View Full Version : Baytril and extra tiny babies!

08-21-2020, 04:23 PM
I have 3 little babies that were brought to me that were only 6,7 and 7 grams I hydrated them and then started feeding them the goat milk recipe every 2-3 hours. I have never seen any this small before! One has started a small clicking off and on and I wanted to start him on Baytril but I am unsure of the dosing if someone could please help me out on that?? Current weight is 8 grams now. The other concern is their weight. I have ordered ultra boost and I have them on heavy cream till it comes. In one week I have only gotten them up to 7,8,and 8 grams. They are active. Any other suggestions? They bloat easy so I have them on gas x also.


08-21-2020, 05:46 PM
Soooo, never mind this thread. I have just figured out that I am losing my mind. I have mice not squirrels. :grin2

I will still continue to care for them. Lol

08-22-2020, 01:11 AM
Mice... LOL.
We still care about mice.

Clicking 'off and on' is fine. They do that when they get moisture in their nose from feedings. Its the always on that is a problem
Don't 'preemptively' give them any antibiotics or drugs. They mess with the biotics in the stomach, and can create problems when the animal was actually healthy.

Mice often look bloated when they are not.. with giant wide tummies after eating. If the tummy shrinks by the next feeding they aren't bloated.

Best way to feed mice is to use a feeding tube attached to a syringe. I cut off a 4 to 6 inch length of the feeding tube.. so it looks like this: