View Full Version : New here and have Q's about my missing girl

08-21-2020, 02:10 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a first time poster and long time stalker.. ;)

Straight to my point.. my rescue has escaped (fell through a broken screen and tried to chew her way back in before giving up and running away from home). We saved her from a crow at 5 weeks old and she was 5 months old before leaving.. it was NOT a soft release, it was very much a non-planned release. Since she is my first squirrel baby, I've been loosing my mind looking for her!! I've done everything I can think of.. walk around the neighborhood calling her 2xs a day for the past 15 days, offered a reward and have followed up on every "lead" when a neighbor claims to have seen her, posted photos to my neighborhood FB groups, created a squirreltopia in my yard and lured every squirrel here, hung feeders, set out water bowls in the neighborhood, left all my windows open 24/7, commited my cat to exile in the spare room, made a deal with the devil and God that I will eat a bowl of spiders if only she comes home to me... Bubbles had the good life here, her own trees to climb in the house, an all-she-can-eat buffet, almost constant back rubs and cuddles.. I miss her SOOOOOOOO much!!
My questions are:
1: How quickly do they change colors and will I still be able to recognize her??
2: Do they change behaviors after being outside? Like..she used to jump on me a hundred times a day, lay on my shoulders, sleep on me when I slept..she had run of the house and slept on top of her cage at night..will she still approach me now or will she be afraid to?
3: I'm in the Seattle suburbs surrounded by giant evergreens... how far will she travel away from home?
4: Is there ANYTHING else I should be doing to find her??!
My heart hurts every second of every day and I'm litteraly worried sick. :( :( :(
Any advice or sharing your experiences will be very appreciated!! TIA


08-21-2020, 02:58 PM
I am so sorry Bubbles released herself. :sniff:sniff I’ve never had one do this but my heart hurts for you because I know how I feel even when it’s a planned release.

I think her behaviors will still be the same for a while. I would have thought that if she was in the area, she would come to you when you called. Being that she’s the “new kid on the block” it might be intimidating to have a bunch of squirrels in the yard now and that may actually keep her away. They may chase her.

Was there any noise you made to her that she might recognize? Or a certain way you talked to her or called her name? I’m sure you’ve walked the neighborhood a bazillion times calling.

Sometimes the young frightened squirrels come to eat or are out and about a little later in the morning or during the afternoon when the other squirrels are napping. You might spend some time just being outside in your yard at those times and see if you see her.

I don’t think she would be afraid of you, just the other squirrels.

Don’t give up hope, she may show back up and surprise you. Especially, since it sounds like you had a very strong bond. :hug

08-21-2020, 03:13 PM
Don’t give up hope, she may show back up and surprise you. Especially, since it sounds like you had a very strong bond. :hug[/QUOTE]

I'm in tears now.. thank you for your positive words. We had an extremely strong bond and I used to tell people she was my soulmate because I've never felt that connection with any other animal or even human for that matter.
I read somewhere that squirrels that are released in unfamiliar surroundings have less than a 10% chance of survival.. that really stressed me out. Yes, I've always made a clicking sound when I fed her, so she associated that sound with good things and I've clicked as much as it's possible to click, (in addition to calling her name). Now, I have 5 different squirrels that come for food when I yell her name and one of them looks SO much like bubbles that it has to be her sister.. that one will run down the street when I call Bubbles and eats cautiously from my hand.. it plays tricks on my brain. I'm definitely "the crazy lady with binoculars" in my neighborhood..


08-22-2020, 03:49 PM
Do you spend a lot of time outside yourself? Just like sitting there near where she got out?
Movement scares them. If you look like you are hunting .. moving, lurching, lunging, it is jumpy movements. If it is not unpleasant, maybe just dress the way she knows you, with her treats and what bowl or toys she knows in your lap and sit there for a few days, in the AM and PM for 3 or 4 hours each. Read a book, listen to music, Just chill.

Perhaps she will come up to you...

But you should enjoy what you are doing... then the time will pass quickly and you will have had a good time, even if she is having one, on her own.

08-22-2020, 06:03 PM
She could very well be laying splatted on a limb, watching you and waiting for the right moment to come to you!

Thanks for loving your baby!

Good luck!

08-22-2020, 08:09 PM
Don’t give up hope, she may show back up and surprise you. Especially, since it sounds like you had a very strong bond. :hug

I'm in tears now.. thank you for your positive words. We had an extremely strong bond and I used to tell people she was my soulmate because I've never felt that connection with any other animal or even human for that matter.
I read somewhere that squirrels that are released in unfamiliar surroundings have less than a 10% chance of survival.. that really stressed me out. Yes, I've always made a clicking sound when I fed her, so she associated that sound with good things and I've clicked as much as it's possible to click, (in addition to calling her name). Now, I have 5 different squirrels that come for food when I yell her name and one of them looks SO much like bubbles that it has to be her sister.. that one will run down the street when I call Bubbles and eats cautiously from my hand.. it plays tricks on my brain. I'm definitely "the crazy lady with binoculars" in my neighborhood..


I know ALL about being the crazy lady in the neighborhood! When my released boy went missing about 18 months after release, I rode my bike and walked the neighborhood for days....weeks.....calling his name hoping he’d come to me. I assume the neighbors thought I was calling a dog or cat. I never elaborated on it being a squirrel! They probably would have sent the padded truck for me if they’d known!

I never did see him again. :boohoo:boohoo. I was pretty devastated at the time, but as time has passed it has gotten easier. I like to think he, and his brother, just moved on to more exciting territory. :sniff:sniff

08-22-2020, 11:01 PM
Just seeing this now. I feel SO bad for you! I know your pain and worry. BUT I will continue to hope and pray that Bubbles finds her way back to you. Please keep us posted.

Charley Chuckles
08-23-2020, 07:11 AM
I am sending prayers Bubbles comes to you, I do think she is watching you👍

The bond of a squirrels love will change your life forever 💖

08-23-2020, 07:16 PM
I don't know what to say. Reading your post I'm in tears, knowing too well what you must feel like. They move into our hearts so completely that they leave us in agony with worry over them. I pray, am praying, that your darling Bubbles finds her way back to you soon. Very soon. .