View Full Version : Hi! Joined to find information about Bachman’s fox squirrels?

08-22-2020, 11:10 AM
Hello everyone, I am not familiar with message boards or blogs... it took me five minutes to figure out how to start😂 I have successfully nursed and released grey squirrels. On 8-16 a neighbor found a baby who had fallen from a very large long leaf pine. She called me to come and see if I could help. The little guy had been on the ground for a while and had fire ant bite, was cold, and dehydrated. I went ahead and brought him home and found that he also had a broken hind leg. After warming him I was able to get him to take some electrolytes and stimulate him to urinate. I than started diluted formula with gradual increase. The next day I took him to my vet for advice. He did a splint on his leg, did vitamin B and iv fluid. Told me he didn’t think his prognosis was good, but do what I can. He gave me lactated ringers to administer subconsciously between feedings. That was 6 days ago! His eyes are open, he has been regulating his body temperature better, eating well, consistently moving bowels and urinating (with stimulation). I moved him out of the small incubator box into a larger cage, still have the heating pad under part of his cage. My question is if anyone else has experience with this sub species of squirrels? Is there is any information about growth rates, feeding amounts and requirements. I can say, he is way bigger than a grey squirrel! We do have a colony of Bachman’s squirrels on our farm, but have never had a baby need assistance. He seems to be doing well. I want to make sure his progress continues. From what I understand this sub species of squirrel is declining due to loss of suitable habitat. We have a pine plantation and cattle farm, this seems to be an ideal area for them. So I would like to see this guy add to the population. Thank for any information...

08-22-2020, 01:30 PM

Many years ago we had a member who had two Sherman foxers, a very similar in appearance subspecies to what you have - big monkey squirrels with the white faces and black markings. They are extremely endangered - the majority of the members left of the species live at a golf course in central FL!

I would say that as long as you stick to the 5-7% if body weight feeding rule -- which will end up being a lot more formula than the grays are drinking - he should do okay. He is just WONDERFUL!

So where exactly do you live? Address, GPS coordinates and times when nobody is home would be appreciated. Asking for a friend... :grin3

08-22-2020, 01:40 PM
Haha 🤣 not a chance... I will say we are in south Mississippi and the only information I can find is in Louisiana and it’s hunters trying to find them or show their kills😳 I have added heavy cream to his formula felt he could use the calories due to his size... hope his leg heals and he can be released 🐿🤗

08-22-2020, 04:20 PM
If you find you need assistance in any way, we have a member who is a vet in the middle part of mississippi and she works with a rehabber in the southern part of Mississippi. I would be happy to share contact numbers if needed. ��

Charley Chuckles
08-23-2020, 07:47 AM
What a handsome boy😍
Pray his leg heals for release, but I would have a hard time letting that fella go :hidechair :grin3