View Full Version : Clicking please dose a med I have

08-15-2020, 06:11 AM
Pip has been on baytril prescribed by a vet .

He has been off it for three days.

Now his clicking sounds worse. Weighs 151 grams.

I have only enough for 1 dose of baytril from a previous squirrel 6 weeks ago.

That baytrils strength is 5 mg per ml. Enough for 1 dose.

I do have doxycycline liquid also at 5mg per ml. That was also prescribed by the vet first till I said I hear baytril is best.

He wasnt thrilled, but gave the baytril amd i kept the doxy in the fridge.

Should i take to the vet monday(they arent open till monday) or should i start that doxy. ? So many ppl have told me vets kill squirrels.

His clicking is worse now. Easily heard when the muzzle is close to the ear. Mouth not open when breathing yet. Still moveing around amd eating but sucking differently on the nipple.

Doing humidity showers. Just letting him breath humidity not putting in water.

Is there anything else i can do?

Would u please dose the doxy for me
Its 5 mg/ml liquid suspention. That's if u think i should give it.

I'll keep checking my inbox tonight.



08-15-2020, 08:47 AM
Are you seeing any lethargy and loss of appetite? Is he still gaining weight? Any other symptoms?

Pip has been on baytril prescribed by a vet .

He has been off it for three days.

Now his clicking sounds worse. Weighs 151 grams.

I have only enough for 1 dose of baytril from a previous squirrel 6 weeks ago.

That baytrils strength is 5 mg per ml. Enough for 1 dose.

I do have doxycycline liquid also at 5mg per ml. That was also prescribed by the vet first till I said I hear baytril is best.

He wasnt thrilled, but gave the baytril amd i kept the doxy in the fridge.

Should i take to the vet monday(they arent open till monday) or should i start that doxy. ? So many ppl have told me vets kill squirrels.

His clicking is worse now. Easily heard when the muzzle is close to the ear. Mouth not open when breathing yet. Still moveing around amd eating but sucking differently on the nipple.

Doing humidity showers. Just letting him breath humidity not putting in water.

Is there anything else i can do?

Would u please dose the doxy for me
Its 5 mg/ml liquid suspention. That's if u think i should give it.

I'll keep checking my inbox tonight.



08-15-2020, 09:12 AM
Sleeping more eating less . Was up to 10 to 11 cc but now stopped at 9 last night amd 7 cc this am at 6 am. .

Was gaining bbn 1 to 2 grams per day.

Four days ago his weight was 146vgrams

The next day 151 grams

The day after 151 grams

And this am 150 grams.

Not much . Probably worring about a gram is stupid but just 3 weeks ago at 4.5 weeks he only weighed 47 grams. So I have been vigilant about his weight.

Thank u for responding.

He currently is up exploring on his oak amd hickory stumps amd branches with supervision.

Thanks again


08-15-2020, 09:15 AM
Are you seeing any lethargy and loss of appetite? Is he still gaining weight? Any other symptoms?

One must be careful when they get to that age and hear clicking. Sometimes the clicking you hear then is one of satisfaction and contentment. It comes from the mouth (the palate moore precisely) and is in no way related to aspiration and/or pneumonia. Most often in that kind of clicking you will hear it mostly after he finished eating. If you still hear it a couple of hours later while he sleeps, then it's aspiration clicking. If not, it's that contentment clicking. Some will do that clicking as soon as you pick them up cuz they love being held. So try to listen when he is asleep by putting you ear close and not picking him up.

I've had quite a few doing that and I was sooo nervous... until I finally realized what it was. Even some adults will do that kind of clicking ;)

08-15-2020, 09:39 AM
This happened right after eating but continued while he slept.

I know that click in ng sound that u speak of . He does it when he wakes up amd sees me or is exploring as I am right there also.

He just ate bit only 6 cc amd is asleep after going potty.

I agree gotta be careful with antibiotics. I dont want to wipe all his good flora out his gut .

He is on bactra plus from henerys healthy pets. A probiotic. Just the size of a grain of rice.

Sincerely mart

08-15-2020, 02:14 PM
I never diagnose a click as an infection if they have eaten recently.
Listen to the breathing just before a feeding, when they are the dryest.

The most common cause of lack of appetite is dehydration.
Giving them electrolytes between feedings often perks them back up.
I would start doing that without waiting to see if the click continues.
They almost always can benefit from extra hydration.

A common cause of dehydration is diarrhea.
Compare the upper and lower tummy before a feeding. They should look evenly sized and the same color. A lower tummy that is smaller and/or bluish could be diarrhea.