View Full Version : I’m new 👋🏼

08-18-2020, 09:39 AM
Hey y’all! I’m extremely new here, I don’t know if this Is the right place to post, send me to the right place if this isn’t please!

I saved a pinkie about 2 weeks ago, we had a small hurricane here in Virginia and I found her in the wreckage of my backyard along with her dead sibling. She was a little dehydrated but doing very well overall. I have some experience rehabbing wildlife so I know how to care for her and she’s doing quite well. She’s gaining weight, eating very well, and developing but I’m afraid of the what if’s and i would like to be prepared. I’ve called several vets in my area and I can’t find ANYONE who will help me in case she needs vet care.

I would like Baytril on hand in case she needs it down the road but have no way of getting any. I guess my long winded question is, where do I get medicines that are usually RX required? Or maybe there are alternative remedies that I can be made aware of. I was told to just throw her in a dumpster... vets won’t touch her because she’s a “pest” (rude!) basically it’s all on me if something should happen and I’d like to be prepared.

08-18-2020, 10:02 AM
Many human meds are used for squirrels and other wildlife. For example, the drug Cipro (ciprofloxaxin) is similar enough to be interchanged with Baytril (enrofloxacin), and Cipro is usually fairly easy to find. It is commonly prescribed to women with urinary tract infections, and it works so fast on those lots of times people don't bother finishing their prescriptions and have a pill or two left.

The first thing I would do is ask your friends, family, neighbors, etc., if they have ANY leftover antibiotics and see what you can stock yourself up with this way. You can come back and ask and we will be happy to tell you if you have found a good one.

Many antibiotics are sold OTC for use in aquariums You can buy things like Cipro, Clindamycin, Doxyccycline, and a host of others from them without a prescription but you are buying whole bottles of meds so it is a little pricey when normally one pill will do, but it is also an option for you. Here is one that I have bought from: https://www.calvetsupply.com/capsules-and-tablets-fish-aid-antibiotics.html

08-18-2020, 12:03 PM
Thank you, CritterMom!

I’ve done some digging and found this site (for birds) for Baytril. Hopefully I won’t have to use it but I’m glad I found some just in case.


I’m glad there are ways to work around the system to care for these babies!