08-19-2020, 12:14 PM
HI. I have a baby maybe 5 weeks his eyes just opened today. He fell from a tree after a storm we had. Mom took all other babies with her and left this little guy.
He definitely is the runt of the litter, small for his age, fully furred. He had a bump on top left of his head when he was found . It was a soft bump, if that makes sense? The next day it was gone. He needs to be forced to open his mouth, he is eating from a tiny syringe because he does not suck.He pees fine and poops fine.
He trembles , his whole body, not sure what that is.
I noticed he will only sleep on his right side. He also when on all fours, falls or leans right and his head is on the floor right side down. He needs assistance to be on all fours. He scoots around a little but mostly toward the right, his little right arm under is body.
He can move his right side limbs, he just has no strength to hold himself up on that side.
I hope this makes sense, it hard to explain. I have rehabbed over 30 squirrels and this is the first with such issues
Any one know what could be wrong with this little baby?
He definitely is the runt of the litter, small for his age, fully furred. He had a bump on top left of his head when he was found . It was a soft bump, if that makes sense? The next day it was gone. He needs to be forced to open his mouth, he is eating from a tiny syringe because he does not suck.He pees fine and poops fine.
He trembles , his whole body, not sure what that is.
I noticed he will only sleep on his right side. He also when on all fours, falls or leans right and his head is on the floor right side down. He needs assistance to be on all fours. He scoots around a little but mostly toward the right, his little right arm under is body.
He can move his right side limbs, he just has no strength to hold himself up on that side.
I hope this makes sense, it hard to explain. I have rehabbed over 30 squirrels and this is the first with such issues
Any one know what could be wrong with this little baby?