View Full Version : Foreskin Scabbing

10-05-2020, 01:31 AM
Hi there! I am currently raising 2 baby boys, (Percy and Blake) approximately 8 weeks old now. Percy has Achondroplastic Dwarfism. He is such a sweetheart, but he was self suckling when I first got him. I finally got him to stop, but he did develop a scab in his foreskin. Every day, multiple times a day, I soak him and work the scab off with coconut oil, but it keeps coming back and seems to be getting worse! Tonight I when I went to give him his last feeding, he was so swollen it looked like a water balloon! I had de-scabbed him 4 times today, but it still sealed back up and it only took about an hour and a half to do so!
I soaked him again and got all the urine out, then did a sugar cast and followed up with a hemorrhoid cream, but he is still swollen and now he seems so tired! Granted it is 1:20 am now, so he should be tired, but I am very worried that this is going to cause a bladder infection or rupture! It has been about a week now with the scabbing with no end in sight. Vets near me do not see squirrels so I can not take him anywhere. Please help!

10-05-2020, 07:59 AM
What you’re doing is the recommended treatment, keeping the scab off, gently expressing, etc. you could try making some type of a wrap for around his middle out of self stick bandage wrap to keep him from suckling himself. You would want it to be tight enough to not slip off but not too tight as to constrict him.

There is a vet in NC that sees squirrels. His name is Dr. Dan Johnson, Avian and Exotic Animal Care, 8711 Fidelity Blvd, Raleigh, NC, 919-844-9166. Other members have taken their squirrels to him.

Many times they will suckle because they are hungry. Try offering formula more often.

Are you sure he’s self suckling and not being suckled by his brother? Try separating them and see if it improves.

10-05-2020, 10:38 AM
Thank you so much for the vet recommendation! I really thought I was on my own here!
I got Percy from a friend who gave him to me because her other little male (Rocky) did not like him. Rocky was the one that started suckling Percy, but they have been separated for 2 weeks now. Percy did kinda self suckle for a few days, because he was so hungry (he came in pretty emaciated) but he has never really been able to latch well to anything. When I feed him formula he just chews the nipple and makes a huge mess. My assumption is that he chewed on himself in the same way when we first got him. Blake doesn’t bother him at all, He is a very good brother!
Percy hasn’t been red or has an obvious brown/red for about a week now. He just seems to close up... like a piercing that won’t stay open. I feed Them between 5% and 7% body weight at 8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm, and again at midnight so no one really gets the urge to self sooth anymore. It is just so odd that he keeps closing up!
He is back to his normal energy levels this morning, eating just fine, but closed up again by the time I fed him. (Though judging by his morning weight he did manage to pee again last night) He has had his morning soak and looks clear now. His penis is still long, (I don’t know that it will ever go back to normal, and it tends to drag along the floor when he “lazy walks) but it is not swollen anymore.

10-05-2020, 11:42 AM
Rub coconut oil into it on a regular schedule. It might help keep it from closing up.

How did you determine he was a dwarf? I had a dwarf for 3.5 years and I believe he self suckled occasionally, but he actually caused his foreskin to roll back. I would gently roll it back with coconut oil.
Can you post a picture of your little ones?

10-06-2020, 12:14 AM
Here are some pictures of the boys sleeping together! (I hope they attached ok!) They are the same age believe it or not! Percy just checks almost every box for the symptoms of Dwarf that I read here. I haven’t gotten him x-rays yet though. At first I thought maybe he had Autism because of his klutzyness and other odd behaviors. I’ve raised and released many squirrels over the years but he is my first Dwarf! He is definitely special! The way he looks up at me with all the love in the world! 🥰🥰🥰

10-13-2020, 02:53 PM
So it looks like Percys foreskin problem isn’t getting any better. He seems to be just developing scar tissue that is shrinking the opening at the tip of the foreskin. He gets 4+ soaks a day, coconut oil at least as often, and 10 min sugar casts 3x a day. Today he tried to pee before his morning bath and he blew up like a balloon! I was able to express him, but he bled a little bit and I worry about what would happen if I wasn’t there to express him right away! Any more suggestions?

10-13-2020, 11:52 PM
I wonder I’d stopping the sugar would help. That is the standard treatment if the inflammation causes the sheath to pull back causing an exposed penis. I wonder if the sugar might be making it worse at this point. I’m not sure but just a thought. Of course, lubrication at all times is critical.

10-14-2020, 01:31 AM
Your babies are precious! What a sweet photo.