View Full Version : FOUND JUV. FOX SQUIRREL---HELP!!!
09-07-2007, 12:35 PM
First of all, I would like to thank the Administrator for fixing the glitch! I am in- YIPEE!!!
Hi all! :wave123
My name is Kate and I am a new squirrel mom( I think) and I am SO happy- but a bit overwhelmed and wanted to see if anyone could enlighten me on a few things and I would love to hear any constructive advice that may be able to help me.
I currently live in Los Angeles and this past weekend, my fiance and I were walking to his Father's condo when we heard a REALLY wierd- alarm type noise coming from the dumpsters...Next to the dumpster, was a small cage that was open and tipped over-and next to that was what we now know to be a young Fox tree squirrel. He was running in and out of the cage-FRANTIC!!!
Apparently, someone in the building claims that he has been down there for over a week and wouldn't leave....
As we approached him, he ran up to my fiance and started to crawl up his leg--and proceeded to eat a bit of my fiance's apple...We also gave him some water...
He was looking a little lethargic, but as soon as we let him in our place and gave him some water he perked back up and then curled up in his tshirt and took a nap---since then, we have done TONS of research on their behavior, diet and have even scheduled an appointment with a vet next week( they said that he may need a rabies shot and a stool sample)---Overall, he appears healthy- ( approx 6 to 7 inches long-not including the body- his top teeth are tiny though?-Um, he has a hearty appetite and loves Pecans, Walnuts and he practically did a back flip yesterday for some apple and a bit of watermelon and romaine lettuce. He is non-agressive-and kinda a love bug =)
Since then, we have tried to place him on trees outside- and he comes right back-within the hour- everytime- and runs up my fiance's leg----we even put the cage we found him in outside with the door open and he makes this REALLY loud sound, until we open the door again.
He follows my fiance EVERYWHERE too....So, I would like to keep him and just spoke with the vet who can give me the paperwork necessary to have a wild animal permit at his appointment-but is that what is best for my new friend? We named him SPIKE.
We are currently leaving the door open to his cage and he stays in there---he likes it and just comes out to play....We are also wearing Oven mitts when we handle him- because I heard he may have rabies?
So, 3 questions:
1) Does he have rabies? Do I need to wear a glove to handle him?
2) I inspected him and found one flea and took it off- he has only itched once ( that I have seen since)-what can I use for a flea dip?
3) Can he go to a sanctuary to be released or is he "humanized"?
THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH for any help that you could give me!!!!
I didn't know you had two threads going. I just responded to the other thread in "Introduce Yourself".
Can someone combine these threads into just one? Please, please:)
09-07-2007, 01:06 PM
Yes- I am so head over heals- he keeps doing this little flip thing and it seems like he is hopping? it cracks me up! He loves to just run right on people and he loves to steal any fruit that I am eating- right out of my hand----what do you suggest are the best things to feed him?
09-07-2007, 01:22 PM
Here is Spike =)
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 01:40 PM
K8 - Welcome - Spike is wonderful looking - Foxers are great are they not ?
Foods vary - NO COWS milk - just Esbilac puppy milk. They can eat a lot of things and are picky for sure. Almonds, filberts, pecans, walnuts, no peanuts) greens like spinach, mushrooms, yougurt with calcium, apples, orange slices, dried cranberries, raisins, fresh water - the list goes on.
Spike's conduct does sound like he is too "humanized" to release easily.
Are you going to keep him as a pet squirrel? If not - he would be a welcome addition to our family in central California.
If you plan to keep him there is a lot of additional info we'll get to you over the next day or so.
09-07-2007, 01:49 PM
Thank you so much for the food advice- WE CAN USE ALL WE CAN GET RIGHT NOW! We have investigated and realize that Little Spike will be an expensive investment with the new BIG cage, vet visit and all- I have talked it over with my fiance and he feels that we CAN give him a good home =)---I couldn't be more thrilled! We are in a position right now- where we can really give him the love that he needs =), we just need a little guidance =)
We just feel so blessed that such an amazing creature found us...
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 01:58 PM
k8 - great - just keep us in mind if he becomes "too much".
One thing you will need to purchase is a full spectrum lamp so that Spike gets enough light so his body can use the calcium in his diet. He must have several hours of natural sunlight (NOT just through a window) each day or exposure from the full spectrum lamp. If he does not get that he will develop metabolic bone disease (MBD) which is a disaster if not quickly treated.
Squirrels DO NOT carry rabies - a common misconception is that they do. Also - do not use terry cloth towels for his nesting and DO NOT use wood chips (especially cedar). Fleece blanket material or t-shirts torn into strips works.
Your furniture (and your fingers) will become Squirrel Stamped - can you guess what that means :rotfl :rotfl
More to come.
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 02:24 PM
We are all HEADED to Gammas for supper :jump :jump
09-07-2007, 02:31 PM
Thank you so much for the diet advice! It was reassuring to know that we have been feeding him properly- My fiance is on his way to the Home Depot(I think it was perfect excuse for him to go =) - to pick up the lighting-I just had a few more questions? - Does Anyone have any suggestions on how big a cage should be for him to have LOTS of room and any suggestions on items to put in for nesting? Also, what is the best way to have water in his cage for drinking-and is it normal that he likes to crawl in mug's full of water and wash his face and take a little bath? =)
Lastly, what kind of kitten flea powder do you suggest? Once, the fleas are removed- and since, we think he is rabies free- is it safe for me to let him crawl on our family members( humans =)- not pets) ---when he tries to jump over and play with them? What kind of toys do they like---since, it looks like we got a playful little guy on our hands =)
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 02:41 PM
K8 - CAUTION - do you have any CATS as pets? If so - cat bites are often fatal to squirrels as they carry a bacteria in their saliva that does a number on fuzzers.
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 02:45 PM
K8 - it is normal for juveniles to dive into whatever water bowl you have out - our free in the trees Foxers all did it. Nesting material would be fleece blanket or t-shirt torn into strips. Water is usually put in a bowl and many people simply give the fuzzer free run of the house (REMEMBER - CATS ARE A HUGE RISK if you have any) with a cage or nest box for the evening. The full spectrum lamp is not an emergency - you need to get one with the proper bulb - not all full spectrum are really full spectrum.
09-07-2007, 02:50 PM
No cats- thank goodness! I am planning on having children in the next couple of years and I heard that they are not good for pregnant mothers or the baby?- So, no cats- we just rehab and socialize some other animals-a small dog( with social problems =) but he is doing well), a snake with a nasty burn, a leopard gecko with social anxiety/anorexia and two african zebra finches that are learning how be around a healthy enviroment( they were neglected)- so, yep, we are truly animal lovers-and we have rehabbed a wild animal-a wolf before- but never a squirrel- so this is really fun for us. I LOVE his little personality- I can't believe how smart and quirky he is- he is such a joy to watch!
My fiance wants to know? Is it a common trait amongst squirrels to pee and poop while hanging upside down on the side of his cage/ tree? LOL
09-07-2007, 02:58 PM
Apple- That is too great about the babies and the water! -these foxers are really a crack-up-WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT HOW GREAT SQUIRRELS ARE? :wott
I am going to make him some strips for a nest right now...Oh, and, do squirrels carry any diseases that I should be aware about? What should I ask the vet when I see them-should he or shouldn't he get a rabies shot? Stool sample taken? I can deal with the flea thing on my own right? can you or the vet trim their nails? I trim the little dog's -but squirrel's may need em to hold on to things?
I Just want to say THANK YOU all sooooo much for the help- I really appreciate it!
09-07-2007, 02:59 PM
I thought so Gamma!:jump :thankyou
09-07-2007, 03:03 PM
Spike is beautiful, and yes they do go where ever they want! I just love the fox squirrels, they are so pretty!:Welcome
09-07-2007, 03:09 PM
Thank you Susan for the welcome! Yes- I now realize that we will have- as our friend put it before- " squirrel stamps" all over- but he is so precious-what are ya gunna do? He's worth it :Love_Icon
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 03:20 PM
k8 - no diseases or vaccinations to worry about - squirrels are simply NOT rabies carriers - do not worry about that. They will need nuts in shells and some antler tips to chew on and keep their teeth ground down - here is a link of an online store that many of us use:
Lots of squirrel appropriate things.
It sounds as if you are getting a Ph.D. is Squirrelology in one day :-)
09-07-2007, 03:40 PM
I don't cut my squirrels nails, how else is he going to climb up my walls? Besides, I would be shredded to pieces!:jump
09-07-2007, 03:53 PM
Amen Gamma, you speak the truth! I think that this forum has given me more information than on any topic that I have ever encountered! I REALLY appreciate your opinion and I don't think I will cuts his nails as of right now- as far as the vet- she is supposed to be a board certified wildlife and exotics specialist-she is charging me $59.00 for the visit and $25-35 for a stool test? She said that I would need a 20.00 rabies test too- is she taking me for a run for my money? I have googled her name and found nothing to back up her claims of being a specialist or anything other than an exotic vet?
09-07-2007, 04:18 PM
Save your money on that rabies test.:crazy If that squirrel had been attack by any animal that had raibies there is a 99% chance it would not be alive right now. Think about it all the animals that carry rabbies: racoons, skunks, foxes...we see what cats do to squirrels how would they ever survive larger animal attacks? They wouldnt!
Now with that said what a beautiful little man you have there.
As long as you put Spike first you will always have a happy home, and squirrel!!
:Welcome to TSB!! Glad you found us!!!:jump
Now we only need a minimum of 5 new pictures per day.......Just kidding!!:rotfl
09-07-2007, 04:32 PM
:thankyou :thankyou
I really love this- my fiance keeps telling his buddies about how I have been on the computer all day with my squirrel buddies =) It is so reassuring to know that we are not the only ones that love squirrels too! We are so thrilled with our new addition!
09-07-2007, 04:37 PM
Here are some more pics- to make up for my share this week :jump
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 04:46 PM
Spike is really beautiful.
Be sure to check around the house for poisons also - they can really get into things before you know it.
Are you overwhelmed with advice yet :dono
09-07-2007, 05:02 PM
:Welcome to the lucky group of folks who've realized how absolutely wonderful these little critters are. Did you know squirrels are one of the 10 most intelligent animals on earth? Here's a link to a long and fascinating article on squirrels. I think you'll really enjoy it:
I see Gammas copied a diet list I had compiled with help from others; I would just add that he should get one or two hard nuts in the shell a day so he can keep his teeth worn down, as well as plenty of branches and such to gnaw on. He is a doll!
09-07-2007, 05:02 PM
Thanks so much guys! I am so excited,, I feel like I could never get enough advice:thumbsup :wahoo
I will make sure to check for poisons-I am looking it up on the forum as we speak
09-07-2007, 05:05 PM
What type of branches are ok and what are no no's? And besides walnuts-what else are goon in the shell?
Apple Corps
09-07-2007, 05:35 PM
k8 - surely add filberts (hazelnuts) to the nut list - I'd give most of them in the shell. The good news is that nut harvest season is just starting in California and there are a number of online sellers that have good prices in bulk AND really fresh crop.
Based on what our yard crew chews up - pear tree / birch tree and oak branches are loved. Come to think of it - add acorns to the list.
Also - very important - they are picky picky picky eaters - will love something for 2 days and then turn their noses up at it on day 3. Be well prepared for the pouty lil face - "How could you serve me something like that"?
Apple Corps
09-08-2007, 02:57 PM
k8 - how is Spike doing today - please keep us posted :wave123
09-09-2007, 09:54 AM
Spike is just adorable!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
09-09-2007, 11:55 AM
Holy Smokes, Spike is one adorable foxer! More pics, please!
Apple Corps
09-09-2007, 05:37 PM
k8 - is everything ok - bit worried that we have not heard from you.
09-10-2007, 11:22 PM
Hi there! All is well with Spike:thumbsup :thankyou !
He is eating well, loves a variety of nuts, romaine and a variety of fruits- you weren't kidding when you said that Squirrels are picky eaters =) At least he gets a variety =) He also love to sit in his cage in the mellow sun- it has been like 70-75 here and he loves it! He also loves the ripped up tshirts for his new nest!
I will post more photos in the next couple of days
Had two quick questions- if anyone knows?
1. How much (quantity wise) should I be feeding him per day? at his age? And what kind of yogart do you suggest?
2. I went to look for kitten flea powder today - but all were full of tons of chemicals- he is pretty dirty too from his little adventure before we found him-can I wash him? Is there an all natural/ homemade wash that I can do?
Okie dokie my squirrel- lovin' friends--until tomorrow!!
Thanks again! From me and Spikemjs
09-11-2007, 08:39 AM
If your squirel is dirty and has fleas, your best bet would be to give him a bath using dawn dish detergent. That stuff is awesome at killing the fleas and leaves your little tyke nice and clean and smelling fresh. I bathe mine from the shoulders down and leave the head alone (he may have fleas in his ears too though, so watch for that (do not put suds in his ears though)). Scrub him real good and it should kill all the fleas (you will see them floating in the water).
As for how much he should eat, he should get 3-4 feedings a day and should get 5% of his body weight per feeding. I don't exceed 12 cc in amount per feed because they should start eating regular food at that point not more milk, that is just me though. How well is he eating the regular food? Once he is really eating it you can start to wean him.
Apple Corps
09-11-2007, 09:26 AM
k8 - thanks for the update - sounds as if all is going well. Are the two of you adjusting as well :dono
Also - remember - a squirrel bite will almost happen for sure at some time. Mine have been the result of hand feeding our free in the trees crew (about 10 - 12 now) - their vision at the end of their nose is not great :tilt No need to panic - I've never had even the slightest infection from them and the pain usually goes away once they sew the finger back on (just kidding). Also a good idea to avoid "grabbing" for Spike when he is not ready or might be surprised by it. I flicked the tail on one of our Foxers yesterday while she had her head down burying a nut and I got a really nasty / serious stare :nono
Keep us posted and WELCOME once again.
09-11-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi ALL ! Spike is happy this morning enjoying a bit of watermelon in the sun with me.
Thank you:thankyou for all of the bathing and feeding advice!!!!:wahoo
Since, he came to us- he is refusing the suggested milk and only likes his seeds, nuts, fruits. romaine lettuce and some of the yogart suggested above- But- he eats all of it! His teeth are still kinda small, though- he worked on a walnut the other day for an hour and couldn't get more than a few scratches on it- so I helped him, by cracking the nuts- He is a really healthy eater and active and playful- is this ok? Or is there something else I should be giving him to supplement for the nutrients in the milk?
I get a new camera today!:jump
I Will take and post new pics...
He is amazing! I LOVE SQUIRRELS!!!!
Apple Corps
09-16-2007, 05:14 PM
k8 - how are you and Spike doing - we are looking for those pics :wave123
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