View Full Version : 2 week baby - not sure eating right

08-17-2020, 05:50 PM
Picked up this baby from neighbors down the street after my son told me they posted online they were going to try to raise a baby they’d found. He told them to give it to me since I knew what to do and the girl initially refused. Long story short she finally did. When I got there they were attempting to feed him cow milk mixed with pedialyte with an eye dropper while he was on his back. Gah! Thank goodness I got him!

I’ve had him for almost 24 hours. Feeding him every 3.5 hours the Fox Valley 20/50. He is 50g, so I think he should be getting 3ml. He peed the first time, and I couldn’t get h8m to go again until this last feeding. He sure is a pooper! They went from hard black to softer brownish which I think is a good sign. I was worried about him not peeing, so I gave him some of the Fox Valley electrolyte and I’m hoping that’s why he may have peed this time. I don’t need to keep giving him that, should I?

The reason I ask is because he just doesn’t seem to be eating the 3ml. He seems to be eating less that he did the first time I fed him. He may have gotten about 1ml or this last feeding. I don’t want to force him. I have never had one this young and I’m afraid of pushing the syringe too hard and aspirating him. I’m trying to keep it very warm so he’s interested. He hasn’t gotten a good latch and he seems to fall asleep. Am I feeding him too often? Thanks!

08-17-2020, 06:16 PM
Did you flush the cow milk out of his system with pedialyte for 4-5 feedings before attempting to start him on the Fox Valley? ....... if not I would suggest it.

08-17-2020, 06:40 PM
No. I didn’t know to. I also don’t know how much they fed him. I’m going to guess not much at all bc he was found that day, the eye dropper package was still on the counter and the pedialyte container was new. I offered him the electrolyte formula for two feedings after I thought about it. He will drink some and then seem to not interested. I just don’t want him to be dehydrated. Does the electrolyte formula need to be made fresh everyday or can it stay in the fridge a couple days?

08-17-2020, 07:58 PM
I’ve had him for almost 24 hours. Feeding him every 3.5 hours the Fox Valley 20/50. He is 50g, so I think he should be getting 3ml. He peed the first time, and I couldn’t get h8m to go again until this last feeding. He sure is a pooper! They went from hard black to softer brownish which I think is a good sign. I was worried about him not peeing, so I gave him some of the Fox Valley electrolyte and I’m hoping that’s why he may have peed this time. I don’t need to keep giving him that, should I?

The reason I ask is because he just doesn’t seem to be eating the 3ml. He seems to be eating less that he did the first time I fed him. He may have gotten about 1ml or this last feeding. I don’t want to force him. I have never had one this young and I’m afraid of pushing the syringe too hard and aspirating him. I’m trying to keep it very warm so he’s interested. He hasn’t gotten a good latch and he seems to fall asleep. Am I feeding him too often? Thanks!

No. I didn’t know to. I also don’t know how much they fed him. I’m going to guess not much at all bc he was found that day, the eye dropper package was still on the counter and the pedialyte container was new. I offered him the electrolyte formula for two feedings after I thought about it. He will drink some and then seem to not interested. I just don’t want him to be dehydrated. Does the electrolyte formula need to be made fresh everyday or can it stay in the fridge a couple days?

I am attaching a feeding cheat sheet... 3ml is right at 6% for a 50gm squirrel.

Eye droppers are not good... do you know the signs of AP?

Electrolytes can store in fridge for up to 48 hours.

Black poops are mommy-milk poops and the brown... and soon should be more mustard / golden are formula poops.

Are you using a nipple on the syringe? For a baby this small you should be using a 1ml syringe, nothing larger.

It takes them a day or two (sometimes 3) to understand the hoomin feeding protocol... they are "fussy" for until they understand that nipple being shoved in their mouth is delivering food.

Personally I would stay the course and continue feeding him the formula, and if extra hydration is needed give that in between the feedings. He does not look dehydrated in the picture to me.


08-17-2020, 08:40 PM
That’s the exact chart I was looking at! Nancy from NY sent that to me when I had questions about my other baby who I helped recover from pneumonia.

Yes, I have all the equipment - syringes, nipples, formula etc. The first people didn’t and I gave them a little lesson on how the cows milk could hurt the squirrel and by feeding with the eye dropper they could have aspirated the poor baby and potentially killed him. I also asked them if they were willing to get up every 3 or 4 hours to feed him. All the teenagers were like NO, so I said well then, best to give him to me because I will.

I was going to make the formula with the goats milk, yogurt, heavy cream and egg yolk. But if you think I should stick with what I’m doing, then I will. I’ve been using the smallest syringe I have with a micro nipple. If it isnt the 1ml I will order some tonight. I’ve never had a baby this tiny.

08-17-2020, 09:05 PM
I was going to make the formula with the goats milk, yogurt, heavy cream and egg yolk. But if you think I should stick with what I’m doing, then I will. I’ve been using the smallest syringe I have with a micro nipple. If it isnt the 1ml I will order some tonight. I’ve never had a baby this tiny.

Personally, I would not make another change at this point... it is hard on the little ones switching things up every day. He is days away from where I would have switched to the 20/50 so, if it were me, I would stay the course. :thumbsup

You could probably get some 1ml syringes from the local pharmacy to use until the the O-Ring Miracle syringes arrive. Tell them you are feeding a neonate kitten... every one loves kittens and no one gets nosy (or less cooperative) like they do about squirrels... JMO.

08-18-2020, 08:10 AM
Alright, thank you I will. Next question is the nipple. I have tried both the miracle mini nipple and silicone mothering from Henry’s. He doesn’t really seem to like either but I get more into him with the mini. This morning I feel I got about 1.5-2ml into him. I weighed him and I fear he may have lost 5g. Sparky had said it might take a couple days for him to realize the nipple is food. He still is plump, I don’t look at him an fear for dehydration or starving. He’s just being stubborn. He is still a poop machine with the formula poops now.

Sparky asked me if I know the signs of AP.... what’s that? If it’s aspiration pneumonia would it be clicking, wheezing, gasping and maybe bubbles around the nose? This little guy doesn’t have that. He’s just stubborn.

08-18-2020, 08:43 AM
Yes, AP = Aspiration Pneumonia. The clicking (while they are sleeping) is an early sign, we don't want them to get to gasping and wheezing because AP is a quick killer... do you have any antibiotics on hand just in case? If not I would recommend you start searching... ask family friends and neighbors. You need only 1 pill... Augmentin and Cipro are two that do well for AP. If you find something else, share what it is and someone will advise if it is effective in treating AP.

I prefer the miracle nipple, but I do not use the minis. Regardless... the most important thing is being consistent... decide which nipple you will use and stick with that, he has to get used to it. At this age they rarely take to the nipple right away but switching nipples just makes it harder for them to adjust IMO.

Are you offering the formula very, very warm? I pull formula into the syringe and then submerge them in a glass of hot water (as hot as my tap gets)... fussy can sometimes be because the formula temperature is not to their liking, so try experimenting with that. Sometimes too they have to pee and will not take the formula until after they go so mid-feeding stimulation for pee is a good option to try as well.

And never reuse warmed formula. Warm up only what you are feeding in that one sitting. Anything that was warmed and not used should be tossed... like mayo that sat in the sun for hours.

Were you able to find 1ml syringes?

08-18-2020, 11:47 AM
Everything you say I’ve done - so pretty proud of myself. Waiting to be licensed rehabber. They cancelled spring training bc of COVID, and they don’t know yet about fall but they will keep us informed. I ordered and they should com in tomorrow. I’m going to stop by pharmacy in a few minutes and see what they have. It also seems if I wait about 4 hours he seems a little more eager. I’m sticking with the mini miracle nipple. I feel it fits his tiny mouth better. Also decided to call him Donkey because he’s so stubborn. But you have to say it the way Shrek says it :grin2. Dong-Kay.