View Full Version : Pain when pooping/peeing not eating can't find a vet to help him

08-06-2020, 10:16 PM
If its a UTI I have ordered https://allbirdproducts.com/products/baytril-10?variant=15514893484150 I just need to know the dosage. He is having problems urinating, and pooping, I gave him some bene bac today, but he has barely eaten for two days now. I am massaging his tummy, stimulating him to pee and poop, even held his rear and genitals in warm water, and he really seemed to like that, and did have several bowel movements but it really hurts him to urinate or poop. I have coconut oil I am giving him, as well as applesauce but he will barely touch it. He ate almost half a block over several hours this morning, I have been giving him infants/toddler motrin I gave him a small piece of avocado with some calcium sprinkled on it this morning and then have been giving Electrolyte solution (Pedialyte substitute cause the store sucks with options in the small towns) and spring water, once with a little apple cider vinegar a couple hours ago, I also have sugar snap pees that are in a frozen stir fry mix i pick out for him, but have held back on those today. He did vomit the other day after eating some block and lettuce, he acts like its super painful to potty in any form, wont eat, has to be forced to drink, and even touching him is panful for him at times. I rub his belly and its super firm sometimes like he is straining really hard, but other times he is relaxed and I can move him around a little bit, but he has definitely gotten worse today. We have ordered the baytril and will give him some when it arrives, just please help me with the dosage, I am gonna send this to Tubedriver as well, and make a post cause he has gone down hill so fast after having a very brief but still not all the way comeback. I wanna play with my Idgit the Midgit one more time, that's all I want. One more good, untainted memory where he is happy, not in pain, and is his little destructive self and have to get him off the wall, door frame, window borders, fridge doors, that piece of chip I dropped, him try to grab food from my spoon, while its in my mouth lol, the "I have no boundaries and Ill do what I want(Cartman tone)" Idgitmeister the purse terror. We got close after the last close call, but he never played with me...but if nothing else, what can I do to make him comfortable and help him sleep. I would try to take him to a vet except they have refused to see him before, and they won't even accept him even if we needed to put him down humanely. I want to help, my buddy, my mom(his Gammy) and I are being torn apart watching him suffer and barely eat, move, and suffer to potty. He is so much more peaceful when he is asleep, but has a hard time staying that way to due his bowels constantly moving and being painful. The poop is not any abnormal color, though the last few have been smaller, he passed 3 big stools today, but they were all sticky, despite giving him the above Pedialyte substitute along with everything else mentioned. He just had an episode where he was trying to poop and it hurt to where he was grunting and his eyes were twitching He only managed to get out a few pieces. What can I do for him. I am also giving him canned coconut water.

08-07-2020, 08:17 AM
The electrolyte solution should not be given for more than 24 hrs. Switch to plain water or with a drop of honey for flavor or use coconut water if he likes that. Diluted cranberry juice is also good.

His poop is going to decrease with his lack of eating. Will he take formula? You might try. Some squirrels like Ensure, the pecan flavor.

A trusted TSB member has recommended a person in Littleton, CO with extensive vet knowledge. Please reach out to her and see if she can help. Her name is Kendall Seifert 303-907-1555. The member also recommended a wildlife facility in Denver. Maybe reaching out to him would help. Jack @ Urban Wildlife Rescue, Inc. 303-340-4911.

When are your meds to arrive? Someone on here can dose for you but will need a strength of the medicine and a weight of your squirrel.

08-07-2020, 02:44 PM
Shipping has been really wonky, and we are not always notified when something does actually arrive, and it is usually late, it said 2-5 days, but his pee does not have a stong smell, nor is their blood or discoloration, it got SLIGHTLY yellow yesterday when he was dehydrated, but its back to being 99% clear with that very light yellow hint on a white paper towel, barely visible at all. A lady from Henry's Pets suggested I do half and half Applejuice and water to help him move his bowels, and to let him eat whatever veggies he wants until he can eat his blocks again, I am going to go call her right now thank you so so much! It has been IMPOSSIBLE to find anyone who will help who is out here.

The electrolyte solution should not be given for more than 24 hrs. Switch to plain water or with a drop of honey for flavor or use coconut water if he likes that. Diluted cranberry juice is also good.

His poop is going to decrease with his lack of eating. Will he take formula? You might try. Some squirrels like Ensure, the pecan flavor.

A trusted TSB member has recommended a person in Littleton, CO with extensive vet knowledge. Please reach out to her and see if she can help. Her name is Kendall Seifert 303-907-1555. The member also recommended a wildlife facility in Denver. Maybe reaching out to him would help. Jack @ Urban Wildlife Rescue, Inc. 303-340-4911.

When are your meds to arrive? Someone on here can dose for you but will need a strength of the medicine and a weight of your squirrel.

08-07-2020, 07:10 PM
Whatever Leigh from Henrys Pets suggests will be sound advice. Keep us updated. :hug

08-08-2020, 04:21 AM
Spoke with both Leigh and Kendall and they both helped me out, thank you all so much, I am just supposed to keep whatever food I can in his system, he gets what he wants, for right now the diet sheet is set aside until he starts to eat his blocks again. I am stopping the Pedialyte and now am using half and half Applejuice and spring water. He ate avocado, sugar snap peas, nibbled a little on part of a block but not much, Kendall suggested unshelled unsalted nuts to give him to help keep his system moving, I am giving him tummy rubs, and occasionally a warm lower rear soak up to his rib line. I have also discontinued the Motrin as he was having some reactions to it that made me nervous, but he doesn't seem to need it now anyway. I just hope tomorrow(later today?) is better than yesterday for him. Thank you all for the info and contacts, it means so much that others care as much as I do. And the meds should be here on the 11th of August

The electrolyte solution should not be given for more than 24 hrs. Switch to plain water or with a drop of honey for flavor or use coconut water if he likes that. Diluted cranberry juice is also good.

His poop is going to decrease with his lack of eating. Will he take formula? You might try. Some squirrels like Ensure, the pecan flavor.

A trusted TSB member has recommended a person in Littleton, CO with extensive vet knowledge. Please reach out to her and see if she can help. Her name is Kendall Seifert 303-907-1555. The member also recommended a wildlife facility in Denver. Maybe reaching out to him would help. Jack @ Urban Wildlife Rescue, Inc. 303-340-4911.

When are your meds to arrive? Someone on here can dose for you but will need a strength of the medicine and a weight of your squirrel.

08-08-2020, 12:33 PM
Update: 08/08/20 He is eating his second meal of the day first was at 4-5 this morning(it was bc (before coffee) so time still wasn't quite a thing yet for me lol), still not much on the block, but devoured the avocado, almond, watermelon, and mango on the second meal, and avocado ,almond ,sugar snap peas, nibbled on a block less than a quarter, and watermelon, and had a HUGE bowel movement last night it was well over 15 small-medium pellets still needs a little stimulation when peeing, but isn't in nearly as much pain, still discomfort, but not outright desperate flight and run pain, just doesn't feel good but is slowly on the mend from what I can see, he does have a slight red tint to his skin almost like a rash, but it doesn't seem to bother him, and I did set up the heat mat would that cause it? The highest I had it was at 92F but with a folded sheet and plastic divider between the probe/mat and him. He seemed the most comfortable around 88F. We are ordering https://store.foxvalleynutrition.com/day-one-2050 as a formula was suggested to help get him his nutrients, is there anything else that should be added to that or is that enough until he starts eating his blocks again?

08-08-2020, 01:38 PM
That’s probably sufficient. As I mentioned, pecan flavored Ensure is liked sometimes, a well as vanilla full fat yogurt.