View Full Version : Greetings from Jerimy and Friar Tuck, also feeding questions.

07-07-2020, 02:24 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Jerimy and the American red squirrel I've been caring for is Friar Tuck. This is my first experience rehabbing a squirrel and so far it is going well. You can read our whole story in the emergency section under the thread about "squirrel not eating formula but eating rehydration solution." "Tuck" is now almost 5 weeks old and just loving life. I have a few questions though considering he is at a transitional age now. First, should his intermediate habitat be upgraded from the rubbermaid tub I built based off of the design from Henry's baby squirrel guide that he is in presently to something more substantial? Second, the Henry's guide says start the Henry rodent blocks at around 6 weeks but "Tuck" is growing in his upper incisors now and keeps wanting to chew on things like my fingers. Should I start him on the blocks already or wait the full 6 weeks? Also, should I offer him a tiny deer antler to nibble on and play with now. Finally, my last inquiry for now is, how do I know how much solid food to give him and when? I know the Henry's blocks come first so they recognize those as a main food source while they continue to eat formula, but how much formula (still the 5%-7% every 4 hours) and how much and how often for the blocks and when do the other food items from the Henry's healthy food for squirrels get introduced? I'm positive this has been covered on here a million times but I am having difficulties finding a comprehensive Sticky Thread that answers all my questions. If someone knows of said Sticky, please show me the link, I would appreciate that a ton.

Jerimy and Friar Tuck

P.S. here are some pictures from day one to now!3154133154143154153154163154173154183154193154 20315421

07-07-2020, 04:14 PM
Hi! I will leave answers to the experts.

Just wanted to say, those babies are sooooo freaking cute! Can't believe how tiny-tiny-tiny they were when you got them.

Congratulations on all the hard work, care, and love you gave them!

07-07-2020, 10:17 PM

Thank you for saying those nice things, Friar Tuck appreciates it also. I looked at your squirrel, what cool and interesting coloring it has, great job saving it's life!!