View Full Version : introducing blocks and then food

09-23-2020, 06:07 AM
At what age do you introduce Henrys blocks and then once EATING blocks do you introduce veggies?

09-23-2020, 08:34 AM
Introduce Henrys blocks when eyes open, approximately 5 weeks. After eating the block WELL, then introduce veggies, one at a time. They initially shred the block and don’t really eat much so be sure they’re consuming it before introducing any veggies. I’d begin the veggie introduction with kale, then move on to other greens avoiding the most well liked things like sweet potato, sugar snap peas etc. till they are eating the other veggies well.

09-23-2020, 09:35 AM
I was wondering the same thing. I have been bottle feeding a baby squirrel for three weeks (I am guessing she is 4 weeks--just opened eyes) and need to know when to introduce solids. I ordered Exotics Rodent Blocks from Amazon. Is this good or bad? I want to make sure she has the best head start in life. :-)

09-23-2020, 10:57 AM
I was wondering the same thing. I have been bottle feeding a baby squirrel for three weeks (I am guessing she is 4 weeks--just opened eyes) and need to know when to introduce solids. I ordered Exotics Rodent Blocks from Amazon. Is this good or bad? I want to make sure she has the best head start in life. :-)

They open their pretty much at 5 weeks.

The "best" would be Henry's Healthy Block (order the picky), they only eat 2 - 3 daily as they are supplement block. The Exotic Rodent you bought would have to be almost their entire diet. With a 5 week old, put 1/2 block in with them and remove after a day or day and a half and replace with a fresh 1/2 block. No other solids until they are eating the block well.


Here is a link to the healthy squirrel diet:
