View Full Version : Medicine needed in this case?

09-26-2020, 12:22 PM
My cacucasian/persian squirrel sally is very lethargic is there something i can give to her to make her more energetic to start eating and drinking?
I have a friend vet that does not take on squirrels but i have access in some common vet medicines.
Are antibiotics for this case?
Is there anything i can get?

09-26-2020, 12:54 PM
Have you checked her teeth to make sure they are okay? Squirrels get malocclusions where their upper and lower teeth do not align with one another and the teeth get overgrown often making it difficult (and eventually impossible) for them to eat.

09-26-2020, 12:57 PM
Have you checked her teeth to make sure they are okay? Squirrels get malocclusions where their upper and lower teeth do not align with one another and the teeth get overgrown often making it difficult (and eventually impossible) for them to eat.

Yeah i check them and seems fine and staight cant post a pic now i am in work i will put it later

09-26-2020, 01:11 PM
As far as medications, I'd not know what exactly to give if her only symptom is loss of appetite and lethargy.

I believe you are familiar with Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) and have ruled that out?

Baytril (vet med) or Cipro (Human Med) could be used if this were AP or even a UTI.

Did you get her from a local pet store?

I'd try to make her cage more comfortable... as Nancy suggested a pile of flannel or fleece squares for her to burrow into and hide in her nest box would be good. I'd place the nest box up higher in the cage or hang a cloth one from the top. Some folks use old stocking caps as hanging nests... you've probably seen different pictures here on the board of these hanging nest cubes.

Putting her cage up higher on a shelf or someplace (safe) might make her more secure... tree squirrels are used to looking down on things, not up (it can terrify them). When alarmed or escaping they go up, up, up. I put wilds I get in for treatment up higher, as high as I can, sine being up higher looking down on me makes them more comfy than looking up at the giant (to them) person.

09-26-2020, 01:25 PM
Have you checked her teeth to make sure they are okay? Squirrels get malocclusions where their upper and lower teeth do not align with one another and the teeth get overgrown often making it difficult (and eventually impossible) for them to eat.

How they look?

09-26-2020, 01:45 PM
As far as medications, I'd not know what exactly to give if her only symptom is loss of appetite and lethargy.

I believe you are familiar with Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) and have ruled that out?

Baytril (vet med) or Cipro (Human Med) could be used if this were AP or even a UTI.

Did you get her from a local pet store?

I'd try to make her cage more comfortable... as Nancy suggested a pile of flannel or fleece squares for her to burrow into and hide in her nest box would be good. I'd place the nest box up higher in the cage or hang a cloth one from the top. Some folks use old stocking caps as hanging nests... you've probably seen different pictures here on the board of these hanging nest cubes.

Putting her cage up higher on a shelf or someplace (safe) might make her more secure... tree squirrels are used to looking down on things, not up (it can terrify them). When alarmed or escaping they go up, up, up. I put wilds I get in for treatment up higher, as high as I can, sine being up higher looking down on me makes them more comfy than looking up at the giant (to them) person.
Whats uti?

Nancy in New York
09-26-2020, 01:55 PM
Whats uti?

Urinary Tract Infection.

09-26-2020, 02:06 PM
Urinary Tract Infection.

And how i see that what are the effects/symptoms?

09-26-2020, 02:08 PM
How they look?

Yes, the teeth look fine to me...

09-26-2020, 02:13 PM
And how i see that what are the effects/symptoms?

Symptoms if a urinary tract infection include strong smelling urine, straining to urinate, very dark yellow urine, peeing small amounts frequently, bloody urine, pain.

Signs of pain include head tucking, folding ears down against their head and "white tears".

Can you vet friend run lab tests on her feces and urine to see if there are infection?

09-26-2020, 02:17 PM
Symptoms if a urinary tract infection include strong smelling urine, straining to urinate, very dark yellow urine, peeing small amounts frequently, bloody urine, pain.

Signs of pain include head tucking, folding ears down against their head and "white tears".

Can you vet friend run lab tests on her feces and urine to see if there are infection?

Exept the stronger smell in comparsion to himas i dindt see any of the other symptoms.
That pedialyte is in any case helpful?

09-26-2020, 02:19 PM
I don't know if she behave like that cuz she is in an new place,cage, in pet shop she was with one male Caucasian months now..and they was cuddle all day..i don't know if she is pregnant.. in my country vets don't know much for squirrels so i don't have somewhere to take her to see

Also i think that she might be pregnant cuz she has very large belly

Can you ask the pet shop if they arrived as babies or juveniles and how old they are? They'd have to be 9 months or older for her to be pregnant.

09-26-2020, 02:24 PM
Exept the stronger smell in comparsion to himas i dindt see any of the other symptoms.
That pedialyte is in any case helpful?

Extra hydration is always helpful for UTI's but we don't recommend continuing to use Pedialyte for more than 24 hours or so. They tend to get overloaded with electrolytes, which causes a whole other set of issues.

You can give plain water or water with just a bit of molasses or honey or syrup or sugar (in order of preference) to get her more interested if she refuses plain water.

I'd also try placing a branch in her cage with the bark on it... see if she'll chew on that. Maybe try a pine cone as well.

And even some scrambled chicken eggs (adding a little cheese is okay too).... maybe her body needs a little extra protein?

If you try these things, let us know if she shows any interest in any of them.

09-26-2020, 02:24 PM
Tell us about her diet. Does she eat extruded rodent food at all? Do you supplement with calcium?

09-26-2020, 02:25 PM
Can you ask the pet shop if they arrived as babies or juveniles and how old they are? They'd have to be 9 months or older for her to be pregnant.
She is propably not cuz i dont see any nipple swollen..
They arrive like that they are now cuz i was visit offen this shop to see what new they got and they are there like 5 months or so
Before them they had 3 red and sold them then got these two

09-26-2020, 02:49 PM
Tell us about her diet. Does she eat extruded rodent food at all? Do you supplement with calcium?

From what I understand, he has been dealing with this since the 17th. The squirrel(Sally)shows no interest in food or water. She was on a diet of fruit and seeds at the pet shop. The op has since made his own Henry's blocks and has learned about rodent block and proper diet, thanks to TSB. He has been syringe feeding her baby food, baby food mixed with block and water. She just isn't interested in anything and takes very little. He does have calcium as he learned about mbd from his first squirrel, but I do not believe he attempted mbd treatment for Sally. She will sit in one spot in her cage for hours at a time without moving. Hope that helps sum things up.

09-26-2020, 03:21 PM
Tell us about her diet. Does she eat extruded rodent food at all? Do you supplement with calcium?
I have her like a week in this week i have managed to feed her via syringe baby food /water with honey for rehydration / baby food with homemade hhb.in pet store she was eating some fruts veggies and seeds with nuts and she is very unactive and seem always tired exept some 5 sec when she scratching in clothes..

09-26-2020, 03:26 PM
Should absolutely do the MBD treatment as well as the blocks. Given the diet and symptoms, it sounds like MBD to me. I would begin to supplement her with about 250 milligrams of calcium every days in addition to what you have baked into the HHBs. If you have calcium carbonate powder, 250 mg is a very small volume. It can be added to the things you are feeding her. It should be spread out through the day, not given all at once.

09-26-2020, 03:26 PM
Extra hydration is always helpful for UTI's but we don't recommend continuing to use Pedialyte for more than 24 hours or so. They tend to get overloaded with electrolytes, which causes a whole other set of issues.

You can give plain water or water with just a bit of molasses or honey or syrup or sugar (in order of preference) to get her more interested if she refuses plain water.

I'd also try placing a branch in her cage with the bark on it... see if she'll chew on that. Maybe try a pine cone as well.

And even some scrambled chicken eggs (adding a little cheese is okay too).... maybe her body needs a little extra protein?

If you try these things, let us know if she shows any interest in any of them. i will try the scrambled eggs tomorrow and i will put her oine con too but she isnt curious for anything so i think she will not even move in the smells of them.thats why i am asking if there is a medicine for this cases,to give them energy,wake the up,make them want to eat,pee and poop cuz i see very little pooping for all this days (but she doesnt eat so i am confused to what the condition of poo pee would be if she ate normally)

09-26-2020, 03:28 PM
Should absolutely do the MBD treatment as well as the blocks. Given the diet and symptoms, it sounds like MBD to me. I would begin to supplement her with about 250 milligrams of calcium every days in addition to what you have baked into the HHBs. If you have calcium carbonate powder, 250 mg is a very small volume. It can be added to the things you are feeding her. It should be spread out through the day, not given all at once.
I have calcium citrate powder and i am not always at home cuz of work so i cant feed her like every 2 hours more like 2-3 times per day

09-26-2020, 03:43 PM
I have calcium citrate powder and i am not always at home cuz of work so i cant feed her like every 2 hours more like 2-3 times per day

2-3 times a day is fine.

09-26-2020, 04:05 PM
2-3 times a day is fine.

The baby food i amde is 140 ml water and 50g powder but ofc she not eat all that i feed her with a 10cc syringe who much calcium to add in that mix ?

09-26-2020, 05:30 PM
She also sometimes make a tremble with her mouth/teeths by not offen

Rock Monkey
09-28-2020, 12:28 PM
She also sometimes make a tremble with her mouth/teeths by not offen

Yes, she isn't comfortable, likely feels threatened and unhappy.

Try putting her in a room which is quiet, where there is no music or TV playing.

Does she have a water bottle in her cage?

I am not sure that cuddling with her or petting her at this time is a good idea. You want to get to the point where she feels comfortable coming to you, not the other way around. It needs to be her choice. She doesn't know you so she doesn't know that she can trust you. It will take time to win her trust.

You can sit and talk quietly with her but keep your distance.

09-28-2020, 12:43 PM
Yes, she isn't comfortable, likely feels threatened and unhappy.

Try putting her in a room which is quiet, where there is no music or TV playing.

Does she have a water bottle in her cage?

I am not sure that cuddling with her or petting her at this time is a good idea. You want to get to the point where she feels comfortable coming to you, not the other way around. It needs to be her choice. She doesn't know you so she doesn't know that she can trust you. It will take time to win her trust.

You can sit and talk quietly with her but keep your distance.
Yeah she was a dish of water as it was in pet shop i out something that she was familiar with.unfortunatly
I cant put her in another room but the tv is barely 1 to 2 hours open and not every day.most of the time they dont have noises to worry them besides there own (i mean when himalyans climbing and jumping in there cage eating drinking etc.)pet store that had her was way to noisy from that she have now..i believe the lost partner is her biggest issue and the diet she was on
I will try to take and the male too

09-28-2020, 06:51 PM
I notice that she brings her right back leg close to her mouth many often when she is laying... no chewing or scraching...
Is that a sign of pain by mdb?

09-29-2020, 04:55 AM
Guys for emergency mbd treatment 0.5g or 500mg i and some orange juice to make a paste but its barely 5 ml i give like 1 ml of that every 4 hours?

09-29-2020, 09:58 AM
Guys for emergency mbd treatment 0.5g or 500mg i and some orange juice to make a paste but its barely 5 ml i give like 1 ml of that every 4 hours?

This will work but may be a tad too much for Sally (I think she is not as large as our grey squirrels?). Knowing her weight will help.

If her poops turn white or whitish that signals that not all of the calcium it is being processed so back off on the amount of calcium.

09-29-2020, 11:09 AM
This will work but may be a tad too much for Sally (I think she is not as large as our grey squirrels?). Knowing her weight will help.

If her poops turn white or whitish that signals that not all of the calcium it is being processed so back off on the amount of calcium.

I will weight her too to be more secure

Rock Monkey
09-30-2020, 01:05 PM
I cant put her in another room but the tv is barely 1 to 2 hours open and not every day.most of the time they dont have noises to worry them besides there own (i mean when himalyans climbing and jumping in there cage eating drinking etc.)pet store that had her was way to noisy from that she have now..i believe the lost partner is her biggest issue and the diet she was on

It takes time for a squirrel to feel comfortable/not threatened by a strange noise. So, even though the pet shop may have been noisy, in time she learned that those noises did not bring danger. They have very good memory.

She may have lived at that pet store most of her life.

The noises with you now are going to be different from those at the pet store. It will take her time to realize that these new set of noises do not indicate danger.

To give an example of their excellent memory, I store some nuts in my refrigerator in a particular container. If I take that container out she comes running from wherever she because she knows what that sound indicates.

Yes, as you say she is probably missing the other squirrel very much.

09-30-2020, 03:09 PM
It takes time for a squirrel to feel comfortable/not threatened by a strange noise. So, even though the pet shop may have been noisy, in time she learned that those noises did not bring danger. They have very good memory.

She may have lived at that pet store most of her life.

The noises with you now are going to be different from those at the pet store. It will take her time to realize that these new set of noises do not indicate danger.

To give an example of their excellent memory, I store some nuts in my refrigerator in a particular container. If I take that container out she comes running from wherever she because she knows what that sound indicates.

Yes, as you say she is probably missing the other squirrel very much.
Talk with the petshop to take the male too..they will to do a good discount so maybe in week they will reunite :D

Rock Monkey
09-30-2020, 04:19 PM
Talk with the petshop to take the male too..they will to do a good discount so maybe in week they will reunite :D

That should help.