View Full Version : 3 year old female grey squirrel with possible UTI, not able to get antibiotics...

07-24-2020, 12:22 PM
I have a 3 year old female Grey Squirrel that I raised from 7 weeks old and recently she has developed a UTI from what I can tell. I think it was her estrus at first because her vulva got really swollen and I can usually tell when it’s her time, but now it seems it has become an infection if it wasn’t already one and not estrus due to the swelling. Her vulva is still somewhat swollen a week later and is a normal color, but she has very cloudy urine and even has a cheesy, slimy like discharge that is white and yellow in color that comes out when she pees. She seems to strain just a little bit when she pees, but she pees a good amount each time she does, so she doesn’t really dribble. The mucous like discharge and the cloudy pee are what lead me to believe it could be a UTI. She still eats and drinks and I’m giving her frozen cranberries now, but I cannot get ahold of baytril or any other medications because the vet would have to examine her and make sure it was a UTI before administering. The vets offices around here are not letting people in due to Coronavirus and they wouldnt be able to touch her anyway. Shes only ever liked to be held by me, nobody else that didn’t raise her, so seeing a vet would nearly be impossible anyway as they wouldn’t be able to handle her. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated and if anyone has any extra meds, I would be very appreciative if she can’t get over whatever she’s got going on.