View Full Version : TREE REMOVAL- HELP!!

07-15-2020, 08:14 PM

Today my worst nightmare happened in real life- My outdoor buddies are having one of their tree's removed- This tree has many dens- I watched as these people chopped down half the tree and they are coming back tomorrow for more- I basically raised these two for almost 4 years now and dont want to see them die- I dont see any nest, there are 3 big trees OAK and this one is being removed "cause they say its old and damaged" and my fear is they live inside the dens- WHAT DO I DO :boohoo

07-15-2020, 08:52 PM
Oh that's scary! But were you around while the first part was removed? I ask because did you notice what kind of activity the squirrels were engaged in during that time? I would hope the tree people will make enough racket that the squirrels will be warned and can escape. Even if they hunker down inside, I would hope that as the noise and destruction commences they will flee? Is there a way to ask the tree people how they deal with wildlife, as in do they take pains to give them a chance to get clear and check as they go? Are they just taking the one tree, so at least the squirrels will have the other two?

07-15-2020, 08:58 PM
Yes I spoke to them before they started, they said this tree is coming down- I told them I believe the squirrels lived there, they gave 0 care- I called the wildlife warder, gave zero care, I called animal welfare they came out and said "squirrels dont live in dens only in outside nests and most likely are not in the tree- so pretty much gave zero care- This will be devastating if they are in there when they come tomorrow to finish removing the tree- and yes the other two trees are being trimmed but not removed

07-15-2020, 09:11 PM
Oy. Then I hope that the squirrels will be out foraging when they start or else have enough warning to get away. Are you worried about babies or just that the squirrels living there will be trapped?

07-15-2020, 09:12 PM
i am very worried about the squirrels being trapped inside- I did not see them at all today which is highly unusual

07-15-2020, 09:15 PM
Maybe they were already clear and hiding/watching from afar?

07-15-2020, 09:18 PM
I dont think so- I was there from the moment they arrived to the moment they left I never took my eyes off the 3 trees

My anxiety levels are so high right now I just keep thinking about this, I literally keep renewing my lease her for these little guys

07-15-2020, 09:28 PM
That really sucks. It wouldn't kill people to just go a bit lightly and have some consideration. I can't imagine that the squirrels won't make a dash for it when the chainsaws come too close. It IS scary, but I really believe the squirrels probably weren't home when they started and just stayed away from the mayhem. If they came home even much later they're probably on high alert after what was done today. Hopefully they have backup accommodations or will just build dreys now?

I wish Timberbeast would weigh in.

07-16-2020, 07:58 AM
I don't see any way that adult squirrels would stay in that tree while the racket of cutting was going on around them. You may not have seen them but I bet they got out of Dodge very early on.

My idiot next door neighbors decided the way to be green was to put solar panels on their roof and then chop down about a dozen HUGE mature beeches and maples that shaded them. Sometimes the stupid rains down so hard you need a hat. I was just sick. The cutters told me that they always set the nests aside when they found them. I assumed they were lying. When the carnage was done for the day I slunk over there and started scoping out the huge trunk portions that were all over the yard. Many were hollow and showed nest signs but there were ZERO squirrels, alive or dead. It was earlier in the spring and I know that there must have been babies in the 5-6 week old range but they obviously had gotten out. This went on for days and I was over there hunting many, many times and saw no sign that anyone had been affected - and beech trees are prime squirrel trees because they DO hollow out. I was surprised and thrilled.

They have to spend a fair amount of time limbing and the first time they crank the chainsaw up there I think the squirrels flee. I hope you see them soon. :grouphug

07-16-2020, 09:17 AM
they are back at it again this morning- I hope you are right and they got out-

07-16-2020, 10:22 AM
they are back at it again this morning- I hope you are right and they got out-

They will have gotten out. They are smart and have multiple homes.

07-16-2020, 12:44 PM
I sure pray, and hope so :)

They are done, the tree is removed- and now the waiting game starts to see if they show up or did they go down with the tree

07-16-2020, 04:22 PM

07-16-2020, 05:14 PM
They left nothing on the ground. I have not seen any yet :(

07-16-2020, 06:35 PM
I am sure they are safe. Some neighbors' trees came down in a freaky storm back in May. (Knocked out our power for several days.) When the work crews showed up to remove parts to clear the lines, my squirrels made themselves scarce, and they weren't even near the action. Like CritterMom and SammysMom said, even if they were in the tree at the time all that noise and monsters IN their tree would have sent them packing long before the actual felling of the main trunk.

You will probably see them in a few days if not sooner unless the trimming of the other trees takes a while. They may be spooky as they adjust to the change or take it in stride and just establish new tree-roads in what is left.

Please keep us posted.

07-16-2020, 08:44 PM
You know I really pray day and night they are ok, and I see them again-

I saw the house owner today, and I asked why would they remove a tree that has been shading the street for decades, she said and I quote, "it was blocking the view of the house"

Just shows how little people are educated about nature and what these trees do for our well being every single day, its so sad.

07-16-2020, 11:10 PM

07-17-2020, 08:07 PM
Day 3, still no sign of them :(

07-18-2020, 07:05 PM
Dose anyone have any background on this issue? people cutting down trees known to house squirrels that live in branch dens. Please any information would be helpful, its now day 4 and no sign of the mama or her boy (which is a young adult)

07-19-2020, 11:21 PM
I pmed Timberbeast a few days ago on your behalf. Timberbeast is a logger, works in deep woods. I'm sure he would know how squirrels with branch dens would behave when the noisy equipment fires up, and could set your mind at ease or confirm your worst fears. Hoping he pops in to respond or that your kids show up and take your worries away.

07-21-2020, 04:05 PM
Thank you so much for looking out Chirps :)

Joy Joy Joy They are both back- only now they just visit me then leave- :grin3:grin3

I wish I can post a video here, the mama was flopping around in the dirt and jumping which was a first (thought it was a sign of Joy) :grin2

07-21-2020, 05:33 PM
This is joyful news!!! :Love_Icon