View Full Version : Injured Baby squirrel Ft Lauderdale Florida Need help

07-07-2020, 07:32 PM
My wife and I found an injured baby squirrel this morning on the sidewalk. It has two pretty band lacerations on its side about half an inch each. the baby is only a couple inches long and is just past the pinky stage. Eyes and ears still closed. I was a medic in the military so I cleaned the wounds and used anti-bacterial cream on them. gave it a few drops of water and a hot water bottle. I purchased Esbillac and he has eaten a few drops every two hours. He is actively trying to walk and makes little noises. My problem is my wife and I are on-call Pilots and could be called for a flight at any time. We want this little guy to make it so we are looking for rehabbers in the area. We just need help when we have to fly. We will be happy to continue as best we can when we are home. Is there anyone in the area that can help.

Thanks in advance,

PS we did make every effort to locate its mother. we went back to the area many times today. We think it was dropped by a bird.

07-08-2020, 02:35 AM
Please no esbilac! Go under fornum or do a keyword search amd theres a post about esbilac problems amd.what to feed for other options.

The baby may need antibiotics. You can only have a vet if you are in a legal state see them or a rehabber.

There are rehabbers here. Someone will answer or do you want me to find you a rehabber in florida?

Mary r.

07-08-2020, 09:30 AM
The only esbalic that’s safe if the esbalic GME, which is powdered goats milk... it is next to the regular esbalic at Percocet and I’ve only seen it in a small can... it has a picture of a pug on it.. the one with the pic of the white dog on it is the bad one.

island rehabber
07-08-2020, 10:10 AM
Skytimes, do you still need help? I just saw this post but can put the word out via other squirrel groups and FB who have more members on the east coast of Florida --- let us know!