View Full Version : Can you help me identify this baby?

08-25-2020, 02:19 AM
Hello all! I'm new here and am really appreciating all the information!

I was given this baby squirrel by a lady whose kids found it laying in the road. She's almost doubled in size in the week we've had her. From 24g to 40g this morning. I've been feeding her Esiblac puppy formula after he was rehydrated and have ordered Fox Valley squirrel 20/50 formula for it.

Can you help me determine the type of squirrel, sex and age :grin2 ?
Her ears have started to pop out a little in the last 3 days but her eyes seem still tightly closed.
I say "her" but I'm not actually sure.
My guess is either an Eastern Grey Squirrel or Fox squirrel.

Side note; my sister contacted me last night and said a friend of her's had just dropped off a baby squirrel with her. She brought it over to show me last night. It was much bigger than the one I have and weighed 62g to mine's 40g BUT they seemed to be about the same developmentally. Both had similar whisker length, amount of peach fuzz on their body and tail and hair on the head. Mine is darker in color except on the belly where she is still pretty pink.

Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post!

08-25-2020, 07:02 AM
Hello & welcome! Adorable 'lil one you have there :) I'm new here too and I'm sure someone more experienced will be along to answer your questions with more accuracy. :bowdown
Until then I can *try* to help you with what I've learned in my crash-course since finding my little girl about 2 weeks ago :grin - an Eastern Grey. Before I found TSB I found this information that helped me get an idea of how old she is -http://www.orphanedwildlifecare.com/squirrelcare.htm#24

I believe it is a girl, about 2-2.5 weeks old. She looks like an Eastern Grey to me but I'm not too sure. Mine has a bit different coloring :thinking
Does she have bottom teeth yet? Have you named her?

She looks nice & healthy.. Good job new mamma!

In my limited experience.. Is the white around her mouth a milk mustache or a white marking? I ask just because if it is milk, once dried it is like cement and really hard to get off (as you most likely know since you have had her a week). Also, imo, make sure you have infant gas drops - Simethicone is the active ingredient - they seem to help a lot with switching formula & an overall happy tummy as do probiotics (Fox Valley doesn't have this as an ingredient like Esiblac regular does). Transition very slowly. I transitioned from Esiblac goats milk formula to Fox Valley 20/50 about a week or so ago. I did the 75/25 (Esiblac to FV) for 24 hours then 50/50, 25/75 (24 hours for each) and my poor baby got constipated, then bloated :( (I didn't have her on gas drops or probiotics at that time either though. After dealing with a colicky baby, I definitely think they would have helped my baby girl during the transition - also going a bit slower with the switch.. maybe 36-48 hours instead of 24. The bloating/constipation didn't start until I was at 25/75 transition).
FV (Fox Valley) has probiotics - LA-200 Probiotics. I don't have experience with that kind (FV seems to be the most squirrel-friendly brand.. I didn't realize they sold probiotics and had already started the one I'm using that is working great.. their little tummies are so sensitive it's best to switch things as little as possible). I am using Bene-Bac Plus made by Pet-Ag.

In the time it took me to write this book someone else may have already got back to you :grin

That's really neat that an orphan found it's way to your sister as well. Is there any way either you or your sister can raise both babies together? They do much better when they aren't a singleton, especially if you plan to release her/them back to the wild. I wish my baby had a buddy :hug

08-25-2020, 09:25 AM
Your baby is a grey and is female, 3 weeks would also be my estimate.
Eyes generally open at 5 weeks of age like clock work so that will give
you a better account of age once they do.
I'm attaching the link below to baby squirrel care, it can be a huge help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
