View Full Version : Weird swallowing

08-24-2020, 12:59 PM
Hello everyone and thanks for letting me in! I'm from Québec, Canada. Please be patient with me, cause my english isn't that great!

3 days ago, I was walking down the street and saw a dead squirrel (probably hit by a car). A few steps away, there was this poor baby, in the middle of the street! I assumed that the first one was his mother, so I picked him up and looked around to see if there were other babies, but I didn't see any.

He seemed in a bad shape but not hurt, so I brought him home... and made a few mistakes, which I just realized, reading this forum :sniff.

First, I made sure that he was warm; I held him for some time in my hands, and then, placed him in warm (but not hot) covers that I had put in the drying machine. I placed a lamp over the box (making sure the light wasn't in his face).

Since it was late, the store was closed, but someone I know had kitten milk formula, so I gave him that. The problem is that he was so hungry and I only had that sort of dropper: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/compte-gouttes-avec-le-liquide-rouge-4062083.jpg. I know he ate too fast and reading about pneumonia on this forum is scaring me to death, though I haven't heard a clicking yet!

I saw that he had teeth and since he was so hungry, I also gave him bits of apple (without the skin) and he ate them so fast!

He must be around 5 weeks (eyes were already opened), so I fed him every 4 hours. He ate about 4 ml each time.

The second day, I bought a 3 ml syringe, an heating pad, rodden blocks and puppies formula. Unfortunately, it's Esbilac. I wonder if it's dangerous for him too, if he's older (5 weeks).

My problems:

Since yesterday, he looks like he has trouble swallowing! It's so scary! He tilts his head back and opens and closes his mouth, even if there's nothing in it! I'll try to make a video of it, to show you. But then, he sucks again on the syringe, as if eveything was alright! But he eats less (about 2-3 ml), since I changed the formula from kitten's to puppy's. He weighs 100g and I don't know if it's a good weight for his age. I'll check if he's gaining some in the next days. I tried to give him rodden blocks but he wasn't interested. I gave him again bits of apple and grapes (both without the skin), but this time, he seemed to choke on them! I got scared and threw them away!

Also, I wonder if he's supposed to sleep so often. He's very active when he's hungry but he's sleeping the rest of the time.

I don't know much about squirrels and I'm affraid that I harmed him more than I helped him!:sadness Can you guys help me out, please?:thankyou

08-24-2020, 02:09 PM
First, you have done remarkably well!

What is the date on your Esbilac? It IS the powder version, right?

The mouth thing... We call it "guppy mouth" - a guppy is a type of fish and they look sort of like fish coming the the surface when they do it. It is a sort of mini seizure that appears to be brought on by nursing, in fact they LOOK like they are nursing, sometimes even doing the little hand movements of pushing mama's tummy. Some do it, some do it like CRAZY and some don't and nobody knows why! You need to wait until the "seizure" is done before you give any more milk when feeding. I have had babies that responded to being gently tapped on the head with the nipple! You can pause and wipe the milk off their little mouth too - just something different than feeding will usually snap them out until the next time. It isn't dangerous if you don't squirt formula into them when it is happening. But it IS a pain in the you know!

Read all 6 pages of this: https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/

08-24-2020, 02:28 PM
Thank you SO MUCH for your reply!!! :hug You can't imagine my relief!! :dance:grin2
Yes, it is the powder. The date? I remember that it was good until 2021, but I'll look for the fabrication date on the bottle, when I'll get home! ( I brought only a sample of it in a Tupperware, at work)

Thanks again for taking the time to answer me!!! I feel so much better now! :serene Have a nice day!

Charley Chuckles
08-24-2020, 05:01 PM
My Charley Chuckles did that even before his eyes opened, when his feeding was done he did the "GUPPY MOUTH" bless his heart I knew he wanted more but I also knew if I over feed it could be bad.
So he was my little GUPPY🐡 😁

08-24-2020, 08:18 PM
Hi Jannie :Welcome

I will be happy to help you by phone if you want. For various questions or things you might need. I, too, am in St-Lazare (near Vaudreuil). Please don't hesitate. If you need syringes or nipples I have some. If your Esbilac is causing problems, I Have some Fox Valley 20/50.

08-25-2020, 08:30 AM
Thanks Scooterzmom! Glad to see a fellow Quebecor here! :grin2
I took a video of my little monster! You'll see, it's very scary! He's doing it more and more often (like 2-3 times in a row). Just wanna make sure that it's normal, cause it really doesn't look like it! (like he's gasping for air) :dono Please let me know what you think: http://youtu.be/BwNlq89RYFs

08-25-2020, 08:47 AM
I think that I found out why he might be doing that: and it's all my fault!!! :( When I found my squirrel, I watched videos on YouTube and they misled me. I just read on this forum that the syringe must be up toward his mouth, and I was holding in down! :( Can't wait to feed him again to see if it makes any difference.