View Full Version : 3 week old grey squirrel stopped urinating

08-10-2020, 10:47 PM
I have recently received 7 orphaned baby squirrels. One of our boys, Barry, has stopped peeing and has become quite bloated. I'm beginning to fear that his bladder has ruptured and I want to look into all other possibilities before I even consider having to put the poor little guy down.

Just a bit of information:
We've been feeding Ebsilac, and before anyone says anything, our alternative, preferred supplement has been ordered and is on the way.
He has no scabs and nothing is swollen or red. Yesterday we got him to pee perfectly fine
I've given him a few warm baths, which he seems to enjoy, but that hasn't really helped at all.

I'm just worried that my fear is correct, does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

08-11-2020, 07:05 AM
If his bladder has burst he would be dead. Is there no urine coming out when you stimulate him? Could he be urinating in his bed? If his tummy is bloated that can be the result of the food not being processed. Have you given any infant gas X to him? A drop or two will help with bloat. Is his milk line going down between feedings? Is he lethargic? What is the expiration date of your Esbilac?

I see you’re in Washington. Reach out to a very trusted TSB member named Duckman. He has a rehab facility in Vancouver, WA. Refuge #360-836-0955. He can offer advice and help.

08-15-2020, 01:27 PM
Just wanted to update,
Barry sadly didn't make it through the night, and its upsetting because I don't know exactly what was wrong. He could've possibly had some internal damage as his nest was in a tree that my neighbors had chopped down.

His 6 siblings are all doing great though and they are now on the correct formula and off Ebsilac. I love being able to see their personalities blossom and how different they all act.