View Full Version : 6 weeks old squirrel straining to pee and poop. Kind of urgent!

09-21-2020, 12:07 PM
Hello all,

This is my forth baby squirrel rescue this year. So far all successful. I received this 4 weeks old male two weeks ago. He was severely dehydrated and had very swollen genitals with scabs all over it (the scabs were so big that he couldn't pee at all). He is now feeding well, gaining weight and the swelling has subsided dramatically. The genitals remain oversized, however, and seems to be straining while urinating. Urine comes out in drops and is cloudy. The strange thing is that he seems to be straining while defecating now. When he does, it all comes out at the same time but is of good quality.
How much of this has to do with the fact that he spends much of his time tucked in my shirt (he hates being alone in his cage) and holds himself until he needs to go (he actually lets me know when!). Incredible little animal but still in precarious shape.

Thank you for your help!

Rock Monkey
09-21-2020, 12:41 PM
Yes, at that age they are very good snugglers. At that age they spend the whole day snuggling with mom and siblings.

They do a lot of their pooping and peeing first thing in the morning. So hopefully he is able to do that in his bed area before climbing up to snuggle.

It sounds like his hungry siblings where suckling on his penis with Mom likely having died.

Are there still scabs? If so, you might work at them with a warm paper towel to see if they will come off.

He may have some urinary tract infection.

Hopefully other more experienced members can make a diagnosis and suggest a course of treatment.

They may ask if you have any antibiotics on hand suggest the proper dosage. Usually only one or two pills is required. See what you have and you may want to call friends and family.

09-21-2020, 12:47 PM
Pictures would help... with cloudy pee and staining poop (I assume well formed, not loose) I would be giving plenty of extra water (hydration) between feedings. You can add a bit of honey to it if he'll not take the plain water.

Antibiotics may be appropriate... Which formula are you feeding?

09-21-2020, 04:41 PM
Thank you all for your responses. The scabs are all gone and the area looks great with occasional slight bloating. I try to express the bladder once in a while, often for only a drop. The stool is well formed. I use fox valley 20/50. I have some cipro in the cabinet. What dosage for a 126g animal? I will send a photo when he wakes up from his nap.

Pictures would help... with cloudy pee and staining poop (I assume well formed, not loose) I would be giving plenty of extra water (hydration) between feedings. You can add a bit of honey to it if he'll not take the plain water.

Antibiotics may be appropriate... Which formula are you feeding?

09-22-2020, 12:07 AM
Thank you for posting back on the forum. :grouphug
Considering the length of this little ones penis/urinary problem I believe ab's are appropriate.
I answered your pm and will give dosing in a pm after I receive your information.