View Full Version : New here! Question about baby squirrels sinuses.

09-18-2020, 12:33 PM
Hello all! Glad to be here!

I have a baby girl Fox Squirrel that is now 5 weeks, almost 6 weeks old.
I have noticed that in cases where she is sniffing around for food or something like that I hear a little rattle" type noise in her nose. Makes me think she's got the sniffles but I only hear it when she's sniffing around. I don't hear it otherwise when shes doing anything else. I have listened to here lungs and I haven't heard any clicking noises. She sleeps, plays and eats well.

Is this "rattle" noise normal?

Thank you!

09-18-2020, 12:48 PM
Baby squirrels make all sorts of mouth and nose noises that are NOT aspiration pneumonia. A/P is constant, happens even when they sleep, and is coming from the chest, not the mouth. It is also accompanied by lethargy and refusal to eat.

They also sniff dust and stuff into their nose which they then have to snort out. When they are happy, they also make a purring noise that sounds much like a cat.

09-18-2020, 10:37 PM
I’m so glad it’s nothing! Thank you! ❤️