't get around to his usual places. :grouphug :grouphug
09-08-2007, 02:28 PM
He is beautiful! That is such good news that he seems to be alright. I bet he hurt himself jumping and needed a little while to recover. Glad it doesn't seem to be anything serious. Thank you for being there for him!
09-08-2007, 02:37 PM
Is it warm where you are? I wittnessed a squirrel acting the same way yesterday crawling low in the grass kind of thing, my opinion was he was hot and trying to cool off. When he came to the street he scampered off.
Apple Corps
09-08-2007, 02:55 PM
rippie - not sure if this is the same thing but our fuzzers often drag themselves through the fescue with only their front legs - hind legs look paralyzed and drug behind them- but they are not stunned or anything. It is a cool off or something - and it is still hot here - 95 today :-(
09-08-2007, 03:19 PM
My squirrel does that to, I figured his belly itches and is trying to scratch it.
09-08-2007, 03:23 PM
Yes, AC soundslike the same thing..very hot and humid...not a lot of squirrels have a good water supply either, so they gotta cool off some how?
09-08-2007, 06:40 PM
It was 7 AM and only about 65 degrees. On hot days our park squirrels do the 'seal walk', especially after the sprinklers have run!
This guy was in a lot of pain, limping/crawling/wincing, on all his legs, not just his back ones. Couldn't get up the tree. I was asking people to walk their dogs on the other side of the street and had the box I brought positioned so the dogs couldn't see him. He could hear their dog's tags and he really wanted to get up the tree. When he would try to sit up on his back legs to eat, he'd fall to the side, or on his face, so he propped himself up on his elbows, and ate laying down. About 15 minutes later, he stated to perk up. After about 90 minutes he was back to is usually squirrel self. When I left him had been burring peanuts, and climbing trees like a pro. Whatever it was, it had worked itself out. I've been back a few times but haven't seen him, which I think is a good sign. With all the treats he had this morning I'm sure he's probably sleeping it off! I've left him grapes (water) and nuts, and I'll planning on at least one more trip before sunset.
Thank you again to everyone. I think this forum has the nicest people on the web.
09-08-2007, 06:53 PM
that's wonderful sarah! i'm sure he realized that you were a friend and will have pleasant dreams tonight knowing that not all humans hate squirrels!
keep an eye out for him in case he regresses. if he does, we're always here to help. you did a wonderful job!
09-08-2007, 06:54 PM
What a strange case! I have no idea what was wrong. But thank you SO much for caring for this guy. Let us know if you see him again, and of course :Welcome to TSB!
09-11-2007, 02:44 PM
I wanted to thank everyone again for their interest, advise, and well wishes for Little Zoomy!
He was a little shaky the second morning and having some trouble sitting up, but nothing like the morning before. And again hours later he was zooming along! Since then, I've seen him everyday, a couple times a day, and I'm positive he's fine.
Thanks again!
Apple Corps
09-11-2007, 02:48 PM
Sarah - thanks for the update - good news to here :jump :jump
09-11-2007, 03:31 PM
thank you for letting us know! i'm so glad he turned out alright, adult squirrels HATE getting captured!
:wahoo :Welcome :thankyou :grouphug
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