View Full Version : Baby given Caltrate, now doesn't eat or drink

09-17-2020, 01:29 AM
Does anyone know what problems could arise from a baby having been given Caltrate? Finder gave it to a 7-8 week old baby who was smaller than the other she had, thinking it might be due to MBD. Baby now not eating and not drinking now - been refusing food and drink for over 24 hrs now.

Is Caltrate toxic for baby squirrels? I dunno but it sounds to me like this could be way too much and or powerful for a squirrel. :(

09-17-2020, 06:51 AM
I looked up Caltrate. Based on what I read, it has double the amount of Vitamin D3 of other calcium supplements. This could be a problem for squirrels as it is toxic in high amounts. It’s also possible she gave too much and the baby has a GI tract full of calcium carbonate. I would try to give hydration fluid to get this to move. Hopefully this is a temporary problem and will resolve on its own. I sure hope so. I doubt one dose of Caltrate would be fatal but I sure wouldn’t use it again.