View Full Version : Bleeding from anus

07-11-2020, 11:44 AM
Hello. One of my baby squirrels around 4 weeks old is bleeding from the anus. It is a female baby. I'm from India. What do I do. What do I give it that is available in my country. Please help. Started bleeding today. Not bleeding along with stool. Only blood(no stool).

07-11-2020, 03:28 PM
I can't give any advice , because I don't have any experience with this, but I'll give the thread a bump.
What was the condition of the baby when you found it, and how has she been in your care for?
What are you feeding and can you post a picture?
The questions may help to figure out what is going on.
I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful.

07-11-2020, 04:24 PM
So, on the 3rd of July(9 days ago), we saw a cat killing an older squirrel. Couldn't stop it in time. That afternoon, we heard baby squirrels squeaking and found a nest in the gap between our window AC and a ledge. We weren't sure if it was their mother that had gotten killed and so we waited for a few hours. Seeing that the babies hadn't stopped squeaking and the mother hadn't returned, we took down that nest after 8 hours and warmed them and gave them hydration. All 4 of the babies hadn't opened their eyes, but also weren't pinkies. They seemed around 3-4 weeks old. So we've been feeding them liquids only. Alternating between milk and salt-sugar-water-mixture every 4 hours. They've been healthy up until now. The thing is, one of the female babies fell about 10 feet today. We did not immediately handle it and gently stroked it waiting for it to come out of its shock. Then we waited for it to climb onto our hand and put it back in its living space, kept a warm rice buddy and gave it warm water(with salt and sugar). Didn't find any external injuries on it. I saw a hint of blood at its anus and was alarmed as I had read about internal bleeding. So if it is is internal bleeding, what should I do to make it get better and heal the internal wound and stop the bleeding. Are there any medicines that I should buy. Can it be saved. Please pray for the baby.

07-11-2020, 07:09 PM
Sending prayers

07-12-2020, 10:18 AM
Need more advice please. Banking on this website as Covid prevents us from going outside to see a vet. My location is a red zone and fully locked down until further notice.

07-12-2020, 10:32 AM
If it’s a small amount of blood I wouldn’t be too concerned. It is probably self limiting. It should clot off and stop without intervention. If it is a massive GI bleed there isn’t much you can do. The only thing you might consider is worming them. Panacur can be used.

I see you are in India. It is always difficult to advise regarding babies in India because the products we use are not available in your country. We are not familiar with what’s available there.

Please stop the hydration field. It shouldn’t be used long term. It is harmful if used too long. The salt might actually be causing the bleeding.

What type of milk are you using? Can you get Royal Canin Babydog formula? It is available in countries outside the US. It is a good formula. If the eyes are open you can give them solid food. They need a rodent (rat) block. It has to be for pet rats... NOT gerbils, guinea pigs or hamsters.