View Full Version : Please read: Is FV ultraboost worth the use?

08-14-2020, 01:18 PM
I had my baby squirrel Meadow on esbilac. She had diarrhea and was slim. I stopped it Asap and started the home made formula and she looks so much better- gained weight etc. I had already ordered the ultra boost. Is it still worth using? With the home made formula ? Do i add 1/4 to the one cup of formula i usually make per day? Or do i mix it with water and do 1/4 of that in her syringe? (I’m a little confused).

Also, her skin is still not consistently bouncing back (one day yes one day no).
Is this normal for a pinky?
Should I do - formula every 3 hrs as usual but between those hours give her some sugar water.
Or, should I do - formula then the next feeding water and then the next feeding formula and so on and so fourth?.

Weight- 32 g

08-14-2020, 02:25 PM
I always use Ultraboost with my formula. If you are using the homemade goats milk formula I’d substitute it in place of the heavy whipping cream. Mix it up 1 part powder to 2 parts hot water and then just substitute the correct amount of it for the amount of whipping cream the recipe calls for.

The homemade formula is a temporary formula. You will need to order Fox Valley 20/50 and transition your baby to it around 4 weeks of age. You can continue to use the Ultraboost with the Fox Valley. When using it this way substitute 25% of the amount of formula you’re mixing up with the Ultraboost. Example: 3 Tablespoons of FV 20/50 powder, 1 Tablespoon of Ultraboost powder and 8 Tablespoons of hot water.

Pinkies can benefit from hydration BETWEEN feedings. You can add a small amount of honey or sugar to the water for taste, but you shouldn’t need the salt. Warm it the way you feed the formula. Continue to feed on a 3 hr schedule, just offer the water in between.

08-14-2020, 05:05 PM
Thank you so much. This was very helpful!!

I always use Ultraboost with my formula. If you are using the homemade goats milk formula I’d substitute it in place of the heavy whipping cream. Mix it up 1 part powder to 2 parts hot water and then just substitute the correct amount of it for the amount of whipping cream the recipe calls for.

The homemade formula is a temporary formula. You will need to order Fox Valley 20/50 and transition your baby to it around 4 weeks of age. You can continue to use the Ultraboost with the Fox Valley. When using it this way substitute 25% of the amount of formula you’re mixing up with the Ultraboost. Example: 3 Tablespoons of FV 20/50 powder, 1 Tablespoon of Ultraboost powder and 8 Tablespoons of hot water.

Pinkies can benefit from hydration BETWEEN feedings. You can add a small amount of honey or sugar to the water for taste, but you shouldn’t need the salt. Warm it the way you feed the formula. Continue to feed on a 3 hr schedule, just offer the water in between.