View Full Version : Please Help!! Lethargic baby about 3 months old

07-25-2020, 02:43 AM
So long story short, a friends neighbor found this little ones and cared for her for about 2 months and she had called a friend of mine (also works in the hospital with me) for some advice because the little one all of a sudden went down hill. She ended up going and getting the little one and bringing it to me. When I received her she was already somewhat lethargic. She seems to have what looks like an infection in one eye. Her belly seems to be a little swollen and hard . Not sure if that matters. Her little heart is beating fast and hard. No labored breathing yet. I did get her to take some home made Pedialyte. About 6cc since 9p.. she would open her eyes and some times jump up but that sleepy decreased. I asked about her diet and she said her neighbor was feeding foxes valley formula and picky eater blocks from Henry's.. over all her weight looks really good.. they said they heard her chest vibrating but I do not.. what could it be?? Please help! Really don't think we have much time left!

07-25-2020, 07:18 AM
So long story short, a friends neighbor found this little ones and cared for her for about 2 months and she had called a friend of mine (also works in the hospital with me) for some advice because the little one all of a sudden went down hill. She ended up going and getting the little one and bringing it to me. When I received her she was already somewhat lethargic. She seems to have what looks like an infection in one eye. Her belly seems to be a little swollen and hard . Not sure if that matters. Her little heart is beating fast and hard. No labored breathing yet. I did get her to take some home made Pedialyte. About 6cc since 9p.. she would open her eyes and some times jump up but that sleepy decreased. I asked about her diet and she said her neighbor was feeding foxes valley formula and picky eater blocks from Henry's.. over all her weight looks really good.. they said they heard her chest vibrating but I do not.. what could it be?? Please help! Really don't think we have much time left!

I received your PM. I will reply here. This is an older baby. Do you hear clicking with every breath? I also don’t like the sound of an eye infection? Can you post a pic of the baby and the eye? Do you have any EYE antibiotic drops?

You indicated that you have cephalothin. We need the weight of the baby and the mg of the pill to dose it. While not one we typically use, it is a good broad spectrum antibiotic and might work. Systemic drugs are not great for eye infections but we will use what you have. Do you have anything else?

Is the baby pooping? If the baby is bloated you should float the baby in warm water to the arm pits. The warmth will relax the muscles and might cause poop/gas to pass. Older babies on solid foods don’t usually get bloated so this is odd.

Is there any other thing the baby could have gotten into? Are there any kids or other pets with access to the baby. Usually when you have had them for 2 months, they usually are pretty easy to care for. Of course there is always the possibility of a birth defect of an organ that could only sustain the baby so long and then fail as the body grows.

We really need more information, pics and antibiotic information (mg). By the way, is the baby on FV 32:40 or 20:50?

07-25-2020, 10:06 AM
Thanks for getting back to me.. my is is precious ! She weighs about 390g . I did take a pic and will post when finished typing . Can't tell much with her eye because it's shut . I did get a little bit of fluids in her last night . Thought for sure she wouldn't make it through the night but I would up and her little head was poke up resting on the top of the blankets and she was looking at me. She looks to be in bad shape .. I asked about her having kids around or animals and she responded no to both. Said the only thing that she would think could be the cause is aspiration or the eye. Said she noticed her acting wierd when she took her from her cage. said she doesn't think she could have got into anything . Said there 8snt anything around for her to get, even when out playing with her.
She did poop a little while I was trying to weigh her. Seemed a little on the dark side. No pee . Will keep pushing her to drink the rehydration fluid.
I don't have any eye drops but I am working on finding some now . Think that antibiotic will help at all while I'm finding eye drops? I also have Prednisone not sure if that will help?

07-25-2020, 10:39 AM
Yes, I would start the cephalothin now. What is the mg of the pill?

I would put a warm compress on the eye to get it to open. It might have pus behind the eyelid that needs to come out.

How often is the baby fed? Is it still on a heating pad (LOW) under half of the container?

07-25-2020, 10:43 AM
Hydration is always a good thing. I would make the homemade hydration fluid. They usually like it and readily take it.

Homemade Rehydration fluid:
1 cup warm water
1 tablespoon sugar or molasses
1 pinch salt

Prednisone is an anti inflammatory and I don’t see any indication for it at this point.

07-25-2020, 10:49 AM
By the way, I have to ask. Has this baby been eating any nuts at all? I don’t give babies nuts until they are ready for the release cage. 3 reasons... they are very unhealthy, they will stop eating healthy food and squirrels will start fighting/aggressive when given nuts.

07-25-2020, 11:30 AM
The only thing that she said she was feeding was the foxes valley formula 20/50 which she sent a pic to me along with the picky eater blocks .. first thing I asked her was if she was giving her nuts she said no, that she just started to give her blocks around 3 weeks ago.
The rehydration fluid u list below is what I mixed up last night . She is taking some . Not much at once. Maybe 2cc every other time I try..
I did wipe her eye with a warm rag I will try the warm compress for a few minutes at a time the lady said she no longer has a her on heating pad because she would make her nest all over the cage and wasn't staying where the heat was. I do have her on a heating pad right now . I have her in one of my small cages that was baby Nutellas when she was little. So heating pad is only in small section, she has a water bottle which I just heard her drink from on her own. Went and checked on her and she did get a sip and then just sat there . Her eye started to get heavy and was swaying so I had to lay her down..
The ceph. Is 500mg capsule

07-25-2020, 02:58 PM
The only thing that she said she was feeding was the foxes valley formula 20/50 which she sent a pic to me along with the picky eater blocks .. first thing I asked her was if she was giving her nuts she said no, that she just started to give her blocks around 3 weeks ago.
The rehydration fluid u list below is what I mixed up last night . She is taking some . Not much at once. Maybe 2cc every other time I try..
I did wipe her eye with a warm rag I will try the warm compress for a few minutes at a time the lady said she no longer has a her on heating pad because she would make her nest all over the cage and wasn't staying where the heat was. I do have her on a heating pad right now . I have her in one of my small cages that was baby Nutellas when she was little. So heating pad is only in small section, she has a water bottle which I just heard her drink from on her own. Went and checked on her and she did get a sip and then just sat there . Her eye started to get heavy and was swaying so I had to lay her down..
The ceph. Is 500mg capsule

It all sounds good but something is going on. She doesn’t necessarily need warmth at that age/size but because she isn’t well it’s good to give her the option. If she crawls off of it she doesn’t want it.
Let me calculate the dose.

I’m guessing offering her formula or a block is a ‘no go’, right?

07-25-2020, 03:07 PM
Dosing sent.

07-25-2020, 06:46 PM
Be sure she was keeping the blocks in the fridge or freezer.

07-25-2020, 06:46 PM
Thank you! Sorry I'm just getting back to you .. stayed awake all night with the little one so I was taking a much needed nap.. I gave her the dose of antibiotics, about two hours later she started to perk up a little.. enough that she ate a sugar snap pea and a piece of sweet potatoes. Couldn't get her to take anymore fluids, think giving her the med ruined that. Will be dosing her again shortly but it's going to be difficult.
She opened her eye and it doesn't look good! I am trying to get a good pic of it to post. Is there anything else I could do for her eye? It definitely has some draining but doesn't look like there is any type of abscess . Little puffiness around eye . Looks like the eye itself is a little sunk in.. will get a pic posted here soon!

07-25-2020, 06:48 PM
Be sure she was keeping the blocks in the fridge or freezer.

Thanks! I will double check with her to make sure!

07-26-2020, 02:09 PM
I just wanted to give you all an update .. the little one, which I now named Zoomie, is awake, eating, drinking, and zooming around!!! Amazing ! Just amazing that she was so close to dying and after two days of literally my tears, your antibiotic advice and info and some prayers this little girl is getting a second chance at life and she sure is full of it!
My one year old Nutella is a sweet heart but has her moments but this little one here is even sweeter.. just surprised to know there are such sweet " wild" animals out there!
So now that she is no longer just hanging on to life and I can breath again the next step to get her back to good health is to figure out her eye.. she had it opened for a few minutes a few different times but seems to keep it closed.
When I looked at it, her pupil is blue... So does that mean she is blind in that eye?? It looks like it is sunk in a little and there was a little pus in it yesterday, along with some swelling.. the swelling went down alot as of today.
What would be my next move, or should I wait it out to see what this antibiotic will do being that it has already helped her tremendously?

07-26-2020, 03:03 PM
I just wanted to give you all an update .. the little one, which I now named Zoomie, is awake, eating, drinking, and zooming around!!! Amazing ! Just amazing that she was so close to dying and after two days of literally my tears, your antibiotic advice and info and some prayers this little girl is getting a second chance at life and she sure is full of it!
My one year old Nutella is a sweet heart but has her moments but this little one here is even sweeter.. just surprised to know there are such sweet " wild" animals out there!
So now that she is no longer just hanging on to life and I can breath again the next step to get her back to good health is to figure out her eye.. she had it opened for a few minutes a few different times but seems to keep it closed.
When I looked at it, her pupil is blue... So does that mean she is blind in that eye?? It looks like it is sunk in a little and there was a little pus in it yesterday, along with some swelling.. the swelling went down alot as of today.
What would be my next move, or should I wait it out to see what this antibiotic will do being that it has already helped her tremendously?

I’m so relieved to hear this. :w00t
It’s hard to tell about the eye. Yes, she might be blind in that eye but only time will tell. Give the antibiotics more time. I know you probably can’t get any but if you have a friend or family with antibiotic eye drops it sure would be good. It makes me wonder if there was/is an abscess behind or near the eye. We have seen clouded eyes clear up but those were usually from nutritional deficiencies and that’s not the case here. The good news is that squirrels with one good eye have been successfully released and they do well.

Zoomie is such a perfect name. :grin2