View Full Version : Hello! Nice to meet you all! Hope to share!

06-24-2020, 08:06 PM
Hello All!

I’ve been using this sight for a couple years now, and I must say the information on here is priceless. At 57 I received my first grey squirrel baby. My neighbor did all the right things, left the baby under the tree, kept away other animals all day, but Mom never came to get her and by the time “Tink” came to me I didn’t think she would make it. She was roughly 5 weeks old and in terrible shape. I knew absolutely zero about squirrels. I found this sight, and a rehabber in Ohio that helped me raise her. The plan was ALWAYS to release her. I had no desire to keep a wild animal as a pet. I believe in their freedom. Apparently she did not believe in any such thing.

I followed all the rules, set up for a soft release and did everything I was told to do to return her to the wild. She cried for three days, demolished two window screens, and eventually just laid down in front of the my door and refused to move. The Ohio rehabber said “Congratulations! You are now owned by a squirrel!”. So she came back in and has been in for three and a half years now. Where I live they frown upon squirrels as “pets”, and even though I’m a “certified” rehabber, I’m not a “licensed” rehabber. Yes, there’s a difference.

So, with that being said, I have to rely on sites like this for medical questions, etc. My vet does supply me with antibiotic but that’s as far as it goes. If a serious condition presented itself, I don’t know what I would do. I’m hoping this site will connect me with other squirrel lovers that can help if something goes wrong. You never know when an emergency will arise.

Over the last 3 1/2 years I’ve successfully rehabbed several squirrels, an opossum and have two flying squirrels that were abandoned by their mothers. I also am mom to “Pixie”, who cannot be released into the wild due to birth defects and malocclusion of her teeth. She would love to be out in the wilds, but her problems won’t permit it. But she is loved and taken care of, and I like to think she would choose life indoors over euthanasia.

Thanks for reading, I hope to connect with many of you soon!

06-24-2020, 08:58 PM
Hi TinksMom

:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

We’re glad to have you. I glad you found helpful Information on the board. :grin2