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View Full Version : NR with bloody nose help

09-07-2020, 10:34 AM
Hi, I have an NR, Eli, who is 8 years old, and he has a bloody nose for no apparent reason. I wheeled his cage out to get some sun like I do every morning and have been working outside periodically around his cage. 15 minutes ago I walked by and he was in his cube with his head hanging out watching me and seemed perfectly fine. 5 minutes later I walked by and noticed that he was laying oddly on the top of his cube, so I walked over and saw blood on his nose, paws and all over the top section of his 2 layer critter nation cage. It is splattered like he was sneezing the blood out. I cleaned him up and he has no injuries, so the blood was definitely coming from his nose. His teeth look good, and I've dosed him with infant ibuprofen.

A little background on Eli.... He was given to me by a rehabber and I'm not sure exactly what his finding situation was but he has a white eye and has what I call "drifting moments" where he seems to have small seizures in which he stops and his head drifts. He's not very coordinated and a total love bug, hence he became an NR.

Any ideas what could cause a bloody nose like this? I really don't want to lose him.

Also, his diet is good. He gets 2 henry's blocks a day along with veggies, fruits and occasional treats. He usually gets supervised out of the cage time each day, but we've had workers at the house, and he hasn't been out for over a week.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Rock Monkey
09-07-2020, 02:56 PM
What kind of bedding is used in his cage? How long have you had him?

Cedar chips release phenols which cause lung problems. One manifestation is bloody nose.

Any bedding which is dusty can cause a lung irritation.

09-07-2020, 03:05 PM
Could something have startled him and caused him to fall and hit his nose? You say he isn't coordinated...

09-07-2020, 03:06 PM
Any chance a cat, dog or something else came along and panicked him into crashing into the cage wall trying to get away?

09-07-2020, 04:26 PM
He's 8 and I've had him since he was about 4-5 weeks old. Also, he's in a double critter nation so no bedding, and he can't fall far.

Yes, there is always the possibility that something startled him, but he is outside every day and this is the first time anything of this nature has happened. I'm praying that this is what happened.

I just checked on him, and he was still blood free, but his nose started bleeding again when he started eating a shelled almond that I gave him.

How often can I give him the infant ibuprofen?

BTW - thanks so much for the help. I ADORE him!!!

09-07-2020, 04:40 PM
He's 8 and I've had him since he was about 4-5 weeks old. Also, he's in a double critter nation so no bedding, and he can't fall far.

Yes, there is always the possibility that something startled him, but he is outside every day and this is the first time anything of this nature has happened. I'm praying that this is what happened.

I just checked on him, and he was still blood free, but his nose started bleeding again when he started eating a shelled almond that I gave him.

How often can I give him the infant ibuprofen?

BTW - thanks so much for the help. I ADORE him!!!

Every 4 hours.

09-07-2020, 05:11 PM
Thank you, Crittermom!!!

09-07-2020, 05:58 PM
Once things calm down for him, see if you can get a look at his teeth and make sure they didn't get damaged.

09-09-2020, 05:26 AM
I am thrilled to report that Eli was back to his normal self yesterday with no blood from his nose. I believe y'all were right about something startling him, and he bonked his nose hard on the cage.

With his advancing age I am always fearing the worst....

Thank you all so much for your help!! :Love_Icon