View Full Version : Question regarding holding baby squirrels with eyes closed.

08-21-2020, 03:57 PM

My 2-3 week old baby squirrel is usually held when feeding. Then put back in her cozy ( soft and warm container). She sleeps nice and full until her next feeding).

Should I be taking her out and playing with her until she learns I’m not just milk? I usually take her out and massage her but she starts cooing and making the sounds she makes when it’s time to feed. She associates me solely with.. milk..

Will she change when she opens her eyes? Do they usually eat poop and sleep? Like real babies.

Should i be doing anything else or just let her be.

08-21-2020, 06:54 PM
I like to cuddle for a few minutes after chow but at that age they are eat, poop, pee and sleep, then repeat. But the bringer of the milk is THE MAMA so also the most important relationship in their life. Revel in it! She will be a crazy little squirrel soon. If you really wanna be the mama, barely dampen a finger tip and use it to short stroke in the opposite direction the hair lies - don't smooth like humans want to do, ruffle it up the wrong way. Mama is trying to clean them and that is the best way for her to do so. It is really soothing for them.

08-28-2020, 01:45 PM
Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate it!