View Full Version : Squirrel throwing up
07-29-2020, 06:53 AM
I went to wake Luna up this morning to feed her milk she didn't want to come out of the cage. I noticed she had something on her face and it looked like vomit. It smelled really bad too. She wouldnt touch her water, wouldnt drink her milk and wouldn't touch her food. I thought maybe she was just messy with a hhb that she somehow stashed in her cage. Then I got her out and she went on top of her cage and vomited a white stream into her potty pan. Shes being extremely cuddly which she never is that cuddly. Shes visibly not feeling well. Please help im balling I dont want to lose my baby.
07-29-2020, 07:44 AM
How old is she? What "milk" are you feeding?
She needs hydration, even if you have to give it to her drop by drop. Make it more attractive with a drop of honey or a tiny bit of sugar and literally if all you can do is put a drop at a time in her mouth, do it. Heat it like formula.
07-29-2020, 07:51 AM
She's 4-5 months old. I feed her fox valley formula. I gave her some water in a syringe and she's now drinking some from a bowl. Shes going through spurts of laying down visibly not looking well, then she'll throw up. She just did twice about 30 mins ago. Then she jump and run around like she's normally does when she wants to play.
07-29-2020, 08:03 AM
Try to keep her quiet and drinking.
The HHBs WILL GO BAD - that is why we (and Henry's) suggest that you keep them in the freezer, with a day or two's quantity in the refrigerator. It also means that you need to be really tough about policing stashes. Get rid of ALL stashed food every day. I had my flying squirrel get ill from old HHMs that he had hidden away once - it is not a good thing at all.
Do you keep the FV powder in the freezer? You do need to keep the powder itself in the freezer or it will go rancid. It mixes up just fine right from the freezer. She is pretty old for formula at this point, too!
07-29-2020, 08:09 AM
I do keep the henrys blocks in the freezer. As for the powdered milk I was keeping in the refrigerator, I feel so terrible that she's ill all because of me. I know she's a little old for the milk but she just didn't quite seem like she would ween plus I thought the extra nutrients from the milk wouldn't harm her
07-29-2020, 08:09 AM
she just threw uo again and dry heaved
07-29-2020, 08:14 AM
Pooping quite a bit too but its solid
07-29-2020, 09:07 AM
Poor baby. What you are trying to do is replace the water she loses from throwing up with oral hydration WITHOUT giving so much that it triggers her to vomit. So very tiny amounts every 10 or 15 minutes is better than one big drink. I would not let her eat anything solid until she has stopped the vomiting for a while.
If you have any pepto bismol you can 2 or 3 drops to the hydration (she may not like the taste).
07-29-2020, 09:42 AM
Thank you CritterMom I really appreciate everything. I'm just so worried about her. As well as upset by the fact that I live in Pennsylvania and can't get her help through a veterinarian. If it came down to it, it worth the fine to get her help. But I fear they would euthanize, shes just too friendly. It really does Luna an injustice. I just want the best for her. This board is a major blessing.
07-29-2020, 01:27 PM
I was taking at look at her poops and noticed the were very light grey, does this mean anything? Not her normal color....
07-29-2020, 04:31 PM
May want to post poop pictures...up close and vomit as well.
07-29-2020, 06:55 PM
Here's the poops
07-29-2020, 06:57 PM
Here is the vomit. Her last few vomits were foamy like this.
07-29-2020, 07:02 PM
Her feces was a mix of grey to brown, now they seem to be brown. Its been a couple of hours now since shes puked and now she refusing the liquids, running away and burrowing herself in her blankets. Would it hurt if I crushed some watermelon to get the juice and maybe watered it down further just so shes getting something in her? She really likes watermelon as a treat. Shes being so stubborn then again I don't like being bothered either when I'm not feeling good.
07-29-2020, 07:47 PM
That white poop can be a sign of feeding too much formula. How much does she weigh and how much formula at a sitting?
It can also be a sign of liver problems... let's hope it was just too much formula or something else.
07-29-2020, 08:13 PM
Shes 408 grams, I just upped her to 18cc of milk a couple of days ago. She gets milk in the 5 in morning before I leave for work, then a rodent block. A nice handful of leafy greens are then put in her food dish. Then when I get home from work she'll get a rodent block and at 7:00 she gets 18cc of milk. They she gets to run around for a couple of hours and ill give her a piece of ruit like raspberries, banana or peeled blueberries etc. Then when its time for bed I have to persuade her with food so I give her a rodent block.
07-29-2020, 08:15 PM
Yesterday we gave her a hazelnut (not something I do often since there's nuts in hhb). My boyfriend also picked up some rodent chews from the store which we gave her yesterday they were willow branches.
07-29-2020, 08:52 PM
The "milk" is Fox Valley 20/50?
When you mix this up, use hot water, mix it up many hours in advance and let it sit in the fridge (like overnight) to allow it to completely dissolve.
Any formula warmed up for feeding should be discarded if they do not eat it. Reheating / reusing warmed formula can cause stomach issues.
The mixed formula should be discarded after about 36 hours even if stored in the fridge.
07-29-2020, 08:55 PM
Thank you, Spanky. She hasn't thrown up since 3:00. Would it be okay to give her some food now? If so what should I start with?
07-29-2020, 09:05 PM
Yes, the milk is Fox Valley 20/50
07-29-2020, 09:39 PM
You can give her some formula, not as much as usually. Something like watermelon would be good is it is something watery and something she likes.
Did you give any pepto bismol? If yes, that will cause very black poop... don't be alarmed by it.
07-29-2020, 09:52 PM
Yes, I gave her two tiny drops of pepto and I just gave her some watermelon. She seems very hungry now. I'm scared my powdered formula is spoiled since CritterMom said it should be stored in the freezer not the fridge. So I ordered some and its not coming in until July 31st. So what should I do until then? Would Esbalic be an option or would the further her problems?
07-29-2020, 09:56 PM
At 400 grams + and 10 weeks old she should be fine for a few days without formula if you fear yours is bad. :thumbsup
You can give her some veggies and / or block.
07-29-2020, 10:03 PM
Haha it really is, shes my first baby. Plus she gets really cranky without it lol. Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the help.
08-01-2020, 07:23 AM
So Friday morning Luna only threw up once around 5 pm. This morning she threw up again really foamy lots of bubbles. Been trying to keep her hydrated, just wondering how long it takes for this to pass.
08-01-2020, 07:50 AM
Trying to fill in the timeline.
Wednesday she was throwing up, pepto was given and formula stopped.
Friday evening she threw up around 5pm.
Was she okay Thursday and most of Friday? Was she restarted on the formula, if so when?
I am just wondering if there is a link with the formula if she was okay while not on the formula.
08-01-2020, 11:40 AM
Sorry, Wednesday she was throwing up most of the day and pepto was given.
Thursday she threw up once and friday she was fine.
My milk came in on Friday I put in the freezer and mixed some up last night for this morning. I gave her a little piece of a peach while I was warming up her formula. She threw up before I could give her any. There wasn't any bits of peach in the vomit, it was liquidity and then foamy.
08-01-2020, 11:42 AM
I have been trying to get her fluids, I "tented" her skin and it went down within a second. So I dont think she's dehydrated despite the vomiting.
08-01-2020, 03:25 PM
I live in north western PA, im willing to drive to get her help through a veterinarian if someone can help me. Squirrels aren't legal here so I'll get fined and she'll possibly be euthanized. Our game commission isn't very friendly when it comes to helping critters. Our family friend rescued a Canadian goose and it ended up being a war with her and the local game warden. I'll pay for your time to help and of course veterinarian bills. I'm trying the best I can right now to get her better (all thanks to your help, I really apreciate it). But she doesn't seem like she's getting better. Unless she just needs to "get out" whatever is upsetting her stomach.
08-01-2020, 06:10 PM
Luna just had a seizure
08-01-2020, 08:38 PM
Drinking quite a bit of liquids but won't eat anything now.
08-01-2020, 09:41 PM
If anyone could recommend a vet please.
island rehabber
08-01-2020, 11:15 PM
check your PM's...give me a few minutes
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