View Full Version : Advice Please

09-24-2020, 11:54 AM
Hello All!
I am new to all things squirrel. I have rehabilitated other animals in the past. However I can tell you I have researched so much my eyes are about to fall out, in the past week. I have not gotten much sleep (which I am okay with he is worth it). Today is exactly a week since my little ones family was unfortunately attacked by an animal on our front lawn, we found them right after. We found the baby dragging himself through the grass, the mother was killed. His back leg it seems was bit but it was very superficial it didnt look to be a deep bite there was some blood. My husband and I immediately removed him because it looked like it had just happened we didnt know if the animal would come back, I believe it might have been cat. I immediately went to the local pet store, I am friends with the owner and she of course has a lot of pets of her own and is very knowledgeable about resources, she gave me a spray to help with the wound called microcyn AH which she said would clean it out, disinfect and help it heal (it is able to be used on small animals including rabbits) and told me about the esbilac but she did not have any there. I also purchased pedialyte right away.

We are keeping him an a ferret cage we already had, he has a little cardboard box with tshirt in it as a nest. He seems to be about 8 weeks old at this point, he is fully furred and has a bushy tail. (I could be wrong) I have been doing esbilac feedings, every 4-5 hours and ordered the monkey biscuits which he cannot eat just yet but I just got henrys healthy blocks in yesterday and he loves those. I ordered the fox valley formula but it has not come in just yet. Not a fan of veggies just yet. Sorry for all the back info I just want to make sure it is understood I am doing everything necessary for this baby. The reason I am posting is his leg. The actual bite marks looked like they were healing well very quickly however his leg is still swollen, he is putting pressure on it now which he was not before which is huge improvement but I am not sure if I am seeing that the area is growing or if he is just getting bigger because of all the eating. Maybe its scar tissue? I want to make sure this is not an abscess. I cannot see any puss in the area. He lets me touch it without crabbing. I do not see him licking or chewing at it so I'm just not sure. I just wanted some input. I have amoxicillin if need be. And my mother has a scale I can use. I ask you to please go easy on me, I have reached out to somebody who deals with baby squirrels in our area and I sound young so she was very judgmental of me, I have not done this before but I am devoted I understand he is a wild animal. I am not trying to just make him a pet out of nowhere, his mother was killed too. If he is able to be fully rehabilitated I would like to return him outside as hard as it will be, but I do also understand the dangers outside, we have alot of strays in our areas so I am also torn since this happened to begin with. I am not naive but I am devoted to animals and helping this one. He is doing much better than he was a week ago so I am giving him my all.


09-24-2020, 01:02 PM
Your story was all of our story at one time. Welcome.!

Can you take a pic of the pill bottle you have or give us exact name and size per pill in milligrams.

From you we will need the baby's weight and you will need a 1cc syringe to dilute and dose the meds - one of what you SHOULD be using to nurse him with will do fine as long as you can read them.

It would be nice if you could get your hands on some amoxicillin clavulanate sold as Clavamox in the pet med business and Augmentin in the human med business. Ask around - lots of folks end up with leftover meds they haven't used. Don't worry about the exp date unless it is just ridiculously old.

09-24-2020, 01:51 PM
Your story was all of our story at one time. Welcome.!

Can you take a pic of the pill bottle you have or give us exact name and size per pill in milligrams.

From you we will need the baby's weight and you will need a 1cc syringe to dilute and dose the meds - one of what you SHOULD be using to nurse him with will do fine as long as you can read them.

It would be nice if you could get your hands on some amoxicillin clavulanate sold as Clavamox in the pet med business and Augmentin in the human med business. Ask around - lots of folks end up with leftover meds they haven't used. Don't worry about the exp date unless it is just ridiculously old.

Hi! Thank you so much for responding. My mother is the one with access to the amox. I will have her take a pic of the bottle when she can and I will post it. She is going to be bring it her along with the scale so we can weigh him. I honestly was not completely sure if it was infected as there is no discharge from the wounds and I really cant tell if the leg is getting bigger as he is growing as well since we brought him in. The area itself isnt bright red compared to his other leg and doesnt seem overly hot. Is it safe to treat him with antibiotics just in case? I do have the 1 cc syringe, its how Ive been giving him formula. Im waiting for the miracle nipple I ordered to come in, as the one I ordered from amazon he does not like. Thank you again.

09-24-2020, 02:30 PM
If you had come here the day you got him and told us that he was not only cat caught, but actually bitten, we would have had you start antibiotics that day. The tiniest scratch from a cat is dangerous - they carry pasturella in their saliva which they pass to their paws and claws when they groom themselves. It looks like it is working on becoming an abscess. If it continues to get bigger and you can start to see the yellowish pus you may also end up having to lance it. But not without help from us, okay? Hopefully it won't get to that.

09-24-2020, 02:38 PM
If you had come here the day you got him and told us that he was not only cat caught, but actually bitten, we would have had you start antibiotics that day. The tiniest scratch from a cat is dangerous - they carry pasturella in their saliva which they pass to their paws and claws when they groom themselves. It looks like it is working on becoming an abscess. If it continues to get bigger and you can start to see the yellowish pus you may also end up having to lance it. But not without help from us, okay? Hopefully it won't get to that.

I wish I knew about this board when I did get him in. I only found it recently when looking through information. But I truly appreciate your willingness to help me and I have been keeping an eye on it. Waiting to hear on what my mother has antibiotic wise.

09-24-2020, 02:54 PM
Also, regardless of the ones in the esbilac, you are going to want to give your baby some probiotics while giving the meds. Most meds are dosed to be given twice per day, so if you are giving meds morning and night, the time to give the probiotics would be noon (or midnight :grin2). You want as much time to elapse between the probiotics and the antibiotics. You can use the human probiotic capsules from the drug store - just a pinch of the powder inside.

09-24-2020, 03:46 PM
Also, regardless of the ones in the esbilac, you are going to want to give your baby some probiotics while giving the meds. Most meds are dosed to be given twice per day, so if you are giving meds morning and night, the time to give the probiotics would be noon (or midnight :grin2). You want as much time to elapse between the probiotics and the antibiotics. You can use the human probiotic capsules from the drug store - just a pinch of the powder inside.

So I was able to fill a prescription I had for augmentin, I had it from about a month ago and never filled it. Figured it will be good to have around anyway even If i dont used it all. And publix has a little food scale I can buy when I go to pick it up. So as soon as I get everything I will post his weight and stuff to see how to dose him, will grab probiotic while I am there too. Thank you so so much for your help. I want to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep him safe and healthy.

09-24-2020, 03:55 PM
That is great news!

09-24-2020, 06:21 PM
That is great news!

Dosage is every 12 hrs. I’m having a veryyy difficult time weighing him. When he is still it comes up around 110-114 g then he starts moving

09-24-2020, 06:57 PM
Dosing sent by PM.