View Full Version : Any tips on getting baby to poop

08-06-2020, 12:09 PM
I have a new batch of 2/3 week old squirrels. These are the youngest ones I have ever cared for in my years doing this. When the wildlife center gave them to me they said to feed them one ML. But the babies seemed super hungry still. They were constantly rooting around and sucking on anything they could find. I thought maybe this was normal behavior for squirrels this tiny that just lost their mom. But I suspected they weren’t getting enough food. So after a few feedings I dug out my scale and weighed them. It turned out 1 ml was less than half of what they should’ve been eating. (5%) So I contacted the nature center to make sure it was OK that I was going to start upping their feedings even though I had just gotten them. they agreed and apologized for telling me the wrong amount. So this guy was being underfed for like 24 hours maybe 36.
So he’s not pooping. When I first got him he did poop. But over the last 36 hours no poop. I am slowly upping his feeding so has still not quite gotten to eating as much as he probably should yet. But he is behaving more contently. We feed Fox Valley. He’s not showing any signs of bloat. And there are a couple of poops in the tank. So maybe he’s managed to poop on his own?
Also he’s had a rough couple of days because his sister keeps latching onto his penis. She actually hurt it pretty badly the first night I had them. It’s a lot better now but still healing and swollen. So it could just be that he’s had a rough couple of days and the poops are coming. But do you have any tips for me to help him along? I’m stimulating at every feeding. His tummy is soft and looks good. Honesty the lack of poops is holding me back from feeding him more. I do not want to get into bloat issues. I get too that he may not be pooping because he was under fed. He may be fine. I just want to be sure I’m doing everything right for these babies.
Thank you!

08-06-2020, 02:46 PM
Being underfed he likely hasn't consumed enough to make or move his bowels yet.
As long as there is no bloat, stomach soft, give his system time to catch up.
What does he weigh, how much are you feeding him, how often?

As for his penis, you need to make sure he is open, no scab on tip and he is freely urinating.
If there is a scab soften with warm water and and remove it. Make sure sister is still not suckling
and separate if necessary. Applying an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin or A&D is advisable.

08-08-2020, 12:57 AM
Update:He pooped but he can’t pee.
Thank you. I’m doing all those things. And he is now not able to pee at all.. I’m wondering what else I can do for him. I can tell that he needs to pee and can’t. I’m concerned that perhaps his sister did some serious damage to his urethra. The bruising and blood blister have healed and I have checked to make sure there’s no scabbing. I’ve soaked and stimulated put ointment. I don’t know what else to do for the guy. I wish I could give him a little baby squirrel catheter because I know he must need to pee. His penis is swollen with need. I’m afraid to feed him now. I wish he could just pee. I had no idea this could happen. I’m taking him back to the Wildlife center tomorrow if he can’t pee. I fear they will not fare any better. Is he doomed because of a sibling suckling injury? This is so sad.

08-08-2020, 06:33 AM
No, I don’t think he’s doomed. Continue the warm soaks and try gently squeezing the enlarged penis, like you would to get milk from a cows udder. Use the non pointy end of a small sewing needle to gently touch the opening of his penis to be sure there isn’t still a slight internal scab. Not getting the urine out will kill him. Put some coconut oil on your fingers and rub it into his penis and the opening by gently rolling his penis between your fingers. You have to get the opening open. Time is critical.

I had a similar situation with one of mine and these are all the things I did to help him be able to urinate.