View Full Version : 4-5 week old grey squirrel seizing

08-30-2020, 03:23 AM
I received 2 baby squirrels that fell out of a tree 2 days ago. Everything was great, I had read that they need to be feed every 4-5 hours based on their age, they have hair everywhere, and their eyes are open, they even have a few little bitty teeth. I named them Phineas and Ferb. I fed Ferb and put him down in his bed, and I went to get him he was lathargic, having seizures( he would go stiff and shake), and he was opening his mouth gasping for air. I was aware of the sugar problems that baby squirrels have and by the time I was aware he was already gone. Well 2-3 hours after Ferb died, Phineas went lathargic and seized, so I gave him honey and all was fine. At this point I make Phineas’s feeding schedule move up to every 2-3 hours. Well 5 hours later he goes lathargic and seizes again, so I give him honey again, and after a bit he is fine as well. I am not sure what to do, or what that problem is. Am I doing something wrong? I am open to any advice because I don’t want to list Phineas as well.

08-30-2020, 07:58 AM
What are you feeding them?

How much each feeding?

How much do they weigh?

How are you feeding them?

They should be fed with a small syringe, no bottles, droppers or pipettes, to avoid Aspiration Pneumonia (AP). Is Phin "clicking" when he breaths?

These are all important to doing things right and will help us help you and Phin. :thumbsup

08-30-2020, 12:28 PM
I was feeding a little less, but more often when I first got them because they were skinny and I didn’t want it to be too much for their tiny tummies.

I am feeding 4 cc of powder esbilac dry puppy powder with a syringe with a nipple on it. I’m not sure how much they weigh.
Phin is not clicking when he breaths.

08-30-2020, 01:04 PM
Feeding amounts are based on weight in grams. The capacity of their bellies is about 5-7% of their weight. Example a 50gr squirrel would eat between 2.5ml - 3.5ml at each feeding. Over feeding causes diarrhea and u Dre feeding deprives them of the nutrients they need as they grow so fast.

Do you have a gram scale? They are about $20 and available at Walmart, target, bed bath and beyond, etc. If you don’t have one you need to get one. Keeping track of his weight on a daily basis allows you to follow his progress. All meds are dosed by weight as well, if needed.