View Full Version : Babies not eating enough

09-12-2020, 08:54 AM
The two 5 weeks old babies I got in about 2 days ago. The poor babies were soooo skinny I like to have cried! One of them is dragging her back leg looks like a hip injury. Poor baby. So I did the rehydration stuff we all know to do then I started feeding them with the 4 weeks and older Foxvalley formula we use the miracle nipples and the O-rings syringes. The poor babies are very scared. Ok so let me back up a little here. I am am Subbing for a licensed Wildlife rehabilitator who has her hands full and she is off out of town right now. I got the call from a lady about the two babies I was told they were doing really good they were eating every 3 hours and eating 3cc’s at each feeding that she had done the pedialyte after she got the babies away from her cat! She told me at first the baby girl was dragging her back leg but that she was fine now she had them for 4 days. Nothing about them was fine! Like I said poor babies were sooo skinny! I knew I was going to be in for a hard road ahead lots of feedings little at a time! Well the little girl doesn’t want to suck the nipple she only wants to take it from the syringe it’s self and she’s biting on it a lot I am guessing that they are five weeks old. Eyes are open upper teeth poking through but one of them already holds tail over her back like Squirrley‘s do.my probably is they are not eating good at all. I am lucky if I can get half a cc in them at a time. Sometimes not even that! I finally got them to start pooping last night. Their bellies look better at least than when I picked them up but any tips I can get is appreciate it! On getting them to eat more at one time they are around 90 g’s like I said they are scared and they won’t stay still long enough to get a good reading on weight. I will check back in soon I am going now to try and feed them.

09-12-2020, 09:25 AM
It would be great if you could put some pics up of them.

Are you feeding full strength 20/50 FV or are you diluting?

Have you seen any poops?

A few things to try -

Hold them wrapped up in fleece and flop it over their eyes before you feed so they cannot see you. Eyes open babies are tough because they know you aren't their mom!

Warm the formula more. They seem to like it several degrees WARMER than any mother squirrel (without a very high fever!) could produce. I can't explain why, I just know they do.

You can mess with the flavor of the formula a bit, too. I like full fat vanilla - greek or regular. Like any diet change, it needs to be done gradually, a tiny bit at a time. You will soon know if the flavor is agreeable. Heavy cream or heavy whipping cream is another very flavorful adder. Normally squirrels LIKE the Fox Valley formula just plain - I mean smell it - it smells like cake mix! So just preventing them from seeing you and increasing the temp of the formula may work.