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View Full Version : Nose Obstruction

10-04-2020, 06:30 PM
One of the 2 9 wk old girls had noisy breathing, sneezing and mouth breathing. I saw a wad of bedding sticking out her nose. I pulled it out. The breathing didn't improve but when I used a q-tip to wipe her nose, a bit of dark stuff came off. A few sneezes later, another piece of dark stuff. Breathing was better but after a drink and sneeze another piece of gray matter came out. Breathing and activity returned to normal.
My question is how this stuff gets up her nose and is it a problem?. If I didn't remove it, would it come out on its own? She was really cooperative and didn't fight me.

island rehabber
10-04-2020, 08:30 PM
What type of bedding are you using?

10-04-2020, 11:57 PM
What type of bedding are you using?

Whatever it is, a wad getting stuck in a nose is a big red flag saying it shouldn't be used.

10-05-2020, 07:06 AM
:yeahthat:yeahthat. Ditto. Whatever you’re using for bedding.....stop. Remove it and switch to fleece, old baby blankets or t shirts. No towels. Ross stores put their baby blankets on clearance for $3-4 and you can buy fleece by the yard at JoAnns fabrics and Hobby Lobby for a reasonable price. Both can be cut as you need them and require no sewing. They don’t produce long threads when cut.

10-05-2020, 07:33 AM
What type of bedding are you using?

Pulled cotton wrap

10-05-2020, 07:41 AM
I’m not familiar with pulled cotton wrap, but it’s concerning that he was able to inhale it and have it stuck in his nose.

10-05-2020, 08:01 AM
I’m not familiar with pulled cotton wrap, but it’s concerning that he was able to inhale it and have it stuck in his nose.

They both seem to eat it or at least chew it.

10-05-2020, 08:14 AM
Then I’d say it should definitely be removed. The last thing you want is a bowel obstruction because they ingested it. :eek:eek

10-05-2020, 10:42 AM
What type of bedding are you using?

I research other threads and found the problem. Lucy's lower teeth were too long. They weren't wearing down properly and the upper teeth are being pushed back. I clipped her lower teeth.
I'm feeding rodent block and 10-20 ccs formula 3x/d and soft veggies-kale, broccoli, carrots, apple. I hope the upper teeth start growing down.
She has always been a messy eater from the syringe. She rarely sucks. Her sister sucks efficiently and is gaining weight faster.
Is there anything more you can recommend for Lucy?

10-05-2020, 10:48 AM
You need to monitor her upper teeth to be sure they don’t grow through her palate. Maybe since they’ve been trimmed she’ll be able to suckle better.

There is a product made by Fox Valley called Ultraboost. It is specifically designed to add to formula to provide extra calories. I use it with all my babies and have had great luck with weight gain.

10-06-2020, 04:44 PM
After researching other threads I felt that her teeth could be causing her breathing and eating problems and nasal obstructions. I trimmed her lower teeth and she ate and breathed better but now I'm worried about her upper teeth. I can see one that's growing backwards but not into the upper palate so I trimmed it but I can't see or feel the other tooth. She is eating much better and no more cotton wadding in her nose but still has a slight breath sound.
Will her upper teeth grow down now that the lower ones are trimmed?

10-06-2020, 05:08 PM
The only way to know exactly what is going on with her teeth is an X-ray. Some teeth that are broken off at the gum line or below the gum line will regrow. Others won’t, if the tooth bed has been disrupted enough to cause the tooth to die. An X-ray will show you what you’re dealing with.

I have dealt with both scenarios. I just recently had to have a young squirrels upper tooth extracted because the tooth was dead. I didn’t want to take a chance on the tooth rotting and creating an infection. She has been released as the vet felt certain her lowers would continue to stay trimmed.

Have you also changed the bedding material?

10-06-2020, 05:13 PM
Yes. I'm using flannel and underpads. I will try to get an x-ray.

10-06-2020, 07:10 PM
Please be sure the underpads are for humans and not puppies. Puppy pads have been known to cause harm to squirrels and we do not recommend their use.
