View Full Version : Prolapsed intestine

09-25-2020, 08:25 PM
Hello im sorry if im not posting the right way or whatever but wer pretty sure our baby squirrels intestine has prolapsed from his anus. Im in illinois so theres not really any vets that will take him and the one that will saves emergency hours for clients they already have so i have to wait till monday to schedual an appointment. Basically i need whatever advice i can get to get him thru to the appointment thank you so much.

09-25-2020, 08:53 PM
This thread may have info to help while you wait for a response.

I also found this number for a vet that someone said may be able to point you in the right direction.
Arborview Animal Hospital

09-25-2020, 09:39 PM
Ive been texting the second hand ranch place shes not in town at the moment n she gave me the place that is gonna make the appointment monday.

09-25-2020, 10:09 PM
Ive been texting the second hand ranch place shes not in town at the moment n she gave me the place that is gonna make theappointment monday.

I noticed the link for rescues isn't working so I found this:
Herrick Wildlife Rescue, Herrick, Illinois 618-428-5266 or 217-825-7040.

09-25-2020, 10:14 PM
KarmaKay is also a rehabber in Illinois if you'd like to try and message her.

09-26-2020, 01:29 AM
Basically i need whatever advice i can get to get him thru to the appointment thank you so much.

Post #5

I would definitely seek vet help. You can begin to reduce the swelling of the part that is hanging out of the body which will make it easier for the vet to replace. Put a spoon of sugar in a dish and add water one drop at a time (it won't take much) until you have a wet paste and coat the area in question thickly with the sugar paste. It will begin to draw the swelling out and make it easier for the vet to return the tissue to where it belongs.

09-27-2020, 09:59 AM
Theodore passed away shortly after this. Thank you for the help. No vet was willing to see him before monday and sadly he didnt make it that long. I loved my little baby more than anything and wish i could have done more for him.

09-27-2020, 11:20 AM
I just read your post,andit brought tears to my eyes. I FULLY understand how you feel, because I also had a similar experience of not being able to get any help for my 5 week old baby Roco. I did not know about the squirrel board then and so wish I had. i was just looking for someone to help me with him. His only problem was he was a baby and I had no idea of what to do and take care of him. I was on the phone NO LIE almost 10 hours looking for help. One vets office even told me they could not help me or give me any info to keep this baby alive until I could find a rehabber. He passed away and it devastated me and took me to a place I have never been before in my life. To this day it brings tears to my eyes because there was no reason for him to die, none at all. The day I buried him he took a very big part of me with him, and I promised Roco that no other baby would die as a result of lack of help, so I studied and attended classes at Tuffs wild lfe and became a rehabber. With that and the fantastic people here on the board no there will baby die under those circumstance in my care again.

So I can say I know how you feel and I am so, so sorry for your loss. You and the baby are in my prayers without question. :squirrel2