View Full Version : Hi. I have a few questions

10-01-2020, 03:17 PM
I have rehabilitated about 10 squirrels to successfully return to the wild. I have a passion for this. I know everyone one the website feels the love of squirrels. I am hoping to get some insight on something I have not dealt with before. My baby squirrel was brought to me at about 4 weeks old. Ears and eyes still closed. He is about 7 weeks old, gaining weight, ears and eyes open but, he appears to be blind. I can pass my finger right in front and around his eyes and he doesn't flinch. He is very hesitate to explore to far in his cage. He does not respond to his bottle unless it is in his mouth. If I put a pecan to his mouth or paw he will nibble but as soon as he drops it, he can't find it.
Can squirrels be blind? He does blink. I would love any suggestions.
Thank you. I am glad to have found this site.

10-01-2020, 05:28 PM
Poor baby!

You have any photos or video?

10-01-2020, 08:15 PM
Squirrels can be or go blind. Many times blind presents with a film or white appearance across eyes,
it does not always mean it's permanent. Some squirrel babies may take longer after eyes open to have
"clarity" of vision, I have experienced this especially with those that came in from a tree fall and fell
on their heads. Nutrition can also play a role with their sight, there has been a few cases with babies
on an improper diet that had improved vision once diet was corrected.

10-01-2020, 10:18 PM
Squirrels can be or go blind. Many times blind presents with a film or white appearance across eyes,
it does not always mean it's permanent. Some squirrel babies may take longer after eyes open to have
"clarity" of vision, I have experienced this especially with those that came in from a tree fall and fell
on their heads. Nutrition can also play a role with their sight, there has been a few cases with babies
on an improper diet that had improved vision once diet was corrected.

Thank you for your information. Yes, I was told he fell from a tree. There were 2 babies and they fell out of a tree, someone put them back and the mother came back and only took one baby. They took this one and I ended up with him. I am hoping he will gain his eye sight soon. He is still on formula and just started nibbling on solids. What do you suggest for diet. I have broccoli, nuts, I was told monkey chow and thought I would try it although I have never used it before. Eyes are clear.

10-02-2020, 12:30 AM
Thank you for your information. Yes, I was told he fell from a tree. There were 2 babies and they fell out of a tree, someone put them back and the mother came back and only took one baby. They took this one and I ended up with him. I am hoping he will gain his eye sight soon. He is still on formula and just started nibbling on solids. What do you suggest for diet. I have broccoli, nuts, I was told monkey chow and thought I would try it although I have never used it before. Eyes are clear.

I'm glad you asked... I was already concerned with your mention of giving a paean.
He really shouldn't be eating nuts at this age. Nuts can deplete calcium, he's still developing.
A proper formula comes first, then the first solid food they should be eating and eating well is
a good quality rodent block.

I'm attaching the link below to the healthy diet and also baby squirrel care. Although your past
some stages with the baby care it can still be helpful.

As for as his eye sight I'd allow him more time before determining if he has any vision.
Often at a beginning stage they may only see dark - light. I'd be curious if he were to be in a dark
area and you flashed a light, (small flash light or lighter) not at him but in front of him kind of off to
one side if he would react to it.

Healthy diet:

Baby squirrel care:
Go to this link this is a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.


10-02-2020, 07:34 AM
He may not take to the monkey chow, and it probably doesn’t have near the nutrient level of other blocks. If I were you I’d order some Henrys Healthy blocks from Henrys Pets online. The Picky Eater and Hazelnut blocks are well liked. These blocks are human grade and are packed full off all the necessary nutrients that squirrels need so they only need 2-3 a day along with healthy veggies. Giving this guy the best nutrients possible may help his eyesight.

Which formula are you feeding?